The Lost Art Promotion is a promotion in the TCG in which the Asian artworks of cards are distributed, with a different card being released each month. The fourteenth card, "Solemn Judgment", was released in February 2020 for the Americas, and March 2020 for the rest of the TCG.
Card number | English name | French name | Rarity | Category |
LART-FR014 | "Solemn Judgment" | "Jugement Solennel" | Ultra Rare | Counter Trap Card |
Card number | English name | German name | Rarity | Category |
LART-DE014 | "Solemn Judgment" | "Feierliches Urteil" | Ultra Rare | Counter Trap Card |
Card number | English name | Italian name | Rarity | Category |
LART-IT014 | "Solemn Judgment" | "Giudizio Solenne" | Ultra Rare | Counter Trap Card |
Card number | English name | Portuguese name | Rarity | Category |
LART-PT014 | "Solemn Judgment" | "Julgamento Solene" | Ultra Rare | Counter Trap Card |
Card number | English name | Spanish name | Rarity | Category |
LART-SP014 | "Solemn Judgment" | "Juicio Solemne" | Ultra Rare | Counter Trap Card |