Yu-Gi-Oh! Bandai Sealdass is a set of 43 sticker cards featuring various monsters from the Toei anime series, released by Bandai on January 20, 1999.
Set specifications[]
Release date: January 20, 1999
Set size: 43 cards (from #00 to #42)
Rarity breakdown:
- Secret Rare Cards: 1 (Magazine Insert in "1999 Yu-Gi-oh Theatre & TV Anime Super Complete Book" )
- Common Cards: 42 (6 Holofoil Rare Cards)
Set rarities[]
- 01 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
- 12 Exodia the Forbidden One
- 25 Meteor B. Dragon
- 30 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
- 41 Blue-Eyes White Dragon's 3-Body Connection
- 42 Meteor B. Dragon, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes B. Dragon