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Sylvio Sawatari is a playable Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Sylvio Sawatari, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V anime.

He appears in-game after the player claims his Character Unlock Mission reward for earning a combined total of 500,000 or more Duel Assessment points in Duel World (ARC-V) Duels.

Yellow Gate Keys are required to Duel Sylvio Sawatari at the Gate.


Pompous and proud, Sylvio considers himself one of the elite - and it's easy to see why! Not only does he attend the top-ranked Leo Institute of Dueling, his father is a heavyweight on the city council who's on the fast track to becoming the next mayor! But despite all his bluster, you shouldn't underestimate him - he's a skilled Duelist who expertly wields Yosenju and Abyss Actor monsters. After dueling against Yuya, Sylvio learns to love Dueltaining - which is perfect for a Duelist who wants to bask in the spotlight!


Unlock Missions[]

Win 3 Duels against Sylvio Sawatari while playing as Yuya Sakaki. 8,000 Gold
Win against Sylvio Sawatari with a Duel Assessment of at least 4000. 8,000 Gold
Perform 3 Pendulum Summon(s) in one Duel against Sylvio Sawatari using Yuya Sakaki. 20 R Jewels
Complete all Character Unlock Missions. 50 Yellow Gate Keys



Level 10[]

Level 20[]

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Tag Duel Tournament[]

Tag Duel Tournament[]

Skill: Abyss Actors, Ready to Action! (At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field. In addition, if you do not have cards in your Pendulum Zones at the beginning of the turn, place 1 "Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna" and 1 "Abyss Actor - Comic Relief" to your Pendulum Zones from outside of your Deck.)

Level-up rewards[]

Level Reward
2 5 Gems
3 1 copy of "Yosenju Shinchu R"
4 10 Gems
5 Deck Slot (Sylvio Sawatari)
6 15 Gems
7 1 copy of "The Monarchs Awaken"
8 Deck Slot (Sylvio Sawatari)
9 20 Gems
10 1 copy of "Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian"
11 1 SR/UR Choice Ticket
12 25 Gems
13 Pendulum Extra Charge (Skill)
14 1 copy of "Yosenju Shinchu R"
15 50 Gems
16 1 copy of "The Monarchs Awaken"
17 60 Gems
18 1 copy of "Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian"
19 75 Gems
20 Neo Sylvio (Skill)
21 1 copy of "Mayosenju Hitot"
22 100 Gems
23 1 copy of "Yosenju Shinchu R"
24 120 Gems
25 1 copy of "The Monarchs Awaken"
26 150 Gems
27 Deck Slot (Sylvio Sawatari)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 1 copy of "Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian"
31 100000 Gold
32 200 Gems
33 1 SR/UR Choice Ticket
34 250 Gems
35 1 copy of "Abyss Actor - Comic Relief"
36 BOX Chips x 10
37 200 Gems
38 1 copy of "Abyss Actor - Comic Relief"
39 250 Gems
40 1 copy of "Abyss Actor - Comic Relief"

Duel rewards[]

Rarity Card
UR "Mayosenju Hitot"
SR "Yosenju Shinchu L"
SR "Tlakalel, His Malevolent Majesty"
SR "Lucius the Shadow Vassal"
SR "Abyss Script - Fantasy Magic"
R "Tornado Bird"
R "Gust Fan"
R "Timidity"
N "Gust"
N "Taunt"


Skill Effect Unlock
Super Star of Abyss Actor At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Abyss Actor - Superstar" and 1 "Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony" to your Deck.

Can be used once per Duel if your Extra Deck contains 3 or more face-up "Abyss Actor" monsters including 1 or more "Abyss Actor - Super Star". Add 1 "Abyss Actor - Superstar" to your hand from your Deck or Extra Deck. Then, return 1 card in your hand to your Deck.
In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field if you began the Duel with a Deck that has 9 or more DARK Pendulum Monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.)

