"Wake Up Your Heart"
"Wake Up Your Heart" (
Version one[]
- Jaden Yuki
- Syrus Truesdale
- Chumley Huffington
- Lyman Banner
- Pharaoh
- Alexis Rhodes
- Chancellor Sheppard
- Chazz Princeton
- Bastion Misawa
- Vellian Crowler
- Atticus Rhodes
- Zane Truesdale
Version two[]
- Jaden Yuki
- Syrus Truesdale
- Tyranno Hassleberry
- Alexis Rhodes
- Jasmine
- Mindy
- Atticus Rhodes
- Chazz Princeton
- Bastion Misawa
- Zane Truesdale
- Vellian Crowler
- Jean-Louis Bonaparte
- Aster Phoenix
Featured cards[]
Monster appearances[]
- Winged Kuriboh
- Elemental Hero Avian
- Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
- Wroughtweiler
- Elemental Hero Bubbleman
- Elemental Hero Sparkman
- Elemental Hero Clayman
- Elemental Hero Tempest
- Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
- Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
- Elemental Hero Mudballman
- Elemental Hero Wildheart
- Elemental Hero Bladedge
- Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster
- Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
- Elemental Hero Necroshade
- Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman
- Elemental Hero Wildedge
- Hero Kid
Card appearances[]
- Aitsu
- Blade Skater
- Cycroid
- Divine Dragon Ragnaraok
- Elemental Hero Avian
- Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
- Elemental Hero Clayman
- Elemental Hero Sparkman
- Hyozanryu
- Luster Dragon
- Luster Dragon #2
- Mokey Mokey
- Ojama Black
- Ojama Green
- Ojama Yellow
- Oppressed People
- Pharaoh's Servant
- Red-Eyes Black Dragon
- V-Tiger Jet
- Amazoness Fighter
- Amazoness Paladin
- Amazoness Tiger
- Amazoness Swords Woman
- Ancient Gear Beast
- Ancient Gear Golem
- Ancient Gear Soldier
- Armed Dragon LV7
- Barrel Dragon
- Cannonball Spear Shellfish
- Carboneddon
- Chaos Necromancer
- Cliff the Trap Remover
- Chthonian Soldier
- Cyber Barrier Dragon
- Cyber Dragon
- Cyber Laser Dragon
- Dark Catapulter
- Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong
- Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn
- Despair from the Dark
- Don Zaloog
- Drillroid
- Elemental Hero Bladedge
- Elemental Hero Necroshade
- Elemental Hero Wildheart
- Etoile Cyber
- Gravekeeper's Assailant
- Gravekeeper's Chief
- Gravkeeeper's Curse
- Gravekeeper's Guard
- Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier
- Gravekeeper's Watcher
- Gyroid
- Hero Kid
- Hydrogeddon
- Infernal Incinerator
- Jetroid
- Kaibaman
- Koitsu
- Kuriboh
- Levia-Dragon - Daedulus
- Magician's Valkyria
- Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
- Mathematician
- Orca Mega Fortress of Darkness
- Oxygeddon
- Patroid
- Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
- Royal Magical Library
- Ryu Kokki
- Spirit of the Pot of Greed
- Steamroid
- The Unhappy Maiden
- The Wicked Dreadroot
- Torpedo Fish
- UFOroid
- Vampire's Curse
- Vampire Genesis
- Vampire Lady
- Vampire Lord
- Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
- Water Dragon
- Winged Kuriboh
- Winged Kuriboh LV10
- Wroughtweiler
- W-Wing Catapult
- Legendary Flame Lord
- Litmus Doom Swordsman
- Relinquished
- Cyber Blader
- Cyber End Dragon
- Cyber Twin Dragon
- Dark Blade the Dragon Knight
- Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
- Elemental Hero Mudballman
- Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster
- Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
- Elemental Hero Tempest
- Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
- Elemental Hero Wildedge
- King Dragun
- Mokey Mokey King
- Ojama King
- Steam Gyroid
- VW-Tiger Catapult
- VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
- A Legendary Ocean
- Armed Changer
- Array of Revealing Light
- Book of Life
- Bonding - H20
- Bubble Blaster
- Bubble Illusion
- Bubble Shuffle
- Burst Stream of Destruction
- Burst Return
- Card Destruction
- Call of the Mummy
- Chthonian Blast
- Clay Wrap
- Contract with the Abyss
