Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist is a video game released by Konami. An upgraded version, Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution, was released four years later.


  • Relive past Dueling glory with a Story Campaign that recounts the events from the Yu-Gi-Oh! TV series! Battle your opponent, and then take on the role of that character and Duel against the protagonist in a “Reverse Duel.”
  • Duel with the latest cards from the official Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, including Pendulum Monsters!
  • For the first time, compete in Battle Pack Sealed and Draft play against the A.I. or with players online. Battle Pack formats supported include Battle Pack: Epic Dawn, Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants, and War of the Giants: Round 2.


More cards are available through Downloadable Content.


  • Features over 90 characters, including those featured in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V animated series.
  • Further characters will be added through Downloadable Content.


  • Features over 230 duels against your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! characters.
  • Relive your favorite duels from Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, and Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.
  • Further duels will be added through Downloadable Content.


  • Challenge famous characters from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series.
  • Each Duelist has their own unique challenge deck.
  • Further Duelist Challenges will be added through Downloadable Content.
Alister Arkana-LOD BanditKeithMD Bonz-LOD Dartz-0 IshizuIshtarMD
Alister Arkana Bandit Keith Bonz Dartz Ishizu Ishtar
JoeyWheelerMD MaiValentineMD MakoTsunamiMD MaximillionPegasusMD OdionMD PaniK-LOD
Joey Wheeler Mai Valentine Mako Tsunami Maximillion Pegasus Odion PaniK
Rafael Raptor-LOD Yugioh seeker SetoKaibaMD Strings-LOD TéaGardner-MD
Rafael Rex Raptor Seeker Seto Kaiba Strings Téa Gardner
Valon WeevilUnderwoodMD BakuraRyouMD YamiMarik-LOD YamiYugiMD YugiMutoMD
Valon Weevil Underwood Yami Bakura Yami Marik Yami Yugi Yugi Muto
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
AdrianGeckoMD AlexisRhodesMD Amnael-LOD AsterPhoenixMD AxelBrodieMD BastionMisawaMD
Adrian Gecko Alexis Rhodes Amnael Aster Phoenix Axel Brodie Bastion Misawa
BlairFlanniganMD Camula-LOD Steppard-LOD ChazzPrincetonMD ChumleyHuffingtonMD VellianCrowlerMD
Blair Flannigan Camula Chancellor Sheppard Chazz Princeton Chumley Huffington Dr. Vellian Crowler
JadenYukiMD JesseAndersonMD JimCrocodileCookMD KagemaruMD Marcel-LOD AtticusRhodesMD
Jaden Yuki Jesse Anderson Jim Crocodile Cook Kagemaru Marcel Bonaparte Masked Atticus
NightshroudMD Viper-LOD SartoriusKumarMD SyrusTruesdaleMD Tania-LOD Titan-TFSP
Nightshroud Prof. Thelonious Viper Sartorius Kumar Syrus Truesdale Tania Titan
TyrannoHassleberryMD YubelMD ZaneTruesdaleMD
Tyranno Hassleberry Yubel Zane Truesdale
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
AkizaIzinskiMD Andre Antinomy AporiaMD BoltTannerMD Breo
Akiza Izinski Andre Antinomy Aporia Bolt Tanner Breo
Broder CarlyCarmineMD CrowHoganMD DevackMD Dragan GreigerMD
Broder Carly Carmine Crow Hogan Devack Dragan Greiger
Halldor HunterPaceMD JackAtlasMD Jean Kalin Kessler LeoMD
Halldor Hunter Pace Jack Atlas Jean Kalin Kessler Leo
Lester MistyTredwellMD Mr. armstrong Primo Rex goodwin RomanGoodwinMD
Lester Misty Tredwell Mr. Armstrong Primo Rex Goodwin Roman Goodwin
SayerMD SherryLeBlancMD TetsuTrudgeMD YuseiFudoMD Z-oneMD
Sayer Sherry LeBlanc Tetsu Trudge Yusei Fudo Zone
Alito Barian AnnaKaboomMD AstralMD BronkStoneMD CathyKatherineMD DextraMD
Alito Anna Kaboom Astral Bronk Stone Cathy Katherine Dextra
Yugioh Don Thousand Dr.FakerMD Dumon Barian FlipTurnerMD Girag Barian KiteTenjoMD
Don Thousand Dr. Faker Dumon Flip Turner Girag Kite Tenjo
Yugioh Mizar Barian Nash NelsonAndrewsMD NistroMD Number 96 QuattroMD
Mizar Nash Nelson Andrews Nistro Number 96 Quattro
QuintonMD Ray Shadows ReginaldKastleMD RioKastleMD TreyMD VectorMD
Quinton Ray Shadows Reginald Kastle Rio Kastle Trey Vector
VetrixMD YumaTsukumoMD Yugioh Zexal Zexal 3
Vetrix Yuma Tsukumo ZEXAL ZEXAL III
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Aura-TFSP Celina-LOD. CrowArcV-LOD Declan-TFSP Dennis-LOD Dipper-TFSP
Aura Sentia Celina Crow Hogan (ARC-V) Declan Akaba Dennis McField Dipper O'rion
Gong-TFSP JackArcV-LOD Julia-TFSP Kit-TFSP Moon-LOD Officer-LOD
Gong Strong Jack Atlas (ARC-V) Julia Krystal Kit Blade Moon Shadow Officer 227
Shay-TFSP Sora-TFSP Sylvio-TFSP Yugo-lod Yuto-TFSP Yuya-TFSP
Shay Obsidian Sora Perse Sylvio Sawatari Yugo Yuto Yuya Sakaki
Zuzu Boyle

Battle Pack[]

Deck Edit[]

  • Create decks using pre-existing deck recipes or make one from scratch.
  • Select from over 90 duelist avatars.

