Truly, known as Ryūji Misushiro in the Japanese version, is a character appearing in the Tag Force series. He is an Obelisk Blue student.
Tag Force[]
In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force, Truly is found at the Obelisk Blue dorm, and is grouped with Rock, Celia, Seydina, Dante and Brown as each wield a Deck of one of the six Attributes.
The player is able to give Truly sandwiches. The following tables detail how much he likes or dislikes the sandwiches.
Tag Force[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Tag Force 2[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Tag Force 3[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Truly uses WATER Decks in every game, but they are radically different in each of them.
In Tag Force 1, Truly's goal is to activate "Des Croaking".
In Tag Force 2, his Decks feature many cards that discard from the opponent's hand and benefit from having monsters in the Graveyard.
Lastly, in Tag Force 3, Truly focuses more on "Frogs".
Tag Force[]
Tag Force 2[]
Tag Force 3[]