- Enchanting Fitting Room
- Fusion Gate
- Fusion Recovery
- Fusion Sage
- Hero Heart
- Inferno Reckless Summon
- Litmus Doom Ritual
- Metamorphosis
- Mokey Mokey Smackdown
- Mustering of the Dark Scorpions
- Mystic Box
- Necrovalley
- Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
- Painful Choice
- Pandemonium
- Photon Generator Unit
- Power Bond
- Salvage
- Second Coin Toss
- Silent Doom
- Skyscraper
- Spark Blaster
- Special Hurricane
- Terraforming
- The Dark Door
- Thousand Energy
- Thousand Knives
- Thunder Crash
- Transcendent Wings
- Tribute to the Doomed
- Amorphous Barrier
- Attack Reflector Unit
- Call of the Haunted
- Chthonian Polymer
- Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
- Dark Mirror Force
- Dark Renewal
- Dark Scorpion Combination
- Doble Passe
- Gamble
- Graverobber's Retribution
- Hero Barrier
- Hero Ring
- Hero Signal
- Hero Spirit
- Human-Wave Tactics
- Magic Cylinder
- Mirror Gate
- Non Aggression Area
- Ojama Trio
- Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment
- Staunch Defender
- The First Sarcophagus
まだ見えない 自分の居場所を捜して 歩き続ける
胸の鼓動 高まりかくせないくらい 強く響く
過去よりも*未来信じて *現在を生きよう
うつむいてなんかいないで 翼広げ 翔あがれ
☆心を WAKE UP!! いつの日も ALWAYS!! 陽は昇る
STAND UP!! 駆けだせば NON STOP!! 止まらない
夢見る世界 目差し
力の限り 駆けて行こう
終りのない この道の先に待ちうける 大きな不安 SEARCHING YOUR FUTURE
夢と希望握りしめて突き進めば 怖くない
前の向き仲間信じて 共に旅立とう
新しい世界目指して 今ここから 走りだす
飛び出せ JUMP UP!! 走り抜け GO WAY!! 進むのさ
SHAKE UP!! あきらめず DO IT!! 信じよう
つかみ取ろうぜ いつか
Mada mienai jibun no ibasho o sagashite arukitsuzukeru
Mune no kodou takamari kakusenai kurai tsuyoku hibiku
Kinou yori mo ashita shinjite kyou o ikiyou
Utsumuite nanka inaide tsubasa hiroge kakeagare
Kokoro o Wake Up!! Itsu no hi mo Always!! Hi wa noboru
Kimi no atsui omoi shinjite ireba
Stand up!! Kakedaseba Non Stop!! Tomaranai
Yumemiru sekai mezashi
Chikara no kagiri kakete yukou
Owari no nai kono michi no saki ni machiukeru ooki na fuan Searching your future
Yume to kibou nigirishimete tsukisusumeba kowaku wa nai
Mae o muki nakama shinjite tomo ni tabidatou
Atarashii sekai mezashite ima koko kara hashiridasu
Tobidase Jump Up!! Hashirinuke Go Way!! Susumu no sa
Ano hi no omoi mune ni kizamitsuzuke
Shake Up!! Akiramezu Do it!! Shinjiyou
Tsukamitorou ze itsuka
Kanau hazu sa Wake up your heart
kokoro o Wake Up! itsunohimo Always! hiwa noboru
kimi no atsui omoi shinjiteireba
Stand up! kakedaseba Non Stop! tomaranai
yumemiru sekai mezashi chikara no kagiri kaketeyukou
Kokoro o Wake Up!! Itsu no hi mo Always!! Hi wa noboru
Kimi no atsui omoi shinjite ireba
Stand up!! Kakedaseba Non Stop!! Tomaranai
Yumemiru sekai mezashi
Chikara no kagiri kakete yukou
You’re able to search for your own place, which is still invisible, and keep walking
The heartbeats in your chest echo so strongly that you can’t hide the upsurge
Let’s believe in the future more than the past and live in the present
Don’t be hanging your head; spread your wings and soar up
Wake up your heart!! On any day, Always!! The sun rises
If you believe in your hot feelings
Stand up!! If you start running, Non Stop!! Without stopping
You’ll aim for the world that you dream of
And run as long as you have strength
The great, endless insecurity that awaits ahead of this path, Searching your future
If you grip onto your dreams and hopes and advance forward, then you won’t be afraid
Let’s face forward, believe in our friends, and depart on a journey together
We’ll aim for a new world, and now, start running from here
Jump out, Jump up!! Run through, Go way! You’ll advance
Keep engraving the thoughts from back then in your chest
Shake up!! Without giving up, Do it! Let’s believe
Let’s grasp it; someday
You’ll be fulfilled, Wake up your heart
Wake up your heart!! On any day, Always!! The sun rises
If you believe in your hot feelings
Stand up!! If you start running, Non Stop!! Without stopping
You’ll aim for the world that you dream of
And run as long as you have strength