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"Drawing a Foul", known in Japan as "The Forbidden Ace" is the twelfth episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It aired in Japan on August 22, 2020.

Gavin didn't win the second Duel, so now Yuga has to face Roa in a Duel in order to decide who has ownership over Rush Dueling. As it turns out, there's a possibility that Yuga's Sevens Road Magician is not a legal card! Yuga is now in a pinch, as he would lose the moment he draws Sevens Road...

Featured Duel: Yuga Ohdo vs. Roa Kassidy[]

The Duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.

Turn 1: Roa
Roa draws. He Sets 2 monsters, then Sets 3 cards.

Turn 2: Yuga
Yuga draws. He Normal Summons "Spell Archer" (1000/400) and "Straynge" (0/1400), then tributes them to Tribute Summon "Raidacross, Hero of the Dawn" (2100/1500). Yuga activates the effect of "Raidacross", shuffling "Spell Archer" and "Straynge Cat" to his Deck and Special Summons "Hilt, the Bearer of Noble Arms" (1300/500) and "Hydro Magician" (1700/1500) in Attack Position. Yuga activates the effect of "Hilt", letting him increase the ATK of an Attack Position Warrior monster he controls by 600 ("Raidacross": 2100 → 2700 ATK).

"Hilt" and "Hydro Magician" attack and destroy Roa's 2 Set monsters, which are revealed to be two copies of "Royal Rebel's Fanatic" (0/0). "Raidacross" attacks directly, but Roa activates his set "King's Management", reducing the ATK of "Raidacross" by 500 for each Fiend Normal Monster in his GY ("Raidacross": 2700 → 1700 ATK) and allowing Yuga to draw a card. The direct attack continues (Roa: 4000 → 2300 LP).

At this point, Roa reveals that "Sevens Road Magician" is an illegal card due to not being in the Goha card database. Thus, Yuga will be disqualified and automatically lose if he draws it.

Turn 3: Roa
Since Roa has no cards in his hand, he draws five. Roa activates his Set card "King's Reward" (Spell Card), letting him shuffle "Royal Rebel's Fanatic" from his GY to his Deck to destroy "Hilt", but for the rest of the turn he cannot declare a direct attack and Yuga draws a card ("Dark Sorcerer"). Roa activates his second Set card "King's Reward", shuffles his second "Royal Rebel's Fanatic" to his Deck, destroys "Hydro Magician" and Yuga draws "Torna the Windweaver". Roa Normal Summons "Royal Rebel's Shout" (1200/0), then Sets 2 cards.

Roa activates "Card Destruction", forcing both players to send all cards in their hand to the GY and draw cards equal to the number of cards they sent to the GY. Roa draws 1 card, while Yuga draws "Recovery Force", "Straynge Cat" and "Kuribot". Since he controls a face-up Fiend monster, Roa activates his Set Spell "King's Tax", decreasing the ATK of "Raidacross" by 500 for each card in his hand, then discarding 1 card ("Kuribot") from Yuga's hand ("Lydacross": 2100 → 600 ATK) Since Yuga controls "Raidacross" (Level 7), Roa activates the effect of "Royal Rebel's Shout", letting him send 1 card ("Royal Rebel's Growl") from his hand to the GY to discard 2 cards from Yuga's hand ("Straynge Cat" and "Recovery Force"). "Royal Rebel's Shout" attacks and destroys "Raidacross" (Yuga: 4000 → 3400 LP).

Turn 4: Yuga
Since Yuga has no cards in his hand, he draws five cards. However, due to Roa's mentioned "Goha Dueling Rule No. 66, Article 6" from his previous turn, he accidentally draws "Magical Beast Wolfram", "Curtain of Sparks", "Piercing!", "Sevens Road Witch" and a banned card, "Sevens Road Magician".

Duel continues in the next episode.

Featured cards[]

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.

Unknown Duelist
