Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

This Property details every card that has an effect that makes the card itself or other cards unaffected by activated card effects.

All OCG/TCG cards that are unaffected by activated card effects[]

 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Crystal Clear Wing Synchro Dragonクリスタルクリアウィング・シンクロ・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Dark Guardian闇の守護神-ダーク・ガーディアンEffect MonsterDARKWarrior1238003800
Dinowrestler Valeonyxダイナレスラー・バーリオニクスEffect MonsterEARTHDinosaur316000
Miscellaneousaurus幻創のミセラサウルスEffect MonsterFIREDinosaur418001000
Scareclaw Tri-Heartスケアクロー・トライヒハートEffect Monster
Link Monster
Traptrix Pinguiculaシトリスの蟲惑魔Effect Monster
Xyz Monster
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World閉ザサレシ世界ノ冥神Effect Monster
Link Monster
Vanquish Soul Caesar ValiusVS 龍帝ヴァリウスEffect MonsterEARTHDragon830001500
Virtual World Tiger - Fufu電脳堺虎-虎々Effect Monster
Xyz Monster
 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
Ancient Gear Duel古代の機械競闘Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Forest of Lost Flowers迷い花の森Spell Card
Field Spell Card
Field Spell Card
Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier氷結界の晶壁Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Heavy Interlockヘヴィ・トリガーSpell Card
Ritual Spell Card
Ritual Spell Card
Mansion of the Dreadful Dolls地獄人形の館Spell Card
Field Spell Card
Field Spell Card
Sangen Summoning盃満ちる燦幻荘Spell Card
Field Spell Card
Field Spell Card

All anime cards that are unaffected by activated card effects[]

 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Gouki The Giant Ogre剛鬼 ザ・ジャイアント・オーガLink MonsterEARTHWarrior00000???00003000

All manga cards that are unaffected by activated card effects[]
