Yuo Goha is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Yuo Goha, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime.
He first appeared on October 4, 2024, in his own dedicated event "Intertwined Fates - Fusion! Yuo Goha". He became unlockable on October 6, 2024.
As one of the Goha Six, Yuo has returned from Goha Space Academy to challenge Yuga and his friends. He's determined to destroy the Rush Duel Robot on the moon, which functions as a Rush Duel server, by wielding a secret card that even his siblings know nothing about - "Fusion". With his Deck full of puppets and his ace Fusion Monster "Metarion Ashurastar", he's ready to prove that he's the true puppet master! "Prepare for a performance of the ages to see who's truly pulling the strings!"
Level 10[]
- Doll of Dread x3
- Grass x2
- Imaginary Actor x3
- Skull Servant x2
- Cyber Coatl x3
- Cyber Serpent x3
- Fire Jester x2
- Imaginary Reactor x3
- Jinzo 7.7 x2
Level 20[]
- Bull Breaker
- Doll of Dread x2
- Hitotsu-Me Giant
- Imaginary Actor x3
- Silver Fang
- Skull Servant
- Snake Crown
- Worker Warrior - Bad Boss
- Fire Jester x3
- Imaginary Reactor x3
- Jinzo 7.7 x3
- Proto-Cyber Dragon x3
Level 30[]
- Doll of Dread
- Imaginary Actor x3
- Snake Crown
- Sword Dancer x3
- Worker Warrior - Bad Boss
- Worker Warrior - New Recruit x2
- Cyber Gryphon
- Fire Jester x3
- Imaginary Reactor x3
- Jinzo #7.7 x2
- Proto-Cyber Dragon x2
- Secret Service Shine Guard
Level 40[]
- Doctor Red Robe
- Gracesaurus x2
- Gyakutenno Megami
- Imaginary Actor x2
- Magic Juggler x2
- Serpainter x2
- Snake Crown
- Sword Dancer x3
- Cyber Dragon
- Cyber Processor
- Cyber Gryphon
- Daigyakutenno Megami
- Fire Jester x2
- Imaginary Reactor x3
Level 50[]
- Gracesaurus x3
- Imaginary Actor x2
- Magic Juggler x2
- Serpainter x2
- Snake Crown
- Sword Dancer x2
- Daigyakutenno Megami
- Fire Jester
- Imaginary Reactor x2
- Shining Miracle
- Gracesaurus x2
- Gyakutenno Megami x3
- Imaginary Actor x3
- Magic Juggler x2
- Serpainter x3
- Sword Dancer x3
- Daigyakutenno Megami x2
- Fire Jester x3
- Imaginary Reactor x3
Duel Rewards[]
When dueling against Level 40 Yuo, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.
Rarity | Card |
UR | "Metarion King Cobrastar" |
UR | "Metarion Landonstar" |
SR | "Snake Clown" |
SR | "Fire Jester" |
R | "Doriado" |
R | Hitotsu-Me Giant |
N | "Masaki the Legendary Swordsman" |
N | "Red Medicine" |
N | "Blue Medicine" |
Level-up rewards[]
The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Yuo reach a certain Level.
