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Yuamu Ohdo is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of the character Yuamu Ohdo from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! anime. She becomes unlockable at Level 6 of GO RUSH World.


Yuhi's twin sister is the President of UTS - the Ultraterrestrial Tracker Squad. Yuamu is responsible for keeping the whole company running - so convincing Yudias to join her team was a big get! With her "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon" she's ready to take on any opponent with her technical expertise. "If Yuhi improves his Dueling skills to be as strong as mine, then maybe I'll give him that promotion!"

Unlock Missions[]

Missions Reward
Win 1 Duels against Yuamu Ohdo while playing as Yudias Velgear. SR Jewel
Summon Galaxy-Type monsters 3 time(s) in a Duel against Yuamu Ohdo using Yudias Velgear,. 5000 Gold



Level 10[]

Duel Rewards[]

When dueling against Level 40 Yuamu Ohdo, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
UR "Stealthagic"
SR "Update Wyvern"
SR "Beta Burn Dragon"
R "Alpha Burn Drake"
R "Mammoth Graveyard"
N "Doriado"
N "Gust"
N "Red Medicine"

Level-up rewards[]

The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Yuamu reach a certain Level.

Level Reward
2 10 Gems
3 1 copy of "Alpha Burn Drake"
4 20 Gems
5 Deck slot (Yuamu Ohdo)
6 Blue Medicine Deal (Legendary Skill)
7 1 copy of "Update Wyvern"
8 Deck slot (Yuamu Ohdo)
9 50 Gems
10 1 copy of "Stealthagic"
11 1 Skill Ticket
12 Downgrade Infection (Legendary Skill)
13 1 copy of "Beta Burn Dragon"
14 Deck slot (Yuamu Ohdo)
15 50 Gems
16 1 copy of "Alpha Burn Drake"
17 60 Gems
18 Bitrate Burst (Legendary Skill)
19 80 Gems
20 1 copy of "Update Wyvern"
21 20 Skill Chips
22 100 Gems
23 1 Skill Ticket
24 120 Gems
25 1 copy of "Stealthagic"
26 150 Gems
27 Deck slot (Yuamu Ohdo)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 1 copy of "Beta Burn Dragon"


Skill Effect Unlock
Rush On - High-Tech Dragon [REQUIREMENT] Activated at the beginning of the Duel.
[EFFECT] Add 1 "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon" to your Deck. (You can only have at most 3 copies of each card.)
Level 1
Blue Medicine Deal [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated once per Duel.
[EFFECT] Set 1 "Blue Medicine" from your hand in your Spell & Trap Zone, and draw 1 card.
Level 6
Downgrade Infection [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated by placing 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your Deck during the turn you Normal Summoned "Blue-Tooth Burst Dragon". (Once per Duel.)
[EFFECT] All face-up monsters on the field with 2000 or more ATK lose 500 ATK until the end of this turn. This turn, you can only attack directly with "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon".
Level 12
Bitrate Burst [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated if all the monsters in your constructed Deck are Dragon Type monsters, the only monster in your constructed Deck with 2500 ATK is "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon", and you have a face-up Level 7 LIGHT or DARK Attribute monster with ATK between 2300 and 2500.
[EFFECT] Change 1 monster on your opponent's field to face-up Defense Position. If that monster has 2500 or more DEF, it also loses 800 DEF until the end of this turn.
Level 18
Rapid Streaming [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated if all of the monsters with 1400 or more ATK in your constructed Deck are LIGHT or DARK Attribute Dragon Type monsters and the only monster in your constructed Deck with 2500 or more ATK is "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon".
[EFFECT] Choose 1 face-up LIGHT Attribute Dragon Type monster with ATK between 1500 and 2500 on your field. This turn, that monster gains 300 ATK, but it cannot attack directly.
RB Drive [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated from turn 2 onward, if all of the monsters in your constructed Deck are Dragon Type monsters and "Blue-Tooth Burst Dragon" and "Red-Boot Boost Dragon" are the only Level 5 or higher Effect Monsters in your constructed Deck.
  • Take 2 cards ("Red-Boot Boost Dragon" and/or Level 4 or lower LIGHT Attribute monsters) from your Deck and add 1 of them to your hand and send the other to the Graveyard. (This effect can be used once going first and twice going second.)
  • 1 face-up monster on your opponent's field loses 400 ATK until the end of this turn.
Simplex Update [REQUIREMENT] Twice per Duel.
[EFFECT] Make the original ATK of 1 Level 5 or 6 Normal Monster with an original ATK between 1600 and 1800 on your field become 2600 until the end of this turn.
Spearhead Draw [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw if your opponent has 3 monsters on their field. (Once per Duel.)
[EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a random Level 4 Normal Monster.
Stop-Defense Draw [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw if your opponent has a face-up Defense Position monster with 2200 or more DEF or 3 Defense Position monsters on their field. (Once per Duel.)
[EFFECT] Place 1 "Stop Defense" from your Deck or Graveyard on top of your Deck.
Hammer Crush Deal [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated once per Duel.
[EFFECT] Set 1 "Hammer Crush" from your hand in your Spell & Trap Zone, and draw 1 card.
Lightray's Draw [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated before your normal draw on turn 4 onward, if your opponent has a face-up Level 7 or higher monster and you have no monsters on your field (once per Duel).
[EFFECT] One of the cards from your normal draw will be a random Level 5 or 6 LIGHT Attribute non-Legend monster in your Deck.
Set - Sparks [REQUIREMENT] Can be activated once per Duel.
[EFFECT] Set 1 "Sparks" from your Deck or Graveyard in your Spell & Trap Zone.