Level 1
Pendulum Extra Charge Can be used when you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones. Select one of them and add it face-up to its original owner's Extra Deck. You cannot Special Summon any monsters other than by Pendulum Summoning the turn you activate this Skill. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. Level 13
Neo Sylvio Can be used once per Duel if you control a monster that was Tribute Summoned. Change 1 Spell/Trap Card in your hand to a different card. Level 20
Blowing Up Yosen Select 1 "Yosen Training Grounds" you control and place Yosen Counter(s) on it equal to the number of "Yosenju" monsters on your field. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
In addition, add Pendulum Zones to your field at the beginning of the Duel if you began the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that contains at least 9 "Yosenju" monsters.
Neo New Sylvio At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Yosenju Shinchu L" and 1 "Yosenju Shinchu R" to the bottom of your Deck. In addition, the following effect can be used once per Duel after your Life Points decrease by 2000. Return 1 "Yosenju" card in your hand to your Deck and add 1 "Yosenju Oroshi Channeling" to your hand from outside of your Deck.
This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that contains at least 9 "Yosenju" cards.
Pantheist Revelation At the beginning of the Duel, add 3 "Pantheism of the Monarchs" to your Deck.
The following effect can be used once per Duel on turn 4 and onward. Return 1 monster with 800 ATK/1000 DEF and 1 "Monarch" Spell/Trap Card from your hand to your Deck, and then add 1 random monster with 2400 or more ATK and 1000 DEF from your Deck to your hand.
This Skill can only be used/applied if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that contains 6 or more monsters with 2400 or more ATK and 1000 DEF, and 6 or more "Monarch" Spell/Trap Cards.
Lifetime Mission
Pendulum Booster If you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones, during your turn only, the ATK of all monsters are increased by 50 multiplied by the number of highest Pendulum Scale of Pendulum Monster Cards in your Pendulum Zones. Drop
Pendulum Draft Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 2000. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. Add 1 face-up Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand. Until the end of the next turn, you cannot Summon the card added to your hand by this Skill or cards with the same name except by Pendulum Summoning, and you cannot activate their effects. Drop
Sylvio's Showstopping Performance Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 1500. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. Instead of conducting a Normal Draw, draw an "Abyss Actor" or "Yosenju" monster of your choice.

In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field if you being the Duel with a Deck that has 9 or more "Abyss Actor" Pendulum Monsters or "Yosenju" monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.)

Waiting for Abyss Actors Add up to 2 "Abyss Actor" monsters in your hand to your Extra Deck face-up. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field if you began the Duel with a Deck that has 9 or more DARK Pendulum Monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.)

Attack Burst Can only be used up until your 3rd turn, and only once. Select 1 monster you control. It gains 500 ATK. At the end of the turn, this monster's ATK will become 0. Drop
Pendulum Change: Basic At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field.
In addition, the following effect can be used once per Duel. Return 1 Normal Monster Card in your Pendulum Zone to the Deck, and add 1 random Normal Monster with a different name from the Deck to your hand.
This Skill can only be used/applied if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains at least 3 Normal Monsters with different names.
Lifetime Mission
Draw Sense: Pendulum You can only use this Skill if your Deck (excluding the Extra Deck) contains 9 or more monsters.
1. At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field.
2. Once per Duel, before your normal draw, if your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can change 1 of the cards from your normal draw this turn to a random Pendulum Monster from your Deck.
Swing Into Action: Pendulum Summon! At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field.
The following effect can be used once per turn if you have a face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck. Select 1 monster you control in the Extra Monster Zone and move it to your Main Monster Zone in the same column.
United Pendulums At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field.
The following effect can be used once per Duel. Select 1 Pendulum Monster you control and place it in your Pendulum Zone. Then, select 1 Pendulum Monster in your Deck with the same original Type as that monster, but with a different original name, and place it in your Pendulum Zone. Then, negate both cards' effects until the end of the turn. The turn you activate this Skill, you can only Special Summon from your Extra Deck once, except for Pendulum Summons.
This Skill can only be used/applied if, at the start of the Duel, at least half of the cards in your Deck (excluding Extra Deck) are Pendulum Monsters with the same Type.
Lifetime Mission
Fiend's Exchange This Skill can be used twice per Duel.
1: At the start of your Main Phase, place 1 Level 5 or higher Fiend monster from your hand to the bottom of your Deck, and then draw 1 card.
Precious Cards of the Wind You can use this Skill's effect twice per Duel is your Deck contains 9 or more WIND monsters.
1: At the start of your Main Phase, place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your Deck, then draw 1 card.
Grit If you had 4000 or more Life Points at the start of the turn, your Life Points will not fall below 1 (works one time only). When this Skill is applied, you can only Special Summon 1 monster until the end of your next turn.
You can only activate this Skill once per Duel.
LP Boost α Increases starting Life Points by 1000. Drop



