White Barrier
- Japanese: 白の鉄壁
- Kana: しろのてっぺき
- Romaji: Shiro no Teppeki
Card type | |
Property | |
When a White Monster is targeted for an attack, if there is another White Monster on the field, you take no battle or effect damage. Viz Media lore<nomobile>?:</nomobile> <mobile>(The English manga by Viz Media sometimes uses lores which are inconsistent with the Japanese lore or how the card worked.):</mobile> When an attack targets one of your White Monsters and there is a non-targeted White Monster on your field, take no battle or effect damage. | |
Appearances |
Manga cards (Galleries: ARC-V)
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Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Japanese | 「ホワイト」モンスターが攻撃対象になった時 場の対象以外の「ホワイト」モンスターがいれば戦闘及び効果ダメージを受けない |
Search categories
- Archetypes and series
- White