Deck Avatar

Duelist/Deck Recipes[]

  • Over 200 Duelist deck recipes.

Card Shop[]

Downloadable Content/Add-Ons[]

  • The description for DLC come from the official downloadable content section of the store.
  • An * shows that the name is official despite what the poster of the DLC stated as it came from the Xbox Store, Play Station Store, and Steam Store.
Image Description Release date Price
DuelistKingdom-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Kingdom
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Chaos Deck and Ritual Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! Campaign and Challenge Mode.
7/30/15 (Xbox)
Jul 31, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
LostDuels-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Lost Duels
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Masked HERO Deck and Darkness Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Campaign and Challenge Mode.
7/30/15 (Xbox)
Jul 31, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
FortheFuture-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's For the Future
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, TG Deck and Vylon Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Campaign and Challenge Mode.
7/30/15 (Xbox)
Jul 31, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
DarkMistSaga-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Dark Mist Saga
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Dark Mist Deck and Evilswarm Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Campaign and Challenge Mode.
7/31/15 (Xbox)
Jul 31, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
YutovSylvio-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Yuto v. Sylvio
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Satellarknight Deck and Monarch Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
8/24/15 (Xbox)
Aug 25, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
SoraandDipper-LOD *Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Sora and Dipper
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Fluffal Deck and Constellar Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
8/24/15 (Xbox)
Aug 25, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
ZuzuvJulia-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Zuzu v. Julia
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Melodious Deck and Gem-Knight Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
8/24/15 (Xbox)
Aug 25, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
GongvKit-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Gong v. Kit
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Superheavy Samurai Deck and X-Saber Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
8/24/15 (Xbox)
Aug 27, 2015 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
WakingtheDragonsJoeysJourney-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! Waking the Dragons: Joey's Journey
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Red-Eyes Deck and PSY-Frame Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
WakingtheDragonsYugisJourney-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! Waking the Dragons: Yugi's Journey
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Fang of Critias Deck and Aromage Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
Leaders-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Leaders
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Toons Deck and Kaiju Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
DeclanvsCelina-LOD *Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Declan vs Celina
Play 3 pre-constructed decks, D/D/D Deck, Zefra Deck, and Lunalight Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
ARCLeagueChampionship-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: ARC League Championship
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Prediction Princess Deck and Igknight Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
YugosSynchroDimension-LOD Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Yugo's Synchro Dimension
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Speedroid Deck and Goyo Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
YuyavsCrow-LOD *Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Yuya vs Crow
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Majespecter Deck and Kozmo Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
JackAtlasvsYuya-LOD *Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Jack Atlas vs Yuya
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Red Dragon Archfiend Deck and Dinomist Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)
ShayvsDennis-LOD *Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: Shay vs Dennis
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Raidraptor and Performage Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Campaign and Challenge Mode.
12/5/2016 (Xbox)
Dec 7, 2016 (PlayStation)
Dec 7, 2016 (PC Steam)


Image Description Value (Xbox) Type (PlayStation)
Games-LOD King of the Games
Defeated Classic Campaign
50 (G) Bronze
Valedictorian-LOD Valedictorian
Defeated GX Campaign
50 (G) Bronze
Runner-LOD Duel Runner
Defeated 5Ds Campaign
50 (G) Bronze
Sky-LOD High Five the Sky
Defeated ZEXAL Campaign
50 (G) Bronze
Sacrifice-LOD Sacrifice
Performed a Tribute Summon
30 (G) Bronze
Coalesce-LOD Coalesce
Performed a Fusion Summon
30 (G) Bronze
Ultimate-LOD Ultimate Form
Performed an Xyz Summon
30 (G) Bronze
Tuned-LOD Tuned in
Performed a Synchro Summon
30 (G) Bronze
Chronomancer-LOD Chronomancer
Performed a Pendulum Summon
30 (G) Bronze
CasualDuelist-LOD Casual Duelist
Won an unranked multiplayer match (duel)
30 (G) Bronze
Playing-LOD Playing For Real
Won a ranked multiplayer match (duel)
30 (G) Bronze
Battle-LOD Battle Tested
Won a Battle Pack match (duel)
30 (G) Bronze
MasterCollector-LOD Master Collector
Unlocked all avatars
75 (G) Bronze
MasterDuelist-LOD Master Duelist
Won all Duelist Challenges
75 (G) Bronze
Damage-LOD Damage Dealer
Dealt 200k in Direct Damage
55 (G) Bronze
Effect-LOD Effect Elitist
Dealt 100k in Effect Damage
55 (G) Bronze
Reflect-LOD Reflect Rager
Dealt 50k in Reflective Damage
55 (G) Bronze
Chain-LOD Chain Champion
Chained 100 times
55 (G) Bronze
Begins-LOD The Duelist Begins
Created your first deck
30 (G) Bronze
Curator-LOD Curator
Created 5 decks
60 (G) Bronze
Forbidden-LOD Forbidden One
Won a duel by having all Exodia cards in hand
100 (G) Bronze

Reused assets[]

External links[]