  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Superstar", a cut-in frame of Sylvio briefly appears and he announces "Allow me to introduce Abyss Actor - Superstar!" If that player hasn't already summoned "Abyss Actor - Superstar" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Abyss Actor - Superstar" being Summoned plays afterwards.
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "My Superstar activates its effect! I select an Abyss Script in my Deck and set it on my field!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Superstar's Pendulum effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Superstar, show 'em how you earned your name!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Comic Relief", he says "Abyss Actor - Comic Relief!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Comic Relief's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Comic Relief's Pendulum Effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Comic Relief!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser", he says "Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Curtain Raiser's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser's Pendulum Effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Curtain Raiser!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Extras", he says "Abyss Actor - Extras!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate my Extras's effect!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Abyss Actor - Extras's Pendulum Effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Extras, attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian" he announces "Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Funky Comedian's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian's Pendulum effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Funky Comedian's no joke! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Evil Heel" he announces, "Abyss Actor - Evil Heel!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Evil Heel's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Evil Heel's Pendulum Effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Evil Heel!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Leading Lady" he announces, "Abyss Actor - Leading Lady!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Leading Lady's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Leading Lady's Pendulum Effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Leading Lady! End the scene!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna" he announces, "Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "My Mellow Madonna's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna's Pendulum Effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Mellow Madonna attacks!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Sassy Rookie" he announces "Abyss Actor - Sassy Rookie!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Sassy Rookie's effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Sassy Rookie attacks!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy", he says "Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Trendy Understudy's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy's Pendulum Effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Trendy Understudy, attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Twinkle Little Star" he announces, "Abyss Actor - Twinkle Little Star!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Twinkle Little Star's Pendulum Effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Twinkle Little Star, spark 'em up!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Abyss Actor - Wild Hope" he announces, "Abyss Actor - Wild Hope!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Wild Hope's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Abyss Actor - Wild Hope's Pendulum Effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Wild Hope attacks!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Mayosenju Daibak", he chants "Behold a beast born from the howls of the winds!". Afterwards, a cut-in frame of Sylvio briefly appears and he announces "I give you Mayosenju Daibak!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Mayosenju Daibak's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Mayosenju Daibak's Pendulum effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Go, Mayosenju Daibak! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Mayosenju Hitot", a cut-in frame of Sylvio's face briefly appears, and he announces "Composed of chaos and cruelty! Mayosenju Hitot!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Mayosenju Hitot's effect!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Mayosenju Hitot's Pendulum effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Mayosenju Hitot! Blow 'em away!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Yosenju Oyam" he announces "Yosenju Oyam!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Now's not the time to go easy on you! I use Yosenju Oyam's effect to Special Summon it!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Oyam activates its effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Yosenju Oyam! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Yosenju Misak" he announces, "Yosenju Misak!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Misak's effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Yosenju Misak!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Yosenju Magat" he announces "Yosenju Magat!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Magat's effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Yosenju Magat! Swirl up a storm!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Shinchu L" he announces "Yosenju Shinchu L!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Shinchu L's effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Yosenju Shinchu L attacks!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Shinchu R" he announces "Yosenju Shinchu R!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Shinchu R's effect activates!"
