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Structure Deck: Undead World is a Structure Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG). It is the fifteenth deck in the OCG's Structure Deck series (twenty-third including the Character Structure Decks), following Structure Deck: Advent of the Emperor. The TCG equivalent of this Deck is Zombie World Structure Deck.

In the Korean OCG, Structure Deck: Undead World was released on April 18, 2009 as Structure Deck: Undead World Family Edition.


The deck features Zombie-Type monsters, adapting it to the new format to build and create new Zombie-Type Decks. Beginners of the game will find this an easy to use deck to experience the joy of the Zombie-Type group. It includes a new Red-Eyes Black Dragon counterpart, "Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon". The deck features 5 cards new to the OCG on its release.


Each Structure Deck: Undead World contains:



Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategoryQty
SD15-JP001"Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon"「真紅眼の不死竜」Ultra RareEffect Monster1
SD15-JP002"Malevolent Mech - Goku En"「邪神機-獄炎」Super RareEffect Monster1
SD15-JP003"Paladin of the Cursed Dragon"「闇竜の黒騎士」Super RareEffect Monster1
SD15-JP004"Gernia"「ゲルニア」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP005"Des Lacooda"「デス・ラクーダ」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP006"Vampire's Curse"「カース・オブ・ヴァンパイア」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP007"Blood Sucker"「ブラッド・サッカー」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP008"Vampire Baby"「ヴァンパイア・ベビー」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP009"Patrician of Darkness"「ノーブル・ド・ノワール」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP010"Pyramid Turtle"「ピラミッド・タートル」CommonEffect Monster2
SD15-JP011"Ryu Kokki"「龍骨鬼」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP012"Regenerating Mummy"「再生ミイラ」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP013"Reborn Zombie"「リボーン・ゾンビ」CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-JP014"Marionette Mite"「傀儡虫」CommonEffect Monster2
SD15-JP015"Zombie Master"「ゾンビ・マスター」CommonEffect Monster2
SD15-JP016"Zombie World"「アンデットワールド」CommonField Spell Card1
SD15-JP017"Magical Stone Excavation"「魔法石の採掘」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP018"Spell Shattering Arrow"「魔法効果の矢」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
SD15-JP019"Soul Taker"「ソウルテイカー」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP020"Overpowering Eye"「威圧する魔眼」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP021"Cold Wave"「大寒波」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP022"Card of Safe Return"「生還の宝札」CommonContinuous Spell Card1
SD15-JP023"Creature Swap"「強制転移」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP024"Book of Life"「生者の書-禁斷の呪術-」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP025"Call of the Mummy"「ミイラの呼び聲」CommonContinuous Spell Card1
SD15-JP026"Different Dimension Capsule"「タイムカプセル」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP027"Pot of Avarice"「貪欲な壺」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP028"Card Destruction"「手札抹殺」CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-JP029"Field Barrier"「フィールドバリア」CommonContinuous Spell Card1
SD15-JP030"Imperial Iron Wall"「王宮の鉄壁」CommonContinuous Trap Card1
SD15-JP031"Mask of Restrict"「生贄封じの仮面」CommonContinuous Trap Card1
SD15-JP032"Bottomless Trap Hole"「奈落の落とし穴」CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-JP033"Tutan Mask"「ツタン仮面」CommonCounter Trap Card1
SD15-JP034"Interdimensional Matter Transporter"「亜空間物質転送装置」CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-JP035"Dark Mirror Force"「邪悪なるバリア -ダーク・フォース-」CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-JP036"Waboku"「和睦の使者」CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-JP037"Magical Arm Shield"「マジックアーム・シールド」CommonNormal Trap Card1

Card numberEnglish nameKorean nameRarityCategoryQty
SD15-KR001"Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon""붉은 눈의 불사룡"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
SD15-KR002"Malevolent Mech - Goku En""사신기-옥화"Super RareEffect Monster1
SD15-KR003"Paladin of the Cursed Dragon""암룡의 흑기사"Super RareEffect Monster1
SD15-KR004"Gernia""게르니아"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR005"Des Lacooda""데스 낙타"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR006"Vampire's Curse""커스 오브 뱀파이어"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR007"Blood Sucker""블러드 서커"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR008"Vampire Baby""뱀파이어 베이비"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR009"Patrician of Darkness""노블 드 느와르"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR010"Pyramid Turtle""피라미드 터틀"CommonEffect Monster2
SD15-KR011"Ryu Kokki""용골귀"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR012"Regenerating Mummy""재생 미라"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR013"Reborn Zombie""리본 좀비"CommonEffect Monster1
SD15-KR014"Marionette Mite""괴뢰충"CommonEffect Monster2
SD15-KR015"Zombie Master""좀비 마스터"CommonEffect Monster2
SD15-KR016"Zombie World""언데드 월드"CommonField Spell Card1
SD15-KR017"Magical Stone Excavation""마법돌의 채굴"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR018"Spell Shattering Arrow""마법 효과의 화살"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
SD15-KR019"Soul Taker""소울 테이커"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR020"Overpowering Eye""위압하는 마안"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR021"Cold Wave""대 한파"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR022"Card of Safe Return""생환의 패"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
SD15-KR023"Creature Swap""강제전이"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR024"Book of Life""생자의 서-금단의 주술-"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR025"Call of the Mummy""미라가 부르는 소리"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
SD15-KR026"Different Dimension Capsule""타임 캡슐"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR027"Pot of Avarice""탐욕의 항아리"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR028"Card Destruction""카드 파괴"CommonNormal Spell Card1
SD15-KR029"Field Barrier""필드 베리어"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
SD15-KR030"Imperial Iron Wall""왕궁의 철벽"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
SD15-KR031"Mask of Restrict""제물봉인 가면"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
SD15-KR032"Bottomless Trap Hole""나락의 함정 속으로"CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-KR033"Tutan Mask""투탄 가면"CommonCounter Trap Card1
SD15-KR034"Interdimensional Matter Transporter""아공간 물질 전송장치"CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-KR035"Dark Mirror Force""사악한 방어막 거울의 힘"CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-KR036"Waboku""화목의 사자"CommonNormal Trap Card1
SD15-KR037"Magical Arm Shield""매직 암 실드"CommonNormal Trap Card1

External links[]

  • yugioh-card.com/japan STRUCTURE DECK (ストラクチャーデッキ) —アンデットワールド— (Japanese)