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"Clean-Up Operation", known in Japan as "The Man Who Washes Duels" is the sixteenth episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It aired in Japan on September 19, 2020.

As they chase after the fake Kaizo, Yuga and co. arrive at the A.I. Restaurant! Thanks to Luke forgetting their goal and overeating, they now have to wash the dishes. Romin then falls into a trap set by Arata Arai, the leader of the Washing Club at Goha 3rd Elementary. If she loses to him in a Rush Duel, she must continue washing dishes for free...

Featured Duel: Romin Kassidy vs. Arata "Buff Grimes" Arai[]

The Duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.

Turn 1: Romin
Romin draws "Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar". She Normal Summons "Wattangel" (500/800) and "Wattkiss" (300/1000), then tributes them to Tribute Summon "Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar" (2200/0). Romin sets 2 cards.

Turn 2: Buff Grimes
Buff Grimes draws. His hand now contains "One-Side Reverse", two copies of "Washsprayer the Cleansketeer", "Bubbarrier", and "Clean Beret - Colonel Mop". He Sets a card ("One-Side Reverse"), then uses a cheating mechanism in his Duel Disk to swap his Set card with "Bleach Mortar". He then activates his set "Bleach Mortar", letting him target "Prima Guitarna" and lower its ATK by 500 as well as inflict 500 damage to Romin. ("Prima Guitarna": 2200 → 1700 ATK; Romin: 4000 → 3500 LP). Buff Grimes Normal Summons "Washsprayer the Cleansketeer" (0/800). Since Romin controls "Prima Guitarna" (Level 7), Buff Grimes activates the effect of "Washsprayer", returning "Bleach Mortar" from his GY to his Deck and draws "Seal of the Ancients". Buff Grimes Sets "Seal of the Ancients"; then uses the cheating mechanism again to swap it with "Bleach Mortar". He activates his Set card "Bleach Mortar" Spell; once again targeting "Prima Guitarna" ("Prima Guitarna": 1700 → 1200 ATK; Romin: 3500 → 3000 LP). He then Normal Summons another "Washsprayer the Cleansketeer" (0/800), then activates its effect to return "Bleach Mortar" to his Deck and draw "Pierce!". He Sets one card "Pierce!", then uses the cheating mechanism once again to swap it with "Bleach Mortar". He activates his Set card "Bleach Motor", again targeting "Prima Guitarna" ("Prima Guitarna": 1200 → 700 ATK; (Romin: 3000 → 2500 LP). Buff Grimes Tributes his two copies of "Washsprayer" to Tribute Summon "Clean Beret - Colonel Mop" (2300/1200).

Buff Grimes Sets a card ("Bubbarrier"). He then attempts to use the cheating device in his Duel Disk to swap his Set "Bubbarrier" with a card from his Deck, but at this point, Luke uses his power (Pauli effect) to disable the cheating function of Buff Grimes's Duel Disk for the rest of the Duel. Buff Grimes activates the effect of "Colonel Mop", letting him return "Bleach Mortar" from his GY to the top of his Deck since Romin controls a Level 7 or higher monster. "Colonel Mop" attacks and destroys "Prima Guitarna" (Romin: 2500 → 900 LP).

Turn 3: Romin
Since Romin has no cards in her hand, she draws five. Her hand now contains three copies of "Romanpick", "Wattkiss", and "Esperade the Smashing Superstar". Romin Normal Summons "Wattkiss" (300/1000) and "Romanpick" (500/0). Since she has less LP than Buff Grimes, Romin activates the effect of "Romanpick" to pay 500 LP (Romin: 900 → 400 LP), sening the top 3 cards of her Deck to the GY, and if one of those is a Psychic monster then she can add a Psychic monster from her GY to her hand. She sends "Wattangel", "Psychic Introduction" and "Psychic Divergence" to the GY, then adds "Wattangel" to her hand. She then Tributes "Wattkiss" and "Romanick" to Tribute Summon "Esperade the Smashing Superstar" (2500/0). Since Romin Normal Summoned a Level 5 or higher monster while he controls "Clean Beret - Colonel Mop", Buff Grimes activates his Set Trap "Bubbarrier", targeting "Esperade" to negate its effects and that targeted monster cannot declare a direct attack this turn. Romin activates her set Spell "Self Fan Club", letting her Special Summon "Prima Guitarna" (2200/0) and "Romanpick" (500/0) from her GY in Defense Position to Buff Grimes' side of the field and increasing her LP by 1000 (Romin: 400 → 1400 LP).

Romin Normal Summons two copies of "Romanpick" (500/0) and activates both of their effects (Romin: 1400 → 900 → 400 LP), sending "Romic n' Roller", "Wattkiss" and "Pierce!" to the GY with the first's effect and "Romic n' Roller", "Climax Finale" and "Severing Psychic Wall" with the second's effect. She then adds both copies of "Romic n' Roller" to her hand. She then Tributes both copies of "Romanpick" to Tribute Summon both copies of "Romic n' Roller" (1700/0 each). Since she has 2000 LP or less, she activates the effect of both copies of "Romic n' Roller", lowering all monsters Buff Grimes controls by 500 ATK and DEF each until the end of the turn. Since she has two copies of "Romic n' Roller", Buff Grimes' monsters lose 1000 ATK and DEF ("Colonel Mop": 2300/1200 → 1300/200; "Prima Guitarna": 2200/0 → 1200/0; "Romanpick": 500/0 → 0/0). Romin activates her Set card "Powerful Pierce!!", letting her discard 1 card from her hand ("Wattangel") to allow both copies of "Romic n' Roller" (2 monsters with the same Level) to inflict piercing damage this turn.

Both copies of "Romic n' Roller" attack and destroy "Romanpick" and "Prima Guitarna" (Buff Grimes: 4000 → 2300 → 600 LP). "Esperade" attacks and destroys "Colonel Mop" (Buff Grimes: 600 → 0 LP).

Featured cards[]

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.

Gakuto Sogetsu

Differences in Adaptations[]

  • In the dub, the currency is changed from yen to dollars and as such the meal was much more expensive at $666,666 instead of ¥666,666 (just under $4500). After Romin breaks some plates, Buff increases their debt by ten putting them 6 million dollars in debt.
  • In the dub, Luke suggests they each pay one dollar a day for 456 years to pay off their debt — apparently unaware humans don't live that long.