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Zane Truesdale is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Zane Truesdale, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime.

Prior to November 19, 2018, he was exclusive to the special event Cyberdark Impact! Zane Truesdale Strikes!, only being able to be dueled or unlocked during the event.

Black Gate Keys are normally required to Duel Zane Truesdale at the Gate. During the special event, Genex Medals are required instead.


After graduating from Duel Academy, Zane Truesdale was on the fast track to becoming the greatest Duelist in the pro leagues. However, his defeat against Aster Phoenix set him on a dark path where his only desire was victory - at any cost. As the master of the Cyber Style, Zane uses Cyber End Dragon to power his Underworld Deck with forbidden techniques.


Unlock Missions[]

Missions Reward
Summon "Rainbow Dragon" 1 time(s) while playing as Jesse Anderson, in a Duel against Zane Truesdale. 8,000 Gold
Summon "Pair Cycroid" 1 time(s) while playing as Syrus Truesdale, in a Duel against Zane Truesdale. 8,000 Gold
Inflict 3000 or more points of battle damage with a single attack in a Duel against Zane Truesdale at level 30 using Jaden Yuki. 8,000 Gold
Win 1 Duel(s) during your opponent's turn against Zane Truesdale at level 30, while playing as Aster Phoenix. 8,000 Gold
Successfully perform 3 Fusion Summon(s) in Duels against Zane Truesdale. 3 SR Jewels
Complete all Character Unlock Missions. 50 Black Keys



Roaming Duelist (first event)[]

Level 10[]

Level 20[]

From January 10 to 11, 2018.

From January 12, 2018 onward.

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Roaming Duelist (second event)[]

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Tag Duel Tournament (second event) []

Neos Cup[]

Blue-Eyes Cup[]

Skill: "Future Fusion" (If your team has less than 1000 Life Points, reveal 1 Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck and send the corresponding fusion materials to the Graveyard. Special Summon the Fusion Monster during the next Standby Phase.)


Level 20[]

Skill: "Metallizing Parasite"

Level 40[]


Level 50[]

Skill: "Cyber Dragon Returns"

Cyberdark Impact! Zane Truesdale Strikes![]


Level 10[]

Level 20[]

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Level 50[]

Underworld Duel[]

Level 20[]

Level 40[]

Level 60[]

Level-up rewards[]

The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Zane Truesdale reach a certain Level.

Level Reward
2 10 Gems
3 1 copy of "Cyber Ouroboros"
4 Draw Sense: LIGHT (Skill)
5 Deck Slot (Zane Truesdale)
6 15 Gems
7 1 copy of "Cyber Phoenix"
8 Deck slot (Zane Truesdale)
9 25 Gems
10 1 copy of "Ruthless Denial"
11 1 copy of "Cyber Network"
12 35 Gems
13 Cyber Style (Skill)
14 1 copy of "Evolution Burst"
15 50 Gems
16 1 copy of "Cyber Phoenix"
17 60 Gems
18 1 copy of "Cyber Dragon Drei"
19 75 Gems
20 Heavy Starter (Skill)
21 1 copy of "Evolution Burst"
22 100 Gems
23 1 copy of "Cyber Network"
24 120 Gems
25 1 copy of "Cyber Dragon Drei"
Level Reward
26 150 Gems
27 Deck Slot (Zane Truesdale)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 1 copy of "Cyber End Dragon"
31 100,000 Gold
32 200 Gems
33 1 copy of "Cyber Phoenix"
34 250 Gems
35 1 copy of "Evolution Burst"
36 1 UR Jewel
37 200 Gems
38 1 copy of "Cyber Network"
39 250 Gems
40 1 copy of "Cyber Dragon Drei"
41 Deck slot (Zane Truesdale)
42 100 Gems
43 200 Gems
44 250 Gems
45 1 copy of "Future Fusion"

Duel rewards[]

