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"I'm Curious", known in Japan as "What Lies Beyond Providence" is the twenty-third episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It aired in Japan on November 7, 2020.

Yuga and co. reach the Gate of Providence, the entrance to the Haven. Beyond the road lined with shops selling various kinds of providences is their destination, where the final showdown with Nail awaits.

Featured Duel: Yuga Ohdo vs. Nail Saionji[]

The Duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.

Turn 1: Nail

Nail's hand contains "Quantum Hole", two copies of "Femtron", and "Attron‎". He draws then Normal Summons "Femtron" (1400/100) and Sets two cards.

Turn 2: Yuga

Yuga draws. His hand now contains "Straynge Cat", "Wave Crest Madoor", "Spell Archer", "Magical Beast Wolfang", and "Sevens Road Magician". Yuga Normal Summons "Straynge Cat" (0/1400). Yuga Tributes "Straynge Cat" to Tribute Summon "Wave Crest Madoor" (1000/1200). As Yuga Normal Summoned a monster with 1000 or more ATK, Nail activates his face-down "Trap Hole", destroying "Madoor". Yuga Normal Summons "Spell Archer" (1000/400) and "Wolfang" (1100/100). Yuga Tributes "Spell Archer" and "Wolfang" to Tribute Summon "Sevens Road Magician" (2100/1500) and activates its effect, sending the top card of his Deck ("Shining Shaman") to the Graveyard to gain 300 ATK for each different Attribute in his GY until the end of this turn. Yuga's GY currently has five ("Sevens Road Magician": 2100 → 3600 ATK). "Sevens Road Magician" attacks and destroys "Femtron" (Nail: 4000 → 1800 LP). As a Cyberse Type monster Nail controls was destroyed by battle, Nail activates his face-down "Quantum Hole", drawing "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [L]" and "Attron" from his Deck, and returns "Attron" and "Femtron" to the bottom of his Deck.

Turn 3: Nail

Nail draws then Normal Summons "Attron" (1000/100). As Nail controls no other monsters, and "Femtron" is in his GY, he activates the effect of "Attron", sending it from the field to the GY and draws "Yoctron‎‎" from hid Deck. Nail's hand contains "Quantum Hole", "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [L]", two copies of "Yoctron", and "Zeptron‎‎". Nail Normal Summons "Zeptron" (500/100). As Nail controls no other monsters, and "Femtron" and "Attron" are in Nail's GY, Nail activates the effect of "Zeptron", sending it to the Graveyard and drawing two cards, then returning two cards from his hand to the bottom of his Deck in any order. He draws "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [R]" and "Quantum Hole", and returns "Quantum Hole" and "Yoctron" to the bottom of his deck. Nail Normal Summons "Yoctron" (100/100). As "Femtron", "Attron", and "Zeptron" are in Nail's GY, Nail returns them to the bottom of his Deck in any order to activate the effect of "Yoctron", sending it to the GY to draw "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor‎‎‎‎" with two unknown cards, and discards "Quantum Hole" and two unknown cards from his hand.

At this point, Nail now programs to perform the Maximum Summon, changing his Duel Disk into Maximum Mode.

Since Nail has 3 Maximum Monsters in his hand, he Maximum Summons "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor" (Max. ATK 4000 + "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [L]" and "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [R]"). As "Yggdrago" is in Maximum Mode, Nail sends three cards from the top of his Deck to the GY to activate the effect of "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [L]", destroying "Sevens Road Magician". "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor" (with Max. ATK of 4000) attacks Yuga directly (Yuga: 4000 → 0 LP).

Featured cards[]

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.