    • When activating the Pendulum Effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Yosenju Shinchu R's effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Yosenju Shinchu R attacks!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Kama 1" he announces "Yosenju Kama 1!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I can summon a lot of monsters without Pendulum Summoning! I activate Yosenju Kama 1's effect!" or "When Yosenju Kama 1 is summoned, its effect activates!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Kama 1's effect activates!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Yosenju Kama 1! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Kama 2" he announces "Yosenju Kama 2!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "When Yosenju Kama 2 is summoned, its effect activates!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Kama 2's effect activates! Come on back!"
    • "Yosenju Kama 2! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Kama 3" he announces "Yosenju Kama 3!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "When Yosenju Kama 3 is summoned, its effect activates!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Kama 3's effect activates!"
    • "Yosenju Kama 3, attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Tsujik" he announces "Yosenju Tsujik!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Yosenju Tsujik's effect from my hand!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Tsujik's effect activates!"
    • "Go get 'em, Yosenju Tsujik!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Izna" he announces "Yosenju Izna!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I discard Yosenju Izna to activate its effect!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Izna's effect activates!"
    • "Attack, Yosenju Izna!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Kodam" he announces "Yosenju Kodam!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Yosenju Kodam's effect!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I banish Yosenju Kodam from my Graveyard to activate its effect!"
    • "My Yosenju Kodam attacks!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Escher the Frost Vassal" he announces "Emerge! Escher the Frost Vassal!"
    • "Escher the Frost Vassal attacks!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Mobius the Frost Monarch" he announces "Mobius the Frost Monarch!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Mobius the Frost Monarch, activate your effect! Freezing Burst!"
    • Most of the time when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Mobius the Frost Monarch! Ice Lance!"
  • When Sylvio Summons "Mobius the Mega Monarch" he announces "Rise! Mobius the Mega Monarch!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Mobius the Mega Monarch activates its effect! Ice everything! Blizzard Destruction!"
    • Most of the time when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Mobius the Mega Monarch! Attack! Sleet Spike Smash!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch" he announces "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch activates its effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Eidos the Underworld Squire" he announces "Eidos the Underworld Squire!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Eidos the Underworld Squire's effect!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I banish Eidos from my Graveyard to activate its effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Eidos the Underworld Squire! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Erebus the Underworld Monarch" he announces "Erebus the Underworld Monarch!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Erebus the Underworld Monarch's effect!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Erebus' effect from my Graveyard!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Erebus the Underworld Monarch! Attack!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Timegazer Magician" he announces "Only a rare specimen like me deserves to use this rare card! Timegazer Magician!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Finish 'em, Timegazer Magician!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Stargazer Magician" he announces "This is one of those special Pendulum cards! Stargazer Magician!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "I activate Stargazer Magician's effect!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Stargazer Magician! End 'em!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Block Spider" he announces "Did I really put this garbage in my deck!? Block Spider!"
    • When activating the effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Might as well play Block Spider's effect! Better than nothing!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Go, Block Spider!!"
  • When Sylvio summons "The Six Samurai - Yariza" he announces "This card is useless! But I have no choice but to play it! The Six Samurai - Yariza!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "The Six Samurai - Yariza! Make yourself useful!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Morinphen" he announces "What!? Morinphen!? I don't recall putting this lame card in my Deck."
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Morinphen!"
  • When Sylvio summons "Hungry Burger" he announces "Hungry Burger!? I'd rather get food poisoning than play a card this weak!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Hungry Burger! Chomp up that appetizer!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony" he says "I activate my Spell Card, Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "Ha! By destroying Opening Ceremony, you set off its effect!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Script - Fantasy Magic" "I activate my Spell Card, Abyss Script - Fantasy Magic!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "You destroyed Abyss Script- Fantasy Magic! When this set card is destroyed, its effect activates!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Script - Abysstainment" he says "I play the Continuous Spell, Abyss Script - Abysstainment!"
    • When activating the first effect of that card, Sylvio says "Abyss Script - Abysstainment's effect activates!"
    • When activating the second effect of that card, Sylvio says "Abysstainment's effect activates when it's destroyed!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Script - Fire Dragon's Lair" he says "I activate my Spell Card, Abyss Script - Fire Dragon's Lair!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "You destroyed Fire Dragon's Lair, so its effect activates!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King" he says "I activate my Spell, Abyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "You destroyed Rise of the Aybss King! Its effect activates!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Script - Romantic Terror" he says "I play the Quick-Play Spell, Abyss Script - Romantic Terror!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "Thanks! By destroying Romantic Terror, its effect activates!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Prop - Wild Wagon" he says "I activate my Continuous Spell, Abyss Prop - Wild Wagon!"
    • When activating the first effect of that card, Sylvio says "Retreating is always an option! Abyss Prop - Wild Wagon's effect activates!"
    • When activating the second effect of that card, Sylvio says "When Wild Wagon is destroyed, its effect activates!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Breakthrough Skill", he says "I activate my Trap, Breakthrough Skill!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "I activate Breakthrough Skill's effect from my Graveyard!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Yosen Training Grounds" he says "I activate my Continuous Spell, Yosen Training Grounds!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "Yosen Training Grounds' effect activates!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Yosenju Wind Worship" he says "I activate my Quick-Play Spell, Yosenju Wind Worship!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Yosen Whirlwind" he says "This Duel is blowing my way! I activate the Continuous Spell, Yosen Whirlwind!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "I activate Yosen Whirlwind's effect! It sends your card flying!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Fairy Meteor Crush" he says "I activate the Equip Spell, Fairy Meteor Crush!"
  • When Sylvio activates "The Humble Sentry" he says "This card's worthless, but oh well! The Humble Sentry!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Frost Blast of the Monarchs" he says "I activate my Spell Card, Frost Blast of the Monarchs!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "I activate Frost Blast of the Monarchs from my Graveyard!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Dark Advance", he says "I activate my Trap, Dark Advance!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Dark Mirror Force" he says "I bet you don't own a card this rare! Dark Mirror Force!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Localized Tornado" he says "I wish I had a better card! I activate Localized Tornado!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Dizzying Winds of Yosen Village" he says, "Allow me to present my legendary combo! I play the Continuous Trap, Dizzying Winds of Yosen Village!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Yosenjus' Secret Move" he says "I activate my Counter Trap, Yosenjus' Secret Move!"

Unused Dialogue[]

  • When Sylvio summons "Yosenju Sabu", he says "Yosenju Sabu!"
    • When activating the first effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Return to my hand, Yosenju Sabu!"
    • When activating the second effect of that monster, Sylvio says "You're about to learn how terrifying a Pendulum Summon can be! I activate Yosenju Sabu's effect!"
    • When activating the third effect of that monster, Sylvio says "Yosenju Sabu activates its effect! Prepare for Sylvio's Legendary Combo!"
    • Most of the time, when Sylvio declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Attack, Yosenju Sabu!"
  • When Sylvio activates "Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater", he says "I play the Field Spell, Abyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater!"
    • When activating the effect of that card, Sylvio says "Fantastic Theater's effect activates!"
  • When Sylvio activates "The Monarchs Erupt", he says "I activate my Continuous Trap! The Monarch's Erupt!"


The inclusion of "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch", "Eidos the Underworld Squire", "Erebus the Underworld Monarch", and "Frost Blast of the Monarchs" as card-specific dialogue comes from Sylvio's usage of those cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V manga.
