Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

This is the fourth volume of the reprint of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga in bunkoban form.

It included the tarot card, The Emperor, featuring Pharaoh Atem in its design.


Image Number English title Japanese title
YuGiOh!Duel041 Duel 41 Let's Find "Love"! “恋”を見つけよう!!
"Koi" o Mitsukeyō!!
Let's Find "Love"!!
Yugi, Jonouchi and Honda end up facing the guidance counselor Tsuruoka in a game where they must find a hidden keychain or risk expulsion.
YuGiOh!Duel042 Duel 42 Get the Million!! 100万円をゲットせよ!!
Hyaku-man En wo Gettoseyo!!
Get the Million Yen!!
Katsuya Jonouchi takes part in a TV game show, called The Get the Million Game in order to pay off his father's gambling debts.
YuGiOh!Duel043 Duel 43 Monster Fight!! (Part 1) モンスターファイト!! <前編>
Monsutā Faito!! <Zenpen>
Monster Fight!! (Part 1)
Yugi Mutou takes-up playing the game Monster Fighter, which quickly becomes popular at school. Yugi is soon challenged to a game by Koji Nagumo, who has a reputation for stealing.
YuGiOh!Duel044 Duel 44 Monster Fight!! (Part 2) モンスターファイト!! <後編>
Monsutā Faito!! <Kōhen>
Monster Fight!! (Part 2)
Dark Yugi and Koji "the Spider" Nagumo continue their Shadow Game of Monster Fighter. After trying to cheat cost him the previous game, Nagumo begrudgingly agrees to play fair.
YuGiOh!Duel045 Duel 45 13 O'clock Terror!! 13の恐怖!!
Jūsan no Kyōfu!!
13 O'clock Terror!!
Anzu and Yugi go on a date to Domino Park. In Anzu's attempts to make the other Yugi appear, she ends up used in one of the Playing Card Bomber's dangerous games.
YuGiOh!Duel046 Duel 46 The Evil Dragon Cards (Part 1) 魔の龍札<前編>
Ma no Doragon Kādo <Zenpen>
The Evil Dragon Cards (Part 1)
Yugi's classmate Imori arrives at the Kame Game, asking about an ancient game, he has found. Sugoroku Mutou recognizes it as the ancient game, Dragon Cards, and warns Imori not to open it as yin and yang would clash, creating a warped power.
YuGiOh!Duel047 Duel 47 The Evil Dragon Cards (Part 2) 魔の龍札<後編>
Ma no Doragon Kādo <Kōhen>
The Evil Dragon Cards (Part 2)
Dark Yugi faces Imori in another game of Dragon Cards. Dark Yugi plays to win back Yugi's soul, while Imori plays to take the Millennium Puzzle and become the Guardian of Darkness.
YuGiOh!Duel048 Duel 48 Jonouchi!! Soul Battle!! (Part 1) 城之内!! 魂のバトル!! <前編>
Jōnouchi!! Tamashii no Batoru!! <Zenpen>
Jonouchi!! Soul Battle!! (Part 1)
Jonouchi hears of a gang using a yo-yos to mug people and vows to teach them a lesson.
YuGiOh!Duel049 Duel 49 Jonouchi!! Soul Battle!! (Part 2) 城之内!! 魂のバトル!! <後編>
Jōnouchi!! Tamashii no Batoru!! <Kōhen>
Jonouchi!! Soul Battle!! (Part 2)
Jonouchi and Dark Yugi battle Hirutani and his yo-yo-wielding gang.
YuGiOh!Duel050 Duel 50 Millennium Enemy 1: The Mysterious Transfer Student 千年の敵1 -謎の転校生-
Sen'nen no Teki Ichi -Nazo no Tenkōsei-
Millennium Enemy 1: The Mysterious Transfer Student
Yugi and his friends meet Ryo Bakura, a gentle new student with an interest in role-playing games. Little do they know of the danger that dwells within him.
YuGiOh!Duel051 Duel 51 Millennium Enemy 2: Monster World 千年の敵2 -モンスター・ワールド-
Sen'nen no Teki Ni -Monsutā Wārudo-
Millennium Enemy 2: Monster World
Dark Bakura posing as Ryo Bakura starts playing Monster World with Yugi, Jonouchi, Anzu and Honda.
YuGiOh!Duel052 Duel 52 Millennium Enemy 3: The Fumble of Doom 千年の敵3 -モンスター・ワールド-
Sen'nen no Teki San -Monsutā Wārudo-
Millennium Enemy 3: Monster World
Yugi and his friends continue to play Monster World with Dark Bakura. In the game, they encounter a stranger, who has been attacked and decided to help him.
YuGiOh!Duel053 Duel 53 Millennium Enemy 4: Role-Playing Miniatures 千年の敵4 -役割の人形-
Sen'nen no Teki Yon -Yakuwari no Ningyō-
Millennium Enemy 4: Role-Playing Miniatures
Dark Bakura continues to seal more of his opponents' souls in miniatures, as they play Monster World.
YuGiOh!Duel054 Duel 54 Millennium Enemy 5: Stop the Run of Criticals! 千年の敵5 -連続クリティカルを阻止せよ!-
Sen'nen no Teki Go -Renzoku Kuritikaru wo Soshiseyo!
Millennium Enemy 5: Stop the Run of Criticals!
Dark Yugi rolls for his friends, who are trapped in Monster World figures, as they battle the monsters formed from Dark Master Zorc's hand. Suspecting foul play, Dark Yugi decides that he must stop Dark Bakura's "Run of Criticals".
YuGiOh!Duel055 Duel 55 Millennium Enemy 6: The Traps of Zorc Castle 千年の敵6 -ゾーク城の罠-
Sen'nen no Teki Roku -Zōku Jō no Wana-
Millennium Enemy 6: The Traps of Zorc Castle
Yugi, Jonouchi, Anzu and Honda enter Zorc Castle, where they get caught in a trap and rely on Dark Yugi to rescue them.
YuGiOh!Duel056 Duel 56 Millennium Enemy 7: I'll Fight Too! 千年の敵7 -僕も闘う! -
Sen'nen no Teki Nana -Boku mo Tatakau!-
Millennium Enemy 7: I'll Fight Too!
The adventurers battle Zorc at Zorc Castle. Despite the double hit being outlawed, Dark Yugi and Dark Bakura have ways of influencing their dice rolls.
YuGiOh!Duel057 Duel 57 Millennium Enemy 8: Fight! Fight!! 千年の敵8 -バトル! バトル!!-
Sen'nen no Teki Hachi -Batoru! Batoru!!-
Millennium Enemy 8: Battle! Battle!!
As the adventurers continue to battle Zorc, they are aided by Ryo Bakura, who hinders Dark Bakura's play.
YuGiOh!Duel058 Duel 58 Millennium Enemy 9: The White Wizard Bakura 千年の敵9 -白魔導士バクラ-
Sen'nen no Teki Kyū -Shiro Madōshi Bakura-
Millennium Enemy 9: The White Wizard Bakura
The adventurers, joined by the white wizard Bakura battle Zorc, who changes into his final form, Last Zorc.
YuGiOh!Duel059 Duel 59 Millennium Enemy 10: The Last Die Roll 千年の敵10 -奇跡のダイス・ロール
Sen'nen no Teki Jū -Kiseki no Daisu Rōru-
Millennium Enemy 10: The Miraculous Dice Roll
Dark Yugi and his friends finish their game of Monster World with Dark Bakura. The result of the game rests in a final dice roll between both sides.


  1. Books.shueisha.co.jp 遊・戯・王  4 (Japanese)