Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
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Structure Deck EX: Zombie Necromancy is an original Structure Deck in the video game Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. It's the thirtieth in the new series of Structure Decks EX. It was first released in-game on March 18th, 2024.



"Plaguespreader Zombie"Ultra RareEffect Tuner monster1
"Changshi the Spiridao"Super RareEffect Monster1
"Crow Tengu"Super RareEffect Monster1
"Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon"Super RareEffect Monster1
"Tatsunecro"Super RareEffect Tuner monster1
"Zombino"RareNormal Monster2
"Master Kyonshee"RareNormal Monster2
"Regenerating Mummy"RareEffect Monster1
"Samurai Skull"RareEffect Monster2
"Tristan, Knight of the Underworld"RareEffect Monster2
"Tutan Mask"NormalCounter Trap Card2
"Pyramid of Wonders"RareContinuous Spell Card2
"Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord"Ultra RareEffect Synchro Monster1
"Skeletal Dragon Felgrand"Ultra RareEffect Synchro Monster1
"Immortal Dragon"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster1
"Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster1
"Revived King Ha Des"RareEffect Synchro Monster1

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