Spiritual Beast
精霊獣 「せいれいじゅう 」 ( Seireijū )
"Spiritual Beast Rampengu "
Espirit Beast
Avatar Bête Spirituelle Translation: Spiritual Beast Avatar
Geistungeheuer-Avatar Translation: Spirit Beast Avatar
Avatar Bestia Spirito Translation: Spirit Beast Avatar
정령수 精靈獸 (Hanja) Jeongnyeongsu (romanized) Translation: Espirit Beast
Avatar da Besta Espiritual Translation: Avatar of the Spiritual Beast
Avatar del Espíritu Bestia Translation: Avatar of the Beast Spirit
"Spiritual Beast " (精 ( せい ) 霊 ( れい ) 獣 ( じゅう ) Seireijū ), known as "Spiritual Beast Avatar " in other TCG languages, is a sub-archetype of "Ritual Beast " that debuted in Booster SP: Tribe Force . They are used as Fusion Materials to Contact Fusion the "Ritual Beast Ulti- " Fusion Monsters , along with the "Ritual Beast Tamer " monsters . They are Level 4 WIND monsters whose ATK and DEF have a sum of 2000, and their effects are based on banishing other "Ritual Beasts" from the hand or Deck in order to setup the "De-Fusion "-like effect of the "Ritual Beast Ulti-" Fusion Monsters .
As with all other "Ritual Beast " cards, this archetype is named differently in non-English TCG languages due to the difference in word orders making the sub-archetype pun no longer functional.