Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Cards per pack: 5

Price per pack: 500 DP

Number of cards: 66

Unlocked: Complete 65% of all challenges

Secret Rare[]


Ultra Rare[]

Fushioh Richie

Spirit of the Pharaoh

Vampire Genesis

Vampire Lord

Super Rare[]

Blood Sucker

Curse of Vampire

Despair from the Dark

Fear from the Dark

Ryu Kokki

Vampire Lady


Berserk Dragon

Dark Dust Spirit

Double Coston

King of the Skull Servants

Nightmare Horse

Pumpking the King of Ghosts

Pyramid Turtle

Reaper on the Nightmare

Shadow Ghoul

Spirit Reaper


Armored Zombie

Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie

Chopman the Desperate Outlaw

Clown Zombie

Corroding Shark

Dark Assailant

Decayed Commander

Des Lacooda

Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper


Dragon Zombie

Fiend's Hand

Fire Reaper

Flame Ghost

Ghoul with an Appetite

Giant Axe Mummy

Goblin Zombie

Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation

Great Mammoth of Goldfine

Magical Ghost

Malice Ascendant

Master Kyonshee

Patrician of Darkness

Phantom Ghost

Pharaoh's Servant

Pharaonic Protector

Poison Mummy

Reborn Zombie

Red-Moon Baby

Regenerating Mummy

Return Zombie

Royal Keeper


Skull Servant

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower

Temple of Skulls

The 13th Grave

The Kick Man

The Snake Hair

The Wandering Doomed

Three-Legged Zombies

Wandering Mummy

Wood Remains


Zombie Tiger

Zombie Warrior