When dueling against Level 40 Zane, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
UR "Cyberdarkness Dragon"
UR "Chimeratech Overdragon"
UR "Cyberdark Dragon"
SR "Cyber Laser Dragon"
SR "Cyberdark Horn"
SR "Cyberdark Edge"
SR "Cyberdark Keel"
SR "Infernal Dragon"
SR "Cyber Dragon Zwei"
SR "Cyberdark Claw"
SR "Cyberdark Claw"
SR "Cyberdark Impact!"
SR "Cyber Repair Plant"
SR "Cybernetic Fusion Support"
R "Cyber Barrier Dragon"
R "Proto-Cyber Dragon"
R "Cyber Kirin"
R "Cybernetic Zone"
R "Damage Polarizer"
R "Ruthless Denial"
R "Photon Generator Unit"
R "Attack Reflector Unit"
N "Kaiser Dragon"
N "Lizard Soldier"
N "Cyber Ouroboros"


Skill Effect Unlock
Draw Sense: LIGHT Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random LIGHT monster in your Deck. Level 4
Cyber Style Can be used each time your Life Points are at 2000 or below.
Play up to 2 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" in Attack Position from outside of your Deck.
I four Life Points are at 1000 or below, you can play up to 3 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" in Attack Position from outside your Deck.
"Proto-Cyber Dragon" played with this Skill cannot be Tributed, and while they are face-up on the field, you cannot Special Summon except for Fusion Summoning, nor attack except with Fusion Monsters.
This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Level 13
Heavy Starter If you have 3 or more Level 5 or higher monsters with different names in your Deck, you will have an improved chance of having a Level 5 or higher monster in your starting hand.
You cannot Special Summon or activate any monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn.
Level 20
Fatal Five If a monster attacks 5 times during one turn, you win the Duel. Drop
No Excuses! Can be used if your Life Points drop below 1000.
Instead conducting your normal draw, "Power Bond" is added to your hand from outside of your Deck.
This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Cyber Style Evolution At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Cyber Emergency" and "Power Bond" to the bottom of your Deck.
In addition, the following effect can be used twice per turn and thrice per Duel. Select 1 "Cyber Dragon" on your field and change its Level to 5.
This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 12 or more Dragon-Type or Machine-Type "Cyber" monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.)
Cyberdark Style Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000.
Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck; then, randomly add 1 "Cyberdark" Monster from your Deck to your hand.
Master of Fusion Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000.
Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and add "Polymerization" to your hand from outside of your Deck. This Skill can only be used twice per Duel.
Grit If you had 4000 or more Life Points at the start of the turn, you Life Points will not fall below 1 (works one time only). When this Skill is applied, you can only Special Summon 1 monster until the end of your next turn.
You can only activate this Skill once per Duel.
Balance Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn.
Draw Sense: DARK Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random DARK monster in your Deck. Drop
Draw Sense: High-Level Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Level 5 or higher monster in your Deck. Drop
LP Boost α Increases starting Life Points by 1000. Drop
LP Boost β Increases starting Life Points by 1500, reduces hand by 1 card. Drop
LP Boost γ Increases starting Life Points by 2500, reduces hand by 2 cards. Drop



Jaden Yuki, Jaden/Yubel
  • When starting a Duel with Jaden Yuki or Jaden/Yubel, Zane announces "Jaden, you once proved to be an exemplary challenger." followed by "Let's see if you still are!"
    • When he wins the Duel, Zane says "You disappoint me."
    • When he loses the Duel, Zane says "Jaden, you'll be the top student at this school. Despite your grades."
Aster Phoenix
  • When starting a Duel with Aster Phoenix, Zane announces "Aster...No matter who I Duel, it will still end in my victory!"
Jesse Anderson
  • When starting a Duel with Jesse Anderson, Zane announces "My Cyber Legacy versus your Crystal Beasts." followed by "Let’s see which one's truly the most powerful."
Dr. Vellian Crowler
  • When Zane loses a Duel against Dr. Vellian Crowler, he says "You're not so bad of a prof, Dr. Crowler."
  • When starting a Duel with Yubel, Zane announces "Yubel is the strongest monster spirit in existence." followed by "If this is the last Duel I ever take part in, I’m going to enjoy every last move."
    • When he wins the Duel, Zane says "A new dawn is rising!" followed by "It’s unfortunate you aren’t going to be around to witness it, Yubel!"
    • When he loses the Duel, Zane says "I’ve dueled all over this this crazy world..." followed by "To find my moment to shine...And I think I finally did...In my final moments..."
Syrus Truesdale
  • When starting a Duel with Syrus Truesdale, Zane announces "You actually think you can defeat me?" followed by "Your funeral, Syrus!"
    • When he wins the Duel, Zane says "The Zane you knew is long gone and he's never coming back!" followed by "And nothing you say can change my mind!"
    • When he loses the Duel, Zane says "Syrus..." followed by "When did you become a greater Duelist than me? I'm proud of you."