Level | Reward |
2 | 10 Gems |
3 | 1 copy of "Gyakutenno Megami" |
4 | 20 Gems |
5 | Deck slot (Yuo Goha) |
6 | Fusion Deal (Legendary Skill) |
7 | 1 copy of "Daigyakutenno Megami" |
8 | Deck slot (Yuo Goha) |
9 | 50 Gems |
10 | 1 copy of "Metarion Herculestar" |
11 | 1 Skill Ticket |
12 | Gyakutenno Force (Legendary Skill) |
13 | 1 copy of "Gyakutenno Megami" |
14 | Deck slot (Yuo Goha) |
15 | 50 Gems |
16 | 1 copy of "Daigyakutenno Megami" |
17 | 60 Gems |
18 | Metarion Script (Legendary Skill) |
19 | 80 Gems |
20 | 1 copy of "Metarion Herculestar" |
21 | 20 Skill Chips |
22 | 100 Gems |
23 | 1 Skill Ticket |
24 | 120 Gems |
25 | 1 copy of "Gyakutenno Megami" |
26 | 150 Gems |
27 | Deck slot (Yuo Goha) |
28 | 200 Gems |
29 | 250 Gems |
30 | 1 copy of "Daigyakutenno Megami" |
31 | 100000 Gold |
32 | 100 Gems |
33 | 150 Gems |
34 | 200 Gems |
35 | 1 copy of "Metarion Herculestar" |
Skill | Effect | Unlock |
Rush On - Metarion | [REQUIREMENT] At the beginning of the Duel if you have no cards in your Extra Deck. [EFFECT] Add 1 "Imaginary Actor", 1 "Sword Dancer", and 1 "Fusion" to your Deck and 1 "Metarion Ashurastar" to your Extra Deck. (You can only have at most 3 copies of each card.) |
Level 1 |
Fusion Deal | [REQUIREMENT] Once per Duel. [EFFECT] Set 1 "Fusion" from your hand to your Spell & Trap Zone and draw 1 card. |
Level 6 |
Gyakutenno Force | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated during a turn you Normal Summoned a LIGHT Attribute Fairy Type monster with 2000. [EFFECT] Make 1 face-up monster on your opponent's field lose 500 ATK/DEF until the end of this turn. Then, if you have "Gyakutenno Megami" face-up on your field, you can shuffle 1 card from your hand into the Deck. (Once per Duel.) If you do, add 1 "Daigyakutenno Megami" from your Deck to your hand. |
Level 12 |
Metarion Script | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated from turn 2 onward, if all of the monsters in your constructed Deck are LIGHT Attribute monsters with 500 DEF. [MULTI-CHOICE EFFECT]
Level 18 |
Mystical Script | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated from turn 2 onward, if all of the monsters in your constructed Deck are LIGHT Attribute monsters with 500 DEF and/or Fairy Type monsters with 2000 DEF. [MULTI-CHOICE EFFECT]
Event |
Shining Miracle | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated from turn 2 onward, if all of the Level 4 or higher monsters in your constructed Deck are LIGHT Attribute monsters with 500 DEF and/or LIGHT Attribute Fairy Type monsters with 2000 DEF. [EFFECT] Make the original ATK of 1 face-up Level 6 or 7 Fairy Type monster on your field become 2600. During the End Phase of this turn, you can send up to 1 "Imaginary Actor" and up to 1 "Fusion" from your Deck to your Graveyard. (Once per Duel.) |
Drop |
Blue Medicine Deal | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated once per Duel. [EFFECT] Set 1 "Blue Medicine" from your hand in your Spell & Trap Zone, and draw 1 card. |
Drop |
Hammer Crush Deal | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated once per Duel. [EFFECT] Set 1 "Hammer Crush" from your hand in your Spell & Trap Zone, and draw 1 card. |
Drop |
Lightray's Draw | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw on turn 4 onward, if your opponent has a face-up Level 7 or higher monster and you have no monsters on your field (once per Duel). [EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a random Level 5 or 6 LIGHT Attribute non-Legend monster in your Deck. |
Drop |
Lightstar Sign | You can only Fusion Summon once per Duel. [REQUIREMENT] Twice per Duel. [EFFECT] Reveal 1 LIGHT Attribute Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck, and the original ATK of 1 face-up monster on your field whose name is specifically listed as material on that Fusion Monster becomes 1600 until the end of the turn. Then, you can add 1 "Fusion" from outside of your Deck to your hand (once per Duel). |
Trade |
One-Side Reverse Draw | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw if your opponent has a face-down Defense Position monster on their field (one per Duel). [EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be "One-Side Reverse" from your Deck. |
Drop |
Set - Seal of the Ancients | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated once per Duel. [EFFECT] Set 1 "Seal of the Ancients" from your Deck or Graveyard in your Spell & Trap Zone. |
Drop |
Spearhead Draw | [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw if your opponent has 3 monsters on their field. (Once per Duel.) [EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a random Level 4 Normal Monster. |
Drop |
- When Yuo Summons "Metarion Ashurastar" he chants, "When fate unites with destiny, new life is born! I Fusion Summon!" Afterwards, a cut-in of Yuo briefly appears, and he announces, "Might and mayhem combine! The Cyborg-Type, Metarion Ashurastar!" If that player hasn't already Summoned "Metarion Ashurastar" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Metarion Ashurastar" being Summoned plays afterwards.
- "I activate Metarion Ashurastar effect! I destroy one of your Set cards!"
- "I can select which of Metarion Ashurastar's effects to use! I choose to gain ATK! Six Blade Upgrade!"
