Tyranno Hassleberry is a playable Legendary Duelist who appears in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Tyranno Hassleberry, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime.
He is exclusive to the special event I've Got Dino DNA! Tyranno Hassleberry's Ultimate Evolution, only being able to be dueled or unlocked during the event.
During the special event, Dinosaur Fossils are required to Duel Tyranno Hassleberry at the Gate. Otherwise, Yellow Gate Keys are required to duel Tyranno Hassleberry at the Gate.
The special event Evolving Hassleberry has Hassleberry use different Decks and drop different rewards than usual.
A student of the Ra Yellow dorm that first appeared during the second season of the anime and quickly became friends with the main cast. He is a dinosaur fanatic and loves anything with dinosaurs in it.
Level 10[]
Level 20[]
Level 30[]
Level 40[]
Ultimate Tyranno Hasselberry[]
Level 10-30[]
Skill: Rampage (You always go second. You win the Duel before your normal draw on Turn 10)
Level 40-60[]
Skills: Rampage (You always go second. You win the Duel before your normal draw on Turn 10) and Ultimate Evolution (During your Standby Phase, if you have low LP, add a copy of "Double Evolution Pill" to your hand)
Level 70-80[]
Skills: Rampage (You always go second. You win the Duel before your normal draw on Turn 10) and Ultimate Evolution (During your Standby Phase, if you have low LP, add a copy of "Double Evolution Pill" to your hand)
Level 90-100[]
Skills: Rampage (You always go second. You win the Duel before your normal draw on Turn 10) and Ultimate Evolution (During your Standby Phase, if you have low LP, add a copy of "Double Evolution Pill" to your hand)
Tag Duel Tournament[]
Fossil Dragon Resurrects! Jim "Crocodile" Cook[]
Level 20[]
Level 30[]
Level 40[]
Level-up rewards[]
The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Tyranno Hassleberry reach a certain Level.
Level | Reward |
2 | 10 Gems |
3 | 1 copy of "Evoltile Odonto" |
4 | Dino DNA! (Skill) |
5 | Deck slot (Tyranno Hassleberry) |
6 | 15 Gems |
7 | 1 copy of "Evo-Instant" |
8 | Deck slot (Tyranno Hassleberry) |
9 | 25 Gems |
10 | 1 copy of "Evolsaur Cerato" |
11 | 1 copy of "Evoltile Odonto" |
12 | 35 Gems |
13 | Dinosaur Kingdom (Skill) |
14 | 1 copy of "Ultra Evolution Pill" |
15 | 50 Gems |
16 | 1 copy of "Evo-Instant" |
17 | 60 Gems |
18 | 1 copy of "Evoltile Odonto |
19 | 75 Gems |
20 | Unstoppable Dino Power (Skill) |
21 | 1 copy of "Evoltile Westlo" |
22 | 100 Gems |
23 | 1 copy of "Ultra Evolution Pill" |
24 | 120 Gems |
25 | 1 copy of "Sauropod Brachion" |
Level | Reward |
26 | 150 Gems |
27 | Deck slot (Tyranno Hassleberry) |
28 | 200 Gems |
29 | 250 Gems |
30 | 1 copy of "Evo-Instant" |
31 | 100,000 Gold |
32 | 200 Gems |
33 | 1 copy of "Evolsaur Cerato" |
34 | 250 Gems |
35 | 1 copy of "Big Evolution Pill" |
36 | 1 UR Jewel |
37 | 200 Gems |
38 | 1 copy of "Evolsaur Cerato" |
39 | 250 Gems |
40 | 1 copy of "Sauropod Brachion" |
41 | Deck slot (Tyranno Hassleberry) |
42 | 100 Gems |
43 | 200 Gems |
44 | 250 Gems |
45 | 1 copy of "Double Evolution Pill" |
Duel rewards[]
When dueling against Level 40 Tyranno Hassleberry, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.
