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"The Final Nail" known in Japan as "Maximum Duel!" is the twenty-sixth episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It aired in Japan on November 28, 2020.

Yuga's Maximum Monster, "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord", finally debuts! However, Nail's crafty tactics still give him a hard time. The battle with Rush Dueling and his friends' accounts at stake finally comes to an end! The real showdown of Maximum Duel begins!

Featured Duel: Yuga Ohdo vs. Nail Saionji[]

Duel continues from the previous episode.

Both Nail and Yuga have 4000 LP and their Duel Disks are set in Maximum Mode. Yuga controls "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" (Max. ATK 3500 + "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [L]" and "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [R]") and two Set cards in his Spell & Trap Zones. Nail controls "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor‎‎‎‎" (Max. ATK 4000 + "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [L]" and "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [R]") and one Set card in his Spell & Trap Zones.

Turn 3: Yuga
Yuga activates the effect of "Magnum Overlord [R]", sending the top card of his Deck to the GY to target 1 face-up monster Nail controls and have it gain ATK equal to the Level of that monster x 200 until the End Phase. He targets Level 10 "Yggdrago" ("Magnum Overlord": 3500 → 5500 Max. ATK). "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" attacks "Yggdrago", but Nail activates his face-down "Absurd Burst", preventing "Yggdrago" from being destroyed by battle and inflicting the same amount of Battle Damage to Yuga (Both Nail and Yuga: 4000 → 2500 LP). The other effect of "Absurd Burst" would destroy the attacking monster, but "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" cannot be destroyed by Trap effects due to its Maximum Mode effect. At the end of the turn, the effect of "Magnum Overlord [R]" expires ("Magnum Overlord": 5500 → 3500 Max. ATK).

Turn 4: Nail
Since Nail has no cards in his hand, he draws five ("Pair Production", two copies of "Peacock Picotron", "Paradigm Shift" and "Absurd Void Hole"). He Sets two cards. He then activates the Spell "Pair Production", letting him send two copies of "Peacock Picotron" from his hand to the GY to increase the ATK of "Yggdrago" by the sent monster's Level x 400 until the End Phase ("Yggdrago": 4000 → 6000 Max. ATK). "Yggdrago" attacks "Magnum Overlord", but since Nail declared an attack, Yuga activates his face-down "Emergency Return", returning "Magnum Overlord" (Level 10) to his hand to negate the attack.

Since "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" is returned to Yuga's hand due to the effect of "Emergency Return", both "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [L]" and "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [R]" also retuned to Yuga's hand. Afterwards, the Duel Disk returns to normal. Then, the effect of "Pair Production" expires ("Yggdrago": 6000 → 4000 Max. ATK).

Turn 5: Yuga
Since Yuga has three cards in his hand, he draws two ("Light Sorcerer" and "Magical Stream") but Nail activates his face-down "Paradigm Shift", forcing Yuga to shuffle the entire hand into his Deck and draw the same number of cards (after Yuga conducted a normal draw during his Draw Phase). His hand now contains "Rescue Magician", "Road Magic - Tectonic Shift", "Sevens Road Magician", "Sevens Road Witch", and "Kuribot". Yuga Normal Summons "Kuribot" (300/200). Since Yuga controls no other monsters, he activates the effect of "Kuribot", allowing him to pay 500 LP (Yuga: 2500 → 2000 LP) to add another copy of "Kuribot" from the GY to his hand. Yuga Tributes "Kuribot" to Tribute Summon "Sevens Road Witch" (1600/1000). Yuga activates the effect of "Sevens Road Witch", letting him discard "Kuribot" from his hand to Special Summon "Sevens Road Magician" (2100/1500) in Attack Position. Since he Special Summoned "Sevens Road Magician" with its effect, "Sevens Road Witch" gains 400 ATK ("Sevens Road Witch": 1600 → 2000 ATK) until the End Phase. Yuga activates the effect of "Sevens Road Magician", sending the top card of his Deck to the GY to increase its ATK by 300 for each different Attribute in his GY until the End Phase. His GY currently has three ("Sevens Road Magician": 2100 → 3000 ATK).

