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"Fish Fight", also known as "Field of Blubreams" is the sixty-ninth episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It will first air in Japan on October 10, 2021.
Flash Umiko works in the Sixth General Affairs Division of the General Affairs Department at the Goha Corp General Headquarters. Her sloppy work behavior leaves much to be desired, however. Through an unexpected turn of events, Gavin runs into her again. He decides to Duel against her in order to correct her work behavior.
Featured Duel: Gavin Sogetsu VS. Flash Umiko[]
The duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.
Turn 1: Flash Umiko
Umiko draws. She Normal Summons "Jellyplug" (2/900/900) and "Anglercoil" (4/1500/0). She Tributes "Jellyplug" to Tribute Summon "Zapzap Octospark" (6/1600/800). She activates the effect of "Octospark" to increase its ATK by 400 until the End Phase ("Octospark": 1600/800 → 2000/800) and deal 400 damage to her opponent (Gavin: 4000 → 3600 LP). She then Sets 2 cards. During the End Phase, the effect of "Octospark" expires ("Octospark": 2000/800 → 1600/800).
Turn 2: Gavin Sogetsu
Gavin draws. He Normal Summons "Masaki the Legendary Samurai General" (4/1500/0) and "Hero of the Yeast" (4/1500/0). He Tributes both "Hero of the Yeast" and "Masaki" to Tribute Summon "Fiendish Commander Yameruler" (8/2500/2500). He changes "Yameruler" (a Level 7 or higher Warrior monster) from Attack Position to Defense Position in order to activate the Spell "Bandaged Bowing". The effect of "Bandaged Bowing" allows Gavin to draw 1 card. Since "Yameruler" was Normal Summoned this turn, Gavin activates its effect by changing it back into Attack Position. Now until then End Phase of Umiko's next turn, as long as "Yameruler" is face-up, neither player can Tribute Summon Level 7 or higher monsters. He Sets a card. Gavin then activates the Spell "Cursed Sword of the East" to destroy Umiko's "Anglercoil". "Yameruler" attacks "Octospark" but Umiko activates her Set Trap "Bzzt Bzzt Reborn to deal 400 damage to her opponent (Gavin: 3600 → 3200 LP) and then if there's a Thunder monster in her hand, she can Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position and negate the attack. Since her hand's empty, she can't Special Summon a monster nor negate the attack. The attack continues and "Octospark" is destroyed (Umiko: 4000 → 3100 LP).
Turn 3: Flash Umiko
Umiko draws. She activate the Field Spell "Umi". As long as "Umi" is face-up, all Fish, Sea Serpent, Thunder and Aqua monsters will gain 200 ATK/DEF and all Machine and Pyro monsters will lose 200 ATK/DEF. She then Normal Summons a second copy of "Jellyplug" (4/1500/0) and "Anglercoil" (2/900/900). Both gain 200 ATK and DEF from "Umi" ("Jellyplug" 1500/0 → 1700/200, "Anglercoil" 900/900 → 1100/1100). She Tributes "Anglercoil" to Tribute Summon a second copy of "Zapzap Octospark" (6/1600/800) [since this monster is only Level 6, the effect of "Yameruler" does NOT prevent this card from being Summoned]. "Octospark" also gains 200 ATK and DEF from "Umi" ("Octospark": 1600/800 → 1800/1000). She activates the effect of "Octospark" to increase its ATK by 400 until the End Phase ("Octospark": 1800/1000 → 2200/1000) and deal 400 damage to her opponent (Gavin: 3200 → 2800 LP). She then activates the Spell "Fusion" to fuse her "Octospark" with her "Anglercoil" in order to Fusion Summon "Showering Infergyo" (?/2800/?) in Attack Position [since this monster is a Fusion Monster, the effect of "Yameruler" does NOT prevent this card from being Summoned]. "Infergyo" also gains 200 ATK and DEF from "Umi" ("Infergyo": 2800/? → 3000/?). Umiko activates the effect of "Infergyo" to increase its ATK by 800 until the End Phase ("Infergyo": 3000/? → 3800/?) and lower the ATK of all monsters on her opponent's field by 800 ("Yameruler": 2500/2500 → 1700/2500) until the End Phase and then inflict 800 damage to her opponent (Gavin: 2800 → 2000 LP) and then add "Octospark" from her GY to her hand. "Infergyo" attacks "Yameruler" but Gavin activates his Set Trap "Meticulous Mask of Good Omen" to increase the ATK of "Yameruler" by 100 x its Level until the End Phase ("Yameruler": 1700/2500 → 2500/2500). The attack continues and "Yameruler" is destroyed (Gavin: 2000 → 700 LP). During the End Phase, the effect of "Infergyo" expires ("Infergyo": 3800/? → 3000/?).
Turn 4: Gavin Sogetsu
Gavin draws. He Normal Summons "Valkyrian Needlekyrie" (1/0/1400) and "Mezame the Oni Commander" (1/0/200). Since his opponent controls a monster with 2500 ATK or more, he activates the effect of "Mezame" to add 1 Level 7 or higher Warrior monster from his GY to his hand but monsters he controls with 1900 or less DEF cannot attack for the rest of the turn. He adds "Yameruler". He Tributes "Mezame" to Tribute Summon "Tranquil Unknown Soldier" (6/1800/0). He activates the effect of "Tranquil" to send itself to the GY to Special Summon 2 Normal Warrior or Winged Beast monsters from his GY in face-down Defense Position. He Special Summons "Masaki" (4/1500/0) and "Hero of the Yeast" (4/1500/0) in face-down Defense Position. He Tributes both his face-down monsters to Tribute Summon "Fiendish Commander Yameruler" (8/2500/2500). He activates his own copy of "Fusion" to fuse his "Needlekyrie" with his "Yameruler" in order to Fusion Summon "Yameterasu the Rising Ruler" (9/3000/3000) in Attack Position. He sends the top card of his deck ("Piercing!) to the GY in order to activate one of "Yameterasu"'s multi-choice effects. He chooses to Increase the ATK of "Yameterasu" by 500 until his opponent's next End Phase and prevent both Duelists from Special Summoning Level 9 or lower monsters in Attack Position ("Yameterasu": 3000/3000 → 3500/3000). He returns "Yameruler" from his GY to his Deck to activate the Spell "Secret Technique! Refinded Ruler Render" which increases the ATK of "Yameterasu by 2500 until the End Phase ("Yameterasu": 3500/3000 → 6000/3000) and destroys "Umi" [a Spell/Trap on his opponent's field] ("Infergyo": 3000/? → 2800/?). "Yameterasu" attacks "Infergyo" but Umiko activates her Set Trap "Bzzt Bzzt Reborn" to deal 400 damage to her opponent (Gavin: 700 → 300 LP) and then if there's a Thunder monster in her hand, she can Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position and negate the attack. She attempts to Special Summon "Octospark" but is unable to due to the effect of "Yameterasu" and therefore she is unable to negate the attack. The attack continues and "Infergyo" is destroyed (Umiko: 3100 → 0 LP).
Featured cards[]
The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.
- Hero is the Yeet
- Masaki the Legendary Samurai General
- Valkyrian Needlekyrie
- Fiendish Commander Yameruler
- Mezame the Oni Commander
- Tranquil Unknown Soldier
- Yameterasu the Rising Ruler
- Bandaged Bowing
- Cursed Sword of the East
- Fusion
- Piercing!
- Secret Sword Technique! Refined Ruler Render
- Meticulous Mask of Good Omen