Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

"Yugi vs. Marik" is the thirty first volume of the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and the twenty fourth and final volume of the English Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist manga.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium World follows Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist's story line.



Image Number English title Japanese title
YGODDuel210 Duel 210 Card of Fate!! 運命 (さだめ) 一枚 (カード) !!
Sadame no Kādo!!
The Card of Fate
YGODDuel211 Duel 211 Devil's Sanctuary 悪魔の聖域 (デビルズ・サンクチュアリ) !!
Debiruzu Sankuchuari!!
Devil's Sanctuary
YGODDuel212 Duel 212 Immortal Wall!! 不死なる壁!!
Fushi naru Kabe!!
The Immortal Wall!!
YGODDuel213 Duel 213 Unbeatable? 攻略不能!?
Kōryaku Funō!?
Ineffective Attacks!?
31 087 Duel 214 God's Sword, God's Shield 神の剣、神の盾!!
Kami no Ken, Kami no Tate
Sword of God, Shield of God
31 108 Duel 215 Attack from the Darkness! 闇からの奇襲!!
Yami Kara no Kishū!!
Surprise Attack from The Darkness
31 127 Duel 216 One Point of Life! 1ポイントの命!!
Ichi Pointo no Inochi!!
The Power of 1 Point
31 149 Duel 217 Than Curse the Darkness 生なる闇に光を!!
Namanaru Yami ni Hikari wo!!
The Living Darkness is Shown the Light
Duel 218 The End of Alcatraz 人工島爆破!!
Jinkōshima Bakuha!!
The Man-Made Island Explodes!!
Duel 219 A New Journey! それぞれの旅立ち!!
Sorezore no Tabidachi!!
Everyone Depart!!