Since Yuga controls a Level 7 or higher Spellcaster monster, he activates "Road Magic - Tectonic Shift", allowing him to discard "Rescue Magician" to the GY and targets "Yggdrago" by the ATK of the monster in Yuga's GY with the highest ATK. He has "Full Meteor Impact" ("Yggdrago: 4000 → 1500 Max. ATK). "Sevens Road Magician" attacks "Yggdrago", but since a face-up Cyberse monster was attacked, Nail activates his face-down "Absurd Void Hole", preventing "Yggdrago" from being destroyed by battle (Nail: 2500 → 1000 LP). The other effect of "Absurd Void Hole" then increases Nail's LP by double the Battle Damage he took from that battle as well as ending the Battle Phase (Nail: 1000 → 4000 LP). At the end of the turn, the effects of "Sevens Road Magician", "Sevens Road Witch" and "Road Magic - Tectonic Shift" all expire ("Sevens Road Magician": 3000 → 2100 ATK; "Sevens Road Witch": 2000 → 1600 ATK; "Yggdrago": 1500 → 4000 Max. ATK).

Turn 6: Nail
Since Nail has no cards in his hand, he draws five ("Trap Hole", "Pair Destruction", "Paradigm Shift", "Yoctron" and "Femtron"). He Sets three cards. Nail then activates the effect of "Yggdrago [L]", sending the top three cards of his Deck to the GY to destroy "Sevens Road Magician". "Yggdrago" attacks "Sevens Road Witch", but since Nail declared an attack, Yuga activates his face-down "Magical Switch", letting Yuga Special Summon "Sevens Road Magician" (2100/1500) in Attack Position and sends "Sevens Road Witch" from the field to the GY. A replay occurs and "Yggdrago" attacks and destroys "Sevens Road Magician" (Yuga: 2000 → 100 LP).

Turn 7: Yuga
Since Yuga has no cards in his hand, he draws five ("Mystic Dealer", "Fire Golem", "Recovery Force", "Necromaid Nana" and "Silent Learning"). Yuga Normal Summons "Mystic Dealer" (1000/0). He then activates the effect of "Mystic Dealer", discarding "Fire Golem" from his hand to draw "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [L]". Yuga then activates "Recovery Force", letting him shuffle 3 Spellcaster monsters from the GY to his Deck to draw "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [R]". Yuga Tributes "Mystic Dealer" to Tribute Summon "Necromaid Nana" (1100/700). As Yuga Normal Summoned a monster with 1000 or more ATK, Nail activates his face-down "Trap Hole", destroying "Necromaid Nana". Since Yuga has at least 3 Level 5 or higher monsters with different Types in his GY, Yuga activates "Silent Learning", letting him look at 1 Set card in Nail's Spell & Trap Card Zone and draw one card if the chosen card is a Trap Card, by first placing a Level 5 or higher monster from his GY to the bottom of his Deck. He reveals Nail's Set card "Pair Destruction", puts "Sevens Road Magician" at the bottom of the Deck and draws "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord". Since Yuga drew a card(s), Nail activates his set Trap "Paradigm Shift", forcing Yuga to shuffle the entire hand ("Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord", "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [L]" and "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [R]") into his Deck and draw the same amount of cards ("Curtain of Sparks", "Magnum Overlord" and "Kuribotriple"). Yuga activates "Kuribotriple", allowing him to shuffle 3 copies of "Kuribot" from the GY into his Deck to draw 2 cards ("Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [L]" and "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [R]").

At this point, Yuga programs to perform the Maximum Summon, changing his Duel Disk into Maximum Mode.

Since Yuga has 3 Maximum Monsters in his hand, he Maximum Summons "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" (Max. ATK 3500 + "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [L]" and "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord [R]"). Yuga activates the effect of "Magnum Overlord [R]", sending the top card of his Deck to the GY to target "Yggdrago" and it gain ATK equal to the targeted monster's Level x 200 until the End Phase ("Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord": 3500 → 5500 Max. ATK). Since his LP are lower than his opponent's, Yuga then activates the effect of "Magnum Overlord [L]", letting him discard "Curtain of Sparks" from his hand to increase the ATK of "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" by the difference between both players' LP until the End Phase ("Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord": 5500 → 9400 Max. ATK).

"Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord" attacks and destroys "Yggdrago" (Nail: 4000 → 0 LP).

Featured cards[]

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.