Rarity | Card |
UR | "Giant Rex" |
SR | "Black Stego" |
SR | "Miracle Jurassic Egg" |
SR | "Volcanic Eruption" |
SR | "Survival of the Fittest" |
R | "Frostosaurus" |
R | "Black Veloci" |
R | "Jurrac Protops" |
N | "Jurrac Spinos" |
N | "Little D" |
Skill | Effect | Unlock |
Dino DNA! | At the beginning of your turns, recover 200 Life Points. | Level 4 |
Dinosaur Kingdom | Begin Duel with the Field Spell "Jurassic World" activated. | Level 13 |
Unstoppable Dino Power | Increase the ATK/DEF of all Dinosaur-Type monsters you control by 100. This Skill can only be used once per turn. |
Level 20 |
New Ultra Evolution | Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. Send 1 Winged Beast-Type monster you control (excluding Tokens) to the Graveyard, and Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your hand (the monster must be able to be Normal Summoned). This Skill can only be used once per turn. |
Drop |
One with the Dinos | Can be used on turn 3 and onward. Select 1 Level 7 or higher Dinosaur-Type monster you control. Its ATK/DEF becomes equal to your Life Points. If the selected monster leaves the field, you lose the Duel. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. |
Drop |
Survival of the Fittest | Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000, if you have 3 or more "Evolution Pill" cards in your Deck. During your Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, draw a random "Evolution Pill" card from your Deck. This Skill can be used twice per Duel. |
Drop |
The Dino Within | Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. Send 1 Reptile-Type monster you control (excluding Tokens) to the Graveyard, and Special Summon from your Deck, 1 Dinosaur-Type monster with the same Attribute as that monster in the Graveyard, but 3 Levels higher (the monster must be able to be Normal Summoned). This Skill can only be used once per turn. |
Drop |
Draw Pass | During your Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, recover 300 Life Points. This Skill can only be used three times per Duel. |
Drop |
Draw Sense: EARTH | Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random EARTH monster in your Deck. | Drop |
Draw Sense: High-Level | Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Level 5 or higher monster in your Deck. | Drop |
Heavy Starter | If you have 3 or more Level 5 or higher monsters with different names in your Deck, you will have an improved chance of having a Level 5 or higher monster in your starting hand. You cannot Special Summon or activate any monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn. |
Drop |
LP Boost α | Increases starting Life Points by 1000. | Drop |
LP Boost γ | Increases starting Life Points by 2500, reduces hand by 2 cards. | Drop |
Restart | Can be used only once after starting hands are drawn. Reduce your starting hand by 1, and then redraw your hand. You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn. | Drop |
- Jaden Yuki, Jaden/Yubel
- When starting a Duel with Jaden Yuki or Jaden/Yubel, Hassleberry announces "I climbed the ranks - all thanks to you!" followed by "And I learned a few new tactics on the way, sarge!!"
- When he wins the Duel, Hassleberry says "I wouldn't have built a deck this might without your help!" followed by "I owe everything to ya, sarge!"
- When he loses the Duel, Hassleberry says "You're a T-Rex compared to my plant munchin' Stegosaurus."
- Alexis Rhodes
- When Hassleberry loses a Duel against Alexis Rhodes, he says "You’re the scariest Duelist this side of the Rio Grande, ma’am!"
- Syrus Truesdale
- When starting a Duel with Syrus Truesdale, Hassleberry announces "Listen up, private!" followed by "If I win, Jaden's MY wingman! Got that?"
- When he wins the Duel, Hassleberry says "You can leave the sarge's sidekick gig to me, junior!
- When he loses the Duel, Hassleberry says "You sure showed backbone, Syrus!"
- Sartorius Kumar
- When starting a Duel with Sartorius Kumar, Hassleberry announces "Fate? I'll worry about that gibberish after the war's over!"
- When he wins the Duel, Hassleberry says "This soldier isn't down with your destiny talk!" followed by "You think words can harm a Dino?"
- When he loses the Duel, Hassleberry says "I don't believe in destiny..." followed by "But I'm still extinct."
- Monsters
- When Hassleberry Summons "Ultimate Tyranno", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry briefly appears, and he announces "Ultimate Tyranno! Join the front lines!" If that player hasn't already summoned "Ultimate Tyranno" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Ultimate Tyranno" being Summoned plays afterwards.
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Devour 'em! Ultimate Tyranno!" followed by "Absolute Bite!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Super Conductor Tyranno", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry briefly appears, and he announces "Super Conductor Tyranno is reporting for duty!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Super Conductor Tyranno!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Super Conductor Tyranno's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Ultimate Conductor Tyranno", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry briefly appears, and he announces "Set your binoculars on the apex predator!" followed by "I Special Summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Ultimate Conductor Tyranno! Gooooo!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Ultimate Conductor Tyranno activates it's effect!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Black Tyranno", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry's face briefly appears, and he announces "Let's do this, Black Tyranno!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Black Tyranno sink 'em!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Black Tyranno's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Dark Driceratops", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry's face briefly appears, and he announces "Dark Driceratops, report to the field!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Dark Driceratops! Attack!" followed by "Flying Phantom Nose Dive!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Frostosaurus", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry's face briefly appears, and he announces "Frostosaurus, Ten-Hut!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Put 'em on ice, Frostosaurus!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Sauropod Brachion", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry's face briefly appears, and he announces "Report for duty, Sauropod Brachion!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Engage the enemy Sauropod Brachion!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Sauropod Brachion's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Super-Ancient Dinobeast", a cut-in frame of Hassleberry's face briefly appears, and he announces "Super-Ancient Dinobeast hits the battlefield!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Super-Ancient Dinobeast! Lay on the hurt!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Super-Ancient Dinobeast's effect lets me draw a card!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Babycerasaurus", he announces "This'll throw ya for a loop! Babycerasaurus!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Babycerasaurus attacks!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Babycerasaurus's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Black Brachios", he announces "Stomp on in, Black Brachios!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Black Brachios!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "I activate Black Brachios' effect!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Black Ptera", he announces "Soar, Black Ptera!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Black Ptera, attack!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Black Ptera's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Black Stego", he announces "Here comes Black Stego!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Black Stego attacks!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Black Stego's all about protection! When it's attacked, it switches to Defense Position!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Black Veloci", he announces "Here's Black Veloci!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Black Veloci attacks!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Destroyersaurus", he announces "Come on out, Destroyersaurus!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Destroyersaurus!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "I activate Destroyersaurus' effect from my hand!" followed by "I add Jurassic World to my hand!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Element Saurus", he announces "Element Saurus, report for duty!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Strike 'em down, Element Saurus!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Giant Rex", he announces "Giant Rex! You're up!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Giant Rex attacks!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Giant Rex's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Gilasaurus", he announces "Gilasaurus! Front and center!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Gilasaurus, do your duty!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Gilasaurus lets ya Special Summon a monster from your grave!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Hyper Hammerhead", he announces "I'm counting on ya, Hyper Hammerhead!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Hyper Hammerhead, ram on through!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Hyper Hammerhead's effect activates!" followed by "It sends the monster it battled back to the owner's hand!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Mad Sword Beast", he announces "You won't stop my Mad Sword Beast!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Mad Sword Beast, attack!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Megalosmasher X", he announces "Let's go, Megalosmasher X!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Megalosmasher X! X 'em out!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Miracle Jurassic Egg", he announces "Here's Miracle Jurassic Egg!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Miracle Jurassic Egg!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Miracle Jurassic Egg's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Miscellaneousaurus", he announces "I believe in ya, Miscellaneousaurus!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Miscellaneousaurus attacks!"
- When Hassleberry activates the first effect of that monster, he announces "I activate Miscellaneousaurus's effect from my hand!"
- When Hassleberry activates the second effect of that monster, he announces "Miscellaneousaurus's effect activates from the graveyard!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Overtex Qoatlus", he announces "I Special Summon Overtex Qoatlus!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Overtex Qoatlus! Attack!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Overtex Qoatlus! Activate your effect!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Petiteranodon", he announces "Swoop in, Petiteranodon!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Petiteranodon!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Petiteranodon's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Sabersaurus", he announces "Front and centre, Sabersaurus!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sabersaurus, attack!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Souleating Oviraptor", he announces "Here comes Souleating Oviraptor!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Souleating Oviraptor! Charge!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Souleating Oviraptor's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Tyranno Infinity", he announces "It's the start of a new era! Tyranno Infinity!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Tyranno Infinity attacks!" followed by "Infinity Fang!"
- Spells/Traps
- When Hassleberry activates "Big Evolution Pill", he announces "I Tribute a Dinosaur to activate Big Evolution Pill!" followed by "With this in play, I can summon Dinos without Tributing!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Double Evolution Pill", he announces "Here's the Spell Card, Double Evolution Pill!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Earthquake", he announces "Brace yourself! I activate the Spell Card, Earthquake!" followed by "Every face-up monster is forced into Defense Position!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Fossil Dig", he announces "I activate my Spell Card! Fossil Dig!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Fossil Excavation", he announces "I activate my Continuous Trap! Fossil Excavation!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Hunting Instinct", he announces "I activate my Trap Card, Hunting Instinct!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Jurassic Impact", he announces "I activate my Trap Card, Jurassic Impact!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Jurassic World", he announces "It's the dawn of the dinos! I activate Jurassic World!" followed by "This here's the definition of terrain advantage!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Living Fossil", he announces "I activate my Equip-Spell, Living Fossil!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Lost World", he announces "I invite ya to the land where dinos never went extinct!" followed by "I activate the Field Spell, Lost World!"
- When activating the effect of that card, he announces "Lost World's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Raise Body Heat", he announces "I activate the Equip-Spell, Raise Body Heat!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Seismic Shockwave", he announces "Seismic Shockwave's effect!" followed by "I return a Dinosaur in my Graveyard to my hand!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Spacetime Transcendence", he announces "I activate my Spell Card, Spacetime Transcendence!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Survival's End", he announces "I activate my Trap, Survival's End!"
- When activating the effect of that card, he announces "I activate Survival's End's effect from my Graveyard!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Survival Instinct", he announces "I activate my Trap Card, Survival Instinct!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Survival of the Fittest", he announces "I activate my Trap, Survival of the Fittest!"
- When Tyranno activates the effect of that card, he announces "Survival of the Fittest let's my dinosaur attack again!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Tail Swipe", he announces "I activate the Spell Card, Tail Swipe!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Ultra Evolution Pill", he announces "I activate the Spell Card, Ultra Evolution Pill!" followed by "It evolves Reptiles into Dinos in a snap!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Volcanic Eruption", he announces "I activate the Trap Card, Volcanic Eruption!" followed by "The molten lava destroys all cards on the field!"
- When Hassleberry activates "Wasteland", he announces "I activate the Field Spell, Wasteland!"
Unused Dialogue[]
(Voice lines found in game files but not currently not in game yet)
- Monsters
- When Hassleberry Summons "Dark Tyranno", he announces "Come on, Dark Tyranno!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Dark Tyranno! Attack! Rex Bomber!"
- When Hassleberry activates the effect of that monster, he announces "Dark Tyranno's effect activates!"
- When Hassleberry Summons "Spacesaurus", he announces "If dinosaurs can evolve into birds, birds can evolve too, and fly into space! Like my Spacesaurus!"
- Most of the time when Hassleberry declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Spacesaurus, show 'em your dino domination! Blast 'em!"
- Spell/Traps
- When Hassleberry activates "Jurrac Impact", he announces "I activate my Trap Card, Jurrac Impact!" followed by "All cards on the field are extinct!"
- Tyranno Hassleberry and Blair Flannigan are the Legendary Duelists who have a deck of cards that exceed the average number of cards in a deck: 20. This is due to their respective Roaming Duelist Decks, "Ultimate Tyranno Deck!" and "A Maiden's Promise", being comprised of 30 cards.
- While Hassleberry has character-specific dialogue for Sartorius Kumar, his dialogue becomes generic when dueling against Prophetic Sartorius.
- The Paradox Brothers, Arkana, Lumis and Umbra, Sera, Aigami, Prana, Jesse Anderson, Alexis Rhodes, Dr. Vellian Crowler, Bastion Misawa, Tyranno Hassleberry, Sartorius Kumar, Blair Flannigan, Yusei Fudo, Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Kalin Kessler, and Reginald Kastle are the Legendary Duelists who have dialogue for cards that are non-existent, unreleased, anime-exclusive, or video game exclusive. It is uncertain as to why these cards were found in the voice files, or if these said cards will be released in the future.
- Hassleberry's dialogue for such cards include: "Dark Tyranno" and "Spacesaurus".
- There are Legendary Duelists who have enhanced counterparts that appear during their unlock events:
- Bonz - Spooky Bonz
- Zane Truesdale - Dark Zane
- Tyranno Hassleberry - Ultimate Tyranno Hassleberry
- Sartorius Kumar - Prophetic Sartorius
- Prana - Transcendent Unknown Duelist
- Joey Wheeler (DSOD) - Super Joey
- Reginald Kastle - Raging Shark
- Kite Tenjo - Number Hunter: Kite Tenjo
- There are some Legendary Duelists who have special event counterparts:
- Joey Wheeler (DM) - Super Joey
- Rex Raptor - Roaring Rex
- Mai Valentine- Elegant Mai
- Téa Gardner (DM) - Superb Téa
- Chazz Princeton - Serious Chazz
- Syrus Truesdale - Tardy Syrus
- Jaden Yuki - Spunky Jaden
- Bastion Misawa - Inglorious Bastion
- Yami Yugi - Epic Yami
- Ishizu Ishtar - Gravekeeper Ishizu
- Odion - Solemn Odion
- Maximillion Pegasus - Fantastic Pegasus
- Alexis Rhodes - Alluring Alexis
- Weevil Underwood - Scheming Weevil
- Aster Phoenix - Professional Aster
- Tyranno Hassleberry - Evolved Hassleberry
- For reasons unknown, when dueling against "Evolved Hassleberry", he is labeled as "Ultimate Tyranno Hassleberry", which is the same name as Hassleberry's enhanced counterpart that appears during his unlock event.
- While Legendary Duelists have their own theme music when a player Duels against them, some share the same theme music:
- Joey Wheeler (DM), Mai Valentine, and Tristan Taylor (DM)
- Téa Gardner (DM) and Yugi Muto (DM)
- Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Bandit Keith, and Bonz
- Mokuba Kaiba (DM), The Paradox Brothers, Espa Roba, and Lumis and Umbra
- Yami Marik and Yami Bakura
- Ishizu Ishtar and Odion
- Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD), Joey Wheeler (DSOD), and Téa Gardner (DSOD)
- Sera and Prana
- Jaden Yuki and Jesse Anderson
- Zane Truesdale, Aster Phoenix, Chazz Princeton, Syrus Truesdale, Tyranno Hassleberry, and Axel Brodie
- Leo and Luna
- Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Dark Signer Carly Carmine, and Rex Goodwin
- Bronk Stone and Tori Meadows
- There are some Legendary Duelists who possess a Skill that allows them to begin a Duel with a specific Field Spell on the field:
- Yami Yugi, Arkana, Yubel, Dark Signer Kalin Kessler, Dark Signer Carly Carmine, Rex Goodwin - Power of Dark
- Seto Kaiba (DM) - Peak Performance
- Joey Wheeler (DM), Tristan Taylor (DM)- Fields of the Warriors
- Mai Valentine - Harpies' Hunting Ground
- Rex Raptor, Tyranno Hassleberry - Dinosaur Kingdom
- Mako Tsunami - Mythic Depths
- Bonz - Straight to the Grave
- Chazz Princeton - Land of the Ojamas
- Sartorius Kumar - Light Barrier
- Jaden Yuki, Jaden/Yubel - Neo Space!