This Property entry details every card with an effect that renders it unaffected by Trap effects, except its own, if it is a Trap Card. It also details every card with an effect that prevents other cards from being affected by Trap effects.
All OCG/TCG cards that are unaffected by Trap Cards[]
All anime cards that are unaffected by Trap Cards[]
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
Abyss Prop - Wild Wagon | 魔界大道具「ニゲ馬車」 | Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Aqua Story - Urashima | 水物語-ウラシマ | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Assault Mode Activate | バスター・モード | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Candy Coat | キャンディ・コート | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Crossover Acceleration | クロス・オーバー・アクセル | Spell Card | Field Spell Card |
Cursed Twin Dolls | 呪いの双子人形 | Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Cynet Refresh | サイバネット・リフレッシュ | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Disconnect Linker | ディスコネクト・リンカー | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Galaxy Shockwave | 銀河衝撃 | Spell Card | Quick-Play Spell Card |
Grid Rod | グリッド・ロッド | Spell Card | Equip Spell Card |
Hydradrive Accelerator | ハイドライブ・アクセラレーター | Spell Card | Equip Spell Card |
Hyper Coat | ハイパー・コート | Trap Card | Continuous Trap Card |
Invisibility | 透明 | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Jurassic World | ジュラシックワールド | Spell Card | Field Spell Card |
Lunar Eclipse | 月食 | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Marincess Snow | 海晶乙女雪花 | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Overlay Chain | オーバーレイ·チェーン | Spell Card | Equip Spell Card |
Overlay Menace | オーバーレイ・メナス | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Salamangreat Ring | サラマングレイト・ヘイロー | Trap Card | Continuous Trap Card |
Shutter Layer 2 | ペルソナ・シャッター・レイヤー2 | Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Sky Excalibur | 蒼空の覇剣 スカイ・エクスカリバー | Spell Card | Equip Spell Card |
Solemn Authority | 神の威光 | Trap Card | Continuous Trap Card |
Wings of Silence | 沈黙の翼 | Spell Card | Equip Spell Card |
All manga cards that are unaffected by Trap Cards[]
Japanese name | Primary type | Secondary type | Attribute | Type | Level/ Rank | ATK | DEF | |
Automatic Giant | 機械仕掛けの巨人 | Effect Monster | ??? | 1800 | 2000 | |||
Elemental Hero Wildheart | E・HERO ワイルドマン | Effect Monster | EARTH | Warrior | 4 | 1500 | 1600 | |
Forbidden Beast Bronn | 封印獣ブロン | Effect Monster | 8 | 2700 | 2100 | |||
Mirror Imagine Prism Coat 8 | ミラーイマジン・プリズムコート8 | Pendulum Monster | ??? | 7 | 0 | 2600 | ||
No. 93: Utopia Kaiser | No.93 希望皇ホープ・カイザー | Xyz Monster | LIGHT | Warrior | 12 | 2500 | 2000 | |
Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon | ルーンアイズ・ペンデュラム・ドラゴン | Fusion Monster | DARK | Dragon | 8 | 3000 | 2000 | |
Troposphere | トラファスフィア | Effect Monster | WIND | Winged Beast | 6 | 2400 | 2000 | |
True Stardust Spark Dragon Chronicle | 真閃珖竜 スターダスト・クロニクル | Synchro Monster | LIGHT | Dragon | 10 | 3000 | 2500 |
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
Higher Dimension Guard | 高位次元ガード | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Spectral Ice Floe | 幽鬼の氷塊 | Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Trap Charm | 罠の護符 | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |