Not to be confused with Synchro Panic.
Speed Spell - Synchro Panic
- Japanese: Sp-シンクロ・パニック
- Kana: スピードスペル-シンクロ・パニック
- Romaji: Supīdo Superu - Shinkuro Panikku
Card type | |
Property | |
Activate only while you have 7 or more Speed Counters. Special Summon as many Synchro Monsters as possible that have been Synchro Summoned during this Duel from your Extra Deck. The effect(s) of the Special Summoned monster(s) are negated, and their ATK becomes 0. During the End Phase, remove from play all Synchro Monsters Special Summoned by this card's effect. | |
Appearances | |
Links |
Anime cards (Galleries: 5D's)
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Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Italian | Magia Velocità - Panico Synchro | Attiva soltanto mentre hai 7 o più Segnalini Velocità. Evoca Specialmente dal tuo Extra Deck tanti mostri Synchro che sono stati Synchro Evocati durante il corso del duello quanti possibile. I loro effetti sono annullati e il loro ATK diventa 0. Durante la tua End Phase, rimuovi dal gioco tutti i mostri Synchro che sono stati Evocati Specialmente dall'effetto di questa carta. |
Japanese | 自分用スピードカウンターが7つ以上ある場合に発動する事ができる。 このデュエル中に自分フィールド上にシンクロ召喚したモンスターと同名モンスターをエクストラデッキから可能な限り特殊召喚する事ができる。この効果で特殊召喚されたモンスターの効果は無効となり攻撃力は0となる。また、エンドフェイズ時にゲームから除外される。 |
Supīdo Superu - Shinkuro Panikku |
Search categories
- Stat changes
- Reduces ATK to 0
- Summoning categories
- