Take a Chance is the first English opening and ending theme of the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL series.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Theme
Similar to Hyper Drive, this intro was first showcased on the 4Kids website. It debuted on episode 1 and stopped airing on episode 73, being replaced on episode 74 by the song Halfway to Forever. It also plays during the final scene of episode 146.
By Episode 26, major changes were made to the opening sequence. Among them, the card backs use the WDC design like in Japan, and many new characters appear, including the Vetrix Family. However, due to them being shadows in the first episode of Season 2, the intro features them with their faces revealed rather than being them in shadows in the Japanese opening "BRAVING!".
The song is composed and produced by Michael Brady, with lyrics written by Shane Guenego, Arthur "Sam" Murakami and Brady.[1] Additional work was performed by both Brendan Brady and Stephen Saxon of the Surefire Music Group.
Season 2[]
Season 1[]
- Yuma Tsukumo
- Astral
- Tori Meadows
- Bronk Stone
- Caswell Francis
- Mr. Kay
- Reginald Kastle
- Kite Tenjo
- Nelson Andrews
- The Door
- Mr. Heartland
Season 2[]
- Yuma Tsukumo
- Astral
- Tori Meadows
- Bronk Stone
- Caswell Francis
- Shark
- Kite Tenjo
- Flip Turner
- Cathy Katherine
- The Door
- Mr. Heartland
- Vetrix
- Quattro
- Trey
- Quinton
- Dr. Faker
- Lillybot
- Anna Kaboom
- Hart Tenjo
Season 1[]
- Number 39: Utopia
- Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
- Black Ray Lancer
- Gagaga Magician
- Gogogo Golem
- Zubaba Knight
- Submersible Carrier Aero Shark
- Big Jaws
- Achacha Archer
- Ganbara Knight
- Flipangutan
- Zeus' Breath
Season 2[]
- Number 39: Utopia
- Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
- Black Ray Lancer
- Gagaga Magician
- Gogogo Golem
- Zubaba Knight
- Achacha Archer
- Ganbara Knight
- Baby Tiragon
- Kurivolt
- Acorno
- Pinecono
- Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
If life is a game
They say I can't win
I'll never amount to nothin'
Tear me down before my life begins,
I won't be afraid,
To challenge myself
They won't ever break my fire.
My dreams won't die
If I high-five the sky
Spread my wings,
Take off, it's time to fly!
Take a chance to make it all the way
Take a chance forgetting yesterday!
Take a chance with me...
Nothing will bring me down,
No retreat when I leave all my fears behind
My future's still alive inside!!
Take a chance and chase my doubts away,
Believing gets me through my darkest days
Take a chance to make it all the way,
Take a chance forgetting yesterday
Take a breath, my heart will lead the way,
Si la vraie de la vie est un jeu,
J'aurai cette envie de gagner.
Mes amis sont là pour m'aider.
Je n'aurai pas peur de relever le défi.
Ils n'éteindront pas la flamme en moi.
Mes rêves peuvent se réaliser.
Déploie tes ailes, il est temps de voler !
Tente ta chance, tu peux y arriver,
Tente ta chance et oublie le passé !
Tente ta chance et gagne...
Non, rien ne m'arrêtera.
Car je laisse toutes mes peurs derrière moi,
Et je crois toujours en mon avenir.
C'est sûr ma chance si je sais tous mes doutes.
Si je crois en moi, je surmonterai les épreuves.
Tente ta chance, tu peux y arriver,
Tente ta chance et oublie le passé !
Tente ta chance, tu peux te dépasser,
Tente ta chance, oui, tente ta chance pour gagner !
Mi dicono che non vincerò
Che non sarò mai qualcuno
Ma la mia risposta adesso è no
Non mi arrenderò
Nessuno potrà
Fermare il mio fuoco ardente
Ho un sogno grande nella mente
E quel momento adesso arriverà
C'è una strada da percorrere
Superando l'impossibile
Io ci riuscirò
Niente mi fermerà
Le mie paure lascerò dietro di me
Perché un futuro ancora c'è
Nessun dubbio mi rallenterà
La forza adesso mi accompagnerà
C'è una strada da percorrere
Superando l'impossibile
Con il mio coraggio affronterò
Se a vida é um jogo
Seguir e vencer
Derrota serve para nada
E neste jogo tu irás aprender
E não vou ter medo de me desafiar
Eu tenho em mim um pouco
Os sonhos nunca se vão apagar
Se abrir as asas vou voar
Se tentar, tu podes conseguir
Se tentar, eu sei que irás vencer
Se tentar, acredita
Nada te vai parar
Pois agora não há mais nenhuma pra parar
Porque o futuro está ali e vais chegar
Se tentar, não tens nada a temer
Se tentar, o escuro fica luz
Se tentar, tu podes conseguir
Se tentar, eu sei que irás vencer
Se tentar, aposta o coração
La vida es un juego que hay que ganar
Tal vez sí exista un riesgo
Y el miedo no me va a frenar,
Valor yo tendré,
Y me enfrentaré
A quien quiera detenerme mis sueños
Van a hacerse realidad
¡Ten confianza, atrévete a volar!
Ten confianza, tienes el poder
Ten confianza, no hay por qué temer!
Debes de creer en ti...
Nada me detendrá, seguiré adelante
Ya no hay marcha atrás
¡¡Podré mis sueños alcanzar!!
Toma el riesgo, atrévete a jugar,
El juego de la vida hay que emprender
Ten confianza, tienes el poder
Ten confianza, no hay por qué temer
Ten confianza, el juego hay que encender,
Song Credits[]
Composed by: Michael Brady
Lyrics by: Shane Guenego, Arthur Murakami, and Michael Brady
Music Producer: Michael Brady

Short skirt error.
- In both of the Season 1 and Season 2 versions of this opening, Tori's skirt was not lengthened.
- In both versions of the opening, when Yuma opens The Door, Astral's eyes are both golden.