  • When Zane Summons "Cyber End Dragon", a cut-in frame of Zane briefly appears, and he announces "Heh heh heh... It's over for you! Come, Cyber End Dragon!" If that player hasn't already Summoned "Cyber End Dragon" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Cyber End Dragon" being Summoned plays afterward.
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Cyber End Dragon, blast 'em!" followed by "Super Strident Blaze!"
  • When Zane Summons "Chimeratech Overdragon", a cut-in frame of Zane briefly appears, and he announces "Meet the last monster you'll ever see!" followed by "Chimeratech Overdragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Chimeratch Overdragon, attack!" followed by "Evolution Result Burst!"
      • When attacking consecutively with "Chimeratech Overdragon", Zane says the following dialogue depending on the number of times he is attacking (max.5): "Twice in a row!", "Three Times!", "Four Times!", "Five Times!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Chimeratech Overdragon's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyberdark Dragon", a cut-in frame of Zane briefly appears, and he announces "Welcome, Cyberdark Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Feel the full might of my ancient birthright - the Cyber Legacy! Attack, Cyberdark Dragon!" followed by "Dark Cyber Stream!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyberdark Dragon's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon", a cut-in frame of Zane's face briefly appears, and he announces "It's over for you. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "You want me to bring it on? Well, consider it brought! Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, attack!" followed by "Evolution Result Artillery!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Dragon", a cut-in frame of Zane's face briefly appears, and he announces "Here's Cyber Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Cyber Dragon, attack!" followed by "Strident Blast!"
  • When Zane Summons "Armored Cybern", he announces "Soar, Armored Cybern!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Armored Cybern, attack!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Armored Cybern's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Chimeratech Rampage Dragon", he announces "Cower before Chimeratech Rampage Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Zap 'em, Chimeratech Rampage Dragon!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Chimeratech Rampage Dragon's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Barrier Dragon", he announces "Check this out, Cyber Barrier Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Cyber Barrier Dragon, attack!" followed by "Sonic Shriek!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Dragon Core", he announces "Go, Cyber Dragon Core!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyber Dragon Core!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Dragon Core's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Dragon Drei", he announces "Here's Cyber Dragon Drei!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyber Dragon Drei!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Dragon Drei's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Dragon Infinity", he announces "Cyber Dragon Infinity arrives!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyber Dragon Infinity!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Dragon Infinity's effect activates!
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Dragon Nova", he announces "Go, Cyber Dragon Nova!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyber Dragon Nova!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Dragon Nova's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Dragon Zwei", he announces "Here's Cyber Dragon Zwei!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyber Dragon Zwei!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Dragon Zwei's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Kirin", he announces "I'm bringing out Cyber Kirin!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Cyber Kirin!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Kirin's effect activates!
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Laser Dragon", he announces "Come out, Cyber Laser Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Cyber Laser Dragon, attack!" followed by "Blue Lightning Blast!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Laser Dragon, activate your effect!" followed by "Blue Lightning Lash!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Ouroboros", he announces "Come here, Cyber Ouroboros"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Cyber Ouroboros, take 'em out!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Ouroboros's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Phoenix", he announces "Come to me, Cyber Phoenix!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Cyber Phoenix! Set the world aflame!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Phoenix's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Twin Dragon", he announces "Meet my Cyber Twin Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyber Twin Dragon!" followed by "Double Strident Blast!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Valley", he announces "Cyber Valley! Arise!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Cyber Valley, attack!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Valley's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyberdark Edge", he announces "Come, Cyberdark Edge!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyberdark Edge!" followed by "Counter Burn!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyberdark Edge's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyberdark Horn", he announces "Come, Cyberdark Horn!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyberdark Horn!" followed by "Dark Spear!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyberdark Horn's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyberdark Keel", he announces "Come, Cyberdark Keel!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyberdark Keel!" followed by "Dark Whip!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyberdark Keel's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Doomkaiser Dragon", he announces "Doomkaiser Dragon swoops in!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Doomkaiser Dragon!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Doomkaiser Dragon's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Exploder Dragon", he announces "Exploder Dragon bursts on the scene!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Exploder Dragon! Attack!" followed by "Cannonball Clash!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Exploder Dragon's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Infernal Dragon", he announces "I'll play this, Infernal Dragon"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Infernal Dragon, tear them to shreds!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Infernal Dragon's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Malefic Cyber End Dragon", he announces "I banish Cyber End Dragon from my Extra Deck!" followed by "Come forth! Malefic Cyber End Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Malefic Cyber End Dragon!" followed by "Super Strident Blaze!"
  • When Zane Summons "Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite", he announces "This is just what I need, Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Lunatite, attack!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Lunatite's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Metallizing Parasite - Soltite", he announces "Perfect, I play this. Metallizing Parasite - Soltite!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Soltite!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Soltite's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Proto-Cyber Dragon", he announces "Proto-Cyber Dragon! Roar!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Proto-Cyber Dragon!"
  • When Zane Summons "The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion", he announces "Good! I Summon The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion attacks!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Toon Cyber Dragon", he announces "Toon Cyber Dragon's bringing the charm!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Toon Cyber Dragon, show 'em this is not laughing matter!"
  • When Zane activates "Attack Reflector Unit", he announces "I activate my Trap Card, Attack Reflector Unit! Cyber Dragon evolves into Cyber Barrier Dragon.”
  • When Zane activates "Cyber Network" or its effect, he announces "I activate my Continuous Trap! Cyber Network!"
  • When Zane activates "Cyber Repair Plant", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Cyber Repair Plant!"
  • When Zane activates "Cyber Shadow Gardna", he announces "I activate my Continuous Trap, Cyber Shadow Gardna!"
  • When Zane activates "Cyberdark Impact!", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Cyberdark Impact!!"
  • When Zane activates "Cybernetic Zone", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Cybernetic Zone!"
  • When Zane activates "Damage Polarizer", he announces "My Counter-Trap activates, Damage Polarizer!"
  • When Zane activates "De-Fusion", he announces "My Quick-Spell Card, De-Fusion!"
  • When Zane activates "Dimension Explosion", he announces "Witness my Quick-Spell Card, Dimension Explosion!"
  • When Zane activates "Evolution Burst", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Evolution Burst!"
  • When Zane activates "Fusion Guard", he announces "I'd knew you try that, so I had a Counter Trap ready, Fusion Guard!"
  • When Zane activates "Fusion Recovery", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Fusion Recovery!"
  • When Zane activates "Future Fusion", he announces "I activate my Continuous Spell! Future Fusion!"
  • When Zane activates "Megamorph", he announces "I activate my Equip Spell, Megamorph!"
  • When Zane activates "Metalmorph", he announces "I reveal my Trap Card, Metalmorph!"
  • When Zane activates "Monster Reborn", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Monster Reborn!"
  • When Zane activates "Photon Generator Unit", he announces "The Quick-Play Spell, Photon Generator Unit!" followed by "I tribute Cyber Dragon to Special Summon Cyber Laser Dragon!"
  • When Zane activates "Polymerization", he announces "I activate the Spell Card, Polymerization!"
  • When Zane activates "Power Bond", he announces "This is the ultimate Fusion card!" followed by "I activate my Spell, Power Bond!"
  • When Zane activates "Power Wall", he announces "I play this! Power Wall!" followed by "I send cards in my Deck to the Graveyard to drop the battle damage to 0!"
  • When Zane activates "Rare Metalmorph", he announces "I activate my Continuous Trap, Rare Metalmorph!"
  • When Zane activates "Return Soul", he announces "I flip over my Trap Card, Return Soul!"
  • When Zane activates "Ruthless Denial", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Ruthless Denial!"
  • When Zane activates "Trap Jammer", he announces "I don't think so, I activate my Counter-Trap, Trap Jammer!"