Yudias Velgear
  • When starting a Duel with Yudias Velgear, Yuamu announces, "I'll teach you everything you need to know about Rush Duels!"
    • When she wins the Duel, Yuamu says, "Yudias, you need to study harder!"
    • When she loses the Duel, Yuamu says, "Did you build that Deck yourself, Yudias? It's awesome!"
Yuhi Ohdo
  • When starting a Duel with Yuhi Ohdo, Yuamu announces, "Okay. I'll train you, Yuhi!"
    • When she wins the Duel, Yuamu says either of the following:
      • "The Earthdama can't help you if you don't have the skills."
      • "Yuhi's never been good at mind games."


  • When Yuamu Summons "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon" she chants, "The data surges wirelessly into an ocean of electrons!" Afterwards, a cut-in of Yuamu briefly appears, and she announces, "Boot up, Blue-Fang Burst Dragon!" If that player hasn't already Summoned "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon" being Summoned plays afterwards.
    • "Mega! Giga! Tera! Peta! Wipe clean the hard drive! Data Erasing of Destruction!" or "I activate Blue-Fang Burst Dragon's effect! Data Erasing of Destruction!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Mega! Giga! Tera! Peta! Stream the data of destruction! Stream Lightning!" or "Blue-Fang Burst Dragon, attack! Stream Lightning!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Red-Boot Boost Dragon" she chants, "Power up your processors and blast across the net!" Afterwards, a cut-in of Yuamu briefly appears, and she announces, "Launch! Red-Boot Boost Dragon!"
    • "I activate Red-Boot's effect! Multithread Burst!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Red-Boot Boost Dragon! Attack! Dark Giga Flare!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Alpha Burn Drake" "Alpha Burn Drake!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Alpha Burn Drake! Attack!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Applizard" she announces, "Applizard!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Applizard attacks!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Beta Burn Dragon" she announces, "Beta Burn Dragon!"
    • "Beta Burn Dragon activates its effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Beta Burn Dragon! Attack!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Dragosite" she announces, "Dragosite!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Attack, Dragosite!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Dual Coratlus" she announces, "Clock up both your cores to parallel process with power! Dual Coratlus!"
    • "I activate Dual Coratlus' effect! It not only gains ATK, it can also attack twice!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Dual Coratlus! Scorch 'em!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Hacking Dragon" she announces, "Come on in, Hacking Dragon!"
    • "Hacking Dragon activates its effect! Hack Crack!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Attack, Hacking Dragon! Ransomware Attack!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Update Wyvern" she announces, "Update to the latest patch and stay on the cutting edge! Update Wyvern!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Update Wyvern! Attack!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Jointech Rex" she announces, "Jointech Rex!"
    • "I activate Jointech Rex's effect! Backrow Snipe!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Attack, Jointech Rex! Cranium Crunch!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Jointech Leo" she announces, "Jointech Leo!"
    • "I activate Jointech Leo's effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Jointech Leo, pounce!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Jointech Tossceratops" she announces,
    • When activating it's effect, Yuamu announces, "I activate Jointech Tosceratops's effect and toss a coin!"
      • If the results is Heads, Yuamu says, "Nice! It's heads!"
      • If the results is Tails, Yuamu says, "Aww, it's tails. This card switches to Defense Position."
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Jointech Tosceratops attacks! Trap Trampling!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Jointech Ace" she announces, "Jointech Ace!"
    • "Jointech Ace! Attack!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Carpendra" she announces, "Carpendra!"
    • "Attack, Carpendra!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Corktrooper" she announces, "Corktrooper!"
    • "Corktrooper activates its effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Attack, Corktrooper!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Crafter Drone" she announces, "Crafter Drone!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Craftroll" she announces, "Craftroll!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Crusher Drone" she announces, "Crusher Drone!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Coilephant" she announces, "Coilephant!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "Coilephant, attack!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Forkhawk" she announces, "Forkhawk!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Nail Hedgehog" she announces, "Nail Hedgehog!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Screwmadillo" she announces, "Screwmadillo!"
  • When Yuamu Summons "Tamabot" she announces, "Here's a monster that may be small, but gives it its all! It's Tamabot!"
  • When Yuamu activates "Fusion" she announces, "I activate my Spell Card! Fusion!"
  • When Yuamu activates "Barrage of Steel" she announces, "I activate the Spell Card, Barrage of Steel!"
  • When Yuamu activates "Pierce!" she announces, "I activate the Spell Card, Pierce!"
  • When Yuamu activates "Stealthagic", she announces, "I activate the Spell Card, Stealthagic!"
  • When Yuamu activates "Thunder Spark, she announces, "I activate my Trap! Thunder Spark!"
  • When Yuamu activates "Tribute Lock" she announces, "I activate the Trap Card, Tribute Lock!"

Unused Dialogue[]

  • When Yuamu Summons "SSD Drake" she announces, "SSD Drake!"
    • "I activate SSD Drake's effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Yuamu declares an attack with that monster, she says, "SSD Drake! Attack!"
  • Jointech Burst Dragon
  • Jointech Fighter
  • Tamabot Burst Dragon
  • Jointech Hero
  • Jointech Raptor
  • When Yuamu Summons "Pantula" she announces, "Tapantula!"

  • Jointech Joint
  • When Yuamu activates "Royal Demon's Echo" she announces, "The Spell Card I'm activating is Royal Rebel's Echo!"
  • Advance Lock
  • Jointech Ignition
  • RB Dragophone