- "Ashurastar! Attack! Spinning Scarlet Assault!"
- When Yuo Summons "Metarion Herculestar" he chants, "When fate unites with destiny, new life is born! I Fusion Summon!" Afterwards, a cut-in of Yuo briefly appears, and he announces, "The Cyborg-Type, Metarion Herculestar!"
- "I activate Metarion Herculestar's first effect!"
- "I choose Metarion Herculestar's second effect!"
- "Metarion Herculestar! Attack!"
- When Yuo Summons "Metarion King Cobra" he chants, "When fate unites with destiny, new life is born! I Fusion Summon!" Afterwards, a cut-in of Yuo briefly appears, and he announces, "The Cyborg-Type, Metarion King Cobrastar!"
- "I select Metarion King Cobrastar's first effect!"
- "I activate Metarion King Cobrastar's second effect!"
- "Metarion King Cobrastar! Attack! Vile Venomous Blast!"
- When Yuo Summons "Metarion Ladonstar" he chants, "When fate unites with destiny, new life is born! I Fusion Summon!" Afterwards, a cut-in of Yuo briefly appears, and he announces, "The Cyborg-Type, Metarion Ladonstar!"
- "I'll activate Metarion Ladonstar's first effect!"
- "I select Metarion Ladonstar's second effect!"
- "Attack, Metarion Ladonstar!"
- When Yuo Summons "Metarion Vritrastar" he chants, "When fate unites with destiny, new life is born! I Fusion Summon!" Afterwards, a cut-in of Yuo briefly appears, and he announces, "Where might and mayhem combine, new life is born! The Cyborg, Metarion Vritrastar!"
- "I activate Metarion Vritrstar's first effect!"
- "I can select which of Vritrastar's effects to activate! I'll destroy your Dragons! Tendril Termination!"
- "Any light you have will be swallowed by the darkness! Metarion Vritrstar! Finish 'em! Dragon Ex Machina!"
- When Yuo summons "Imaginary Actor" he announces: "Here's the star of my show! Imaginary Actor!" or "Imaginary Actor!"
- When attacking, Yuo says: "Attack, Imaginary Actor!"
- When Yuo Summons "Fire Jester" he announces, "Fire Jester!"
- "I activate Fire Jester's effect!"
- "Attack, Fire Jester!"
- When Yuo Summons "Glaciasaurus" he announces, "Glaciasaurus!"
- "Attack, Glaciasaurus!"
- When Yuo Summons "Magic Juggler" he announces, "Magic Juggler!"
- "Attack, Magic Juggler!"
- When Yuo Summons "Serpainter" he announces, "Serpainter"
- "Serpainter! Attack!"
- When Yuo Summons "Snake Crown" he announces, "Snake Clown!"
- "Attack, Snake Clown!"
- When Yuo Summons "Sword Dancer" he announces, "Sword Dancer!"
- "Sword Dancer! Attack!"
- When Yuo Summons "Gyakutenno Megami" he announces, "Welcome to the stage, Gyakutenno Megami!"
- "Gyakutenno Megami! Attack!"
- When Yuo Summons "Daigyakutenno Megami" he announces, "She finds success where others only see defeat! Daigyakutenno Megami!"
- "Daigyakutenno Megami activates her effect!"
- "Daigyakutenno Megami! Attack! Strafing Starlight!"
- When Yuo activates "Fusion" he says one of the following:
- "I activate my Spell Card! Fuuusionnnn!"
- "Here comes the best part! Fuuusionnnn!"
- When Yuo activates "Imaginary Arc Turbo"he announces, "I activate the Spell Card, Imaginary Arc Turbo!"
- When Yuo activates "Monster Reincarnation" he announces, "I activate my Spell Card, Monster Reincarnation!"
Unused Dialogue[]
- When Yuo activates "Imaginary Arc Tower" he announces, "I activate the Field Spell, Imaginary Arc Tower! This entire stage is now under my control!"
- When Yuo activates "Monster Reborn" he announces, "Seal the living in light so the doomed rises from the dark! My Spell Card, Monster Reborn!"
- When Yuo activates "Imaginary Arc Turbulence" he announces, "I activate the Trap Card, Imaginary Arc Turbulence! The rough winds will tear you apart!"
- When Yuo activates "Imaginary Arc Turnback" he announces, "I activate my Trap, Imaginary Arc Turnback!"