Unused Dialogue[]

(Voice lines found in game files but not currently not in game yet)

  • When Zane Summons "Chthonian Emperor Dragon", he announces "Fly, Chthonian Emperor Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Chthonian Emperor Dragon, annihilate!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Chthonian Emperor Dragon's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Eltanin", he announces "I Special Summon a Level 10 Cyber!" followed by "Bear witness to Cyber Eltanin!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declades an attack with that monster, he announces "Here I go! Cyber Eltanin attacks!" followed by "Draconis Ascension!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Eltanin's effect activates!"
  • When Zane Summons "Cyber Larva", he announces "Burrow, Cyber Larva!"
    • Most of the time when Zane declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Cyber Larva!"
    • When Zane activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Cyber Larva's effect activates!"
  • When Zane activates "Battle Fusion", he announces "Your timing's all off, I play my Quick-Play Spell, Battle Fusion!"
  • When Zane activates "Creature Swap", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Creature Swap!"
  • When Zane activates "Cybernetic Hidden Technology", he announces "I activate my Continuous Trap, Cybernetic Hidden Technology!"
  • When Zane activates "Limiter Removal", he announces "My Quick-Spell Card, Limiter Removal!"


  • Zane is currently the only character with the most different decks used.
  • There are Legendary Duelists who have enhanced counterparts that appear during their unlock events:
    • Bonz - Spooky Bonz
    • Zane Truesdale - Dark Zane
    • Tyranno Hassleberry - Ultimate Tyranno Hassleberry
    • Sartorius Kumar - Prophetic Sartorius
    • Prana - Transcendent Unknown Duelist
    • Joey Wheeler (DSOD) - Super Joey
    • Reginald Kastle - Raging Shark
    • Kite Tenjo - Number Hunter: Kite Tenjo
    • Yuya Sakaki - Dueltainer Yuya Sakaki
    • Declan Akaba - Professional Duelist Declan Akaba
  • While Legendary Duelists have their own theme music when a player Duels against them, some share the same theme music:
    • Joey Wheeler (DM), Mai Valentine and Tristan Taylor (DM)
    • Téa Gardner (DM) and Yugi Muto (DM)
    • Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Bandit Keith, and Bonz
    • Mokuba Kaiba (DM), The Paradox Brothers, Espa Roba, and Lumis and Umbra
    • Yami Marik and Yami Bakura
    • Ishizu Ishtar and Odion
    • Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD), Joey Wheeler (DSOD), and Téa Gardner (DSOD)
    • Sera and Prana
    • Jaden Yuki and Jesse Anderson
    • Zane Truesdale, Aster Phoenix, Chazz Princeton, Syrus Truesdale, Tyranno Hassleberry, and Axel Brodie
    • Leo and Luna
    • Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Dark Signer Carly Carmine, and Rex Goodwin
    • Bronk Stone and Tori Meadows