Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

The WCQ logo

The Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Qualifiers 2014, often abbreviated as WCQ 2014, is the official name for all 2014 National Championships and Continental Championships held in many countries around the world. National Championship were held in selected countries by Konami, then occurred a Continental Championship for each continent or region which reserved seats for the World Championship.

Events (TCG)[]

National Championships[]

Start date Location Winner Deck type Ref
2014-05-31 Argentina Julian Astolfo "Geargia"
2014-05-03 Australia Bhupinder Purewal "Bujin" [1]
2014-05-17 Austria Michael Lutz "Mythic Dragon Ruler" [2]
2014-05-17 Belgium Jean-Lou Bernard "Infernity" [3]
2014-05-24 Bolivia Francisco Castillo "Hand Artifact Traptrix"
2014-06-01 Bulgaria ? Gladiator Beast [4]
2014-05-31 Brazil Nobile Silva "Hand Madolche"
2014-05-31 Chile ?
2014-05-18 Colombia Andres Torres "Hand Artifact Traptrix"
2014-05-18 Costa Rica Gabriel Duran [5]
2014-06-14 Croatia ?
2014-05-24 Czech Republic ?
2014-xx-xx Dominican Republic Victor Mejia [5]
2014-05-31 Ecuador Jhon Guerrero "Karakuri Geargia"
2014-05-25 El Salvador ?
2014-06-15 Finland ?
2014-05-31 France Nicolas Karatchewsky "Hand Artifact Traptrix" [6]
2014-05-31 Germany Matthias Lempa "Bujin" [7]
2014-06-08 Greece John Mykoniatis "Geargia" [8]
2014-06-01 Guatemala Bruno Montuori [5]
2014-05-17 Honduras Marvin Enamorado [5]
2014-04-12 Ireland ?
2014-04-17 Israel ?
2014-06-07 Italy Matteo Bruschi "Hand Artifact Traptrix" [9]
2014-05-24 Malta ?
2014-05-17 Mexico Erick Ramirez [5]
2014-06-07 Netherlands ?
2014-06-01 New Zealand ?
2014-05-18 Nicaragua ?
2014-06-01 Panama Jose Cross [5]
2014-05-25 Peru Gerardo Delgado "Hand Artifact Traptrix"
2014-05-31 Poland Przemyslaw Strzalka "Artifact Traptrix" [10]
2014-05-31 Portugal ?
2014-06-07 Romania ?
2014-05-24 Serbia Dahrin Rakic "Geargia"
2014-05-03 Slovakia Tamas Nemeth "Chain Burn"
2014-06-07 Slovenia ?
2014-05-24 South Africa Taariq Hassiem "Prophecy" [11]
2014-06-07 Spain ?
2014-05-17 Sweden ?
2014-05-31 Switzerland Santiago Pena "Geargia" [12]
2014-05-25 Trinidad and Tobago Latchman Sookdeo Maraj [5]
2014-05-11 Turkey Umut Serin "Atlantean Mermail"
2014-05-10 UK Ben Sherman "Atlantean Mermail" [13]
2014-05-31 Venezuela ?

Continental Championships[]

Start date Location Winner Deck type Ref
2014-07-14 North America Korey McDuffie "Hand Artifact Traptrix" [14]
2014-07-06 Central America Jose Lagunes "Atlantean Mermail" [15]
2014-06-29 South America Rogger Vera "Machina Gadget" [16]
2014-06-29 Europe Eugen Heidt "Atlantean Mermail" [17]
2014-07-05 Oceania Donald Thompson "Hand Artifact Fire Fist"

Events (OCG)[]

National Asia Championship Qualifiers[]

Start date Location Winner Deck type Ref
2014-06-08 Hong Kong (Japanese format) Wing Ho Cheung "Blue-Eyes Dragon Ruler" [18]
2014-06-07 Hong Kong (Traditional Chinese format) Ka Ho Kwang "Blue-Eyes" [18]
2014-06-01 Malaysia Weng Fong Low "Shaddoll" [18]
2014-05-10 Philippines Elvis Agoto "Artifact Chronomaly" [18]
2014-05-31 Singapore Jason Leong "Blue-Eyes Dragon Ruler" [18]
2014-03-29 South Korea In-je Jang "Dragon Ruler" [18]
2014-06-21 Taiwan (Japanese format) Zhi Chen Jiao "Shaddoll" [18]
2014-06-21 Taiwan (Traditional Chinese format) Yu Hao Lee "Blue-Eyes" [18]

World Championship Qualifiers[]

Start date Location Winner Deck type Ref
2014-xx-xx Asia Calvin Ang "Star Seraph Tellarknight" [19]
2014-06-28 South Korea Jun-hyeong Choi "Atlantean Mermail" [18]
2014-07-05 West Japan Kenshi Fujita & Kyousuke Takano "HERO" & "Chaos Shaddoll" [18]
2014-06-28 East Japan Yoshihito Sugama & Shunsuke Hiyama "Infernity" & "Star Seraph Shaddoll" [18]


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xz9W-vNzKs
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20210923094544/https://coverage.yugioh-card.com/finale-pitai-meyer-drachen-vs-michael-lutz-drachen/
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20201024035603/https://coverage.yugioh-card.com/round-10-jean-lou-bernard-belgium-hat-vs-giovanni-cacciapuoti-italy-geargia/
  4. https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/yugioh/deck/Gladiator-Beasts/421574
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 https://yugiohblog.konami.com/2014/07/welcoming-the-national-champions-and-ycs-champions-from-central-america/
  6. https://coverage.metagame.be/2014/06/02/feature-match-final-sven-barray-h-a-t-vs-nicolas-karatchewsky-h-a-t/
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20201028233908/https://coverage.yugioh-card.com/finale-patrick-haggert-geargia-vs-matthias-lempa-bujin/
  8. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.717470808295253.1073741841.613677242007944&type=1
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20140612001641/http://www.duelist.it/coverage/yugioh%5Fnationals2014/feature_FINALE.asp
  10. https://web.archive.org/web/20220129003106/https://coverage.yugioh-card.com/round-9-normal-wilde-ger-vs-przemyslaw-strzalka-pol/
  11. https://www.facebook.com/skinnyliscious/videos/10152473189808980
  12. https://www.etcg.de/forum/index.php?thread/455321-yu-gi-oh-nationals-championship-rotkreuz-2014/&pageNo=3
  13. https://web.archive.org/web/20200807012854/https://coverage.yugioh-card.com/final-tom-paine-infernity-vs-ben-sherman-mermail/
  14. https://yugiohblog.konami.com/2014/07/new-north-american-world-champion/
  15. https://yugiohblog.konami.com/2014/07/and-the-new-central-american-champion-is/
  16. https://yugiohblog.konami.com/2014/06/and-the-winner-is-12/
  17. https://web.archive.org/web/20200807013705/https://coverage.yugioh-card.com/finals-marcel-burri-switzerland-lightsworn-dragons-eugen-heidt-germany-mermail/
  18. 18.00 18.01 18.02 18.03 18.04 18.05 18.06 18.07 18.08 18.09 18.10 https://roadoftheking.com/yu-gi-oh-asia-championship-qualifier-2014/
  19. https://roadoftheking.com/yu-gi-oh-asia-championship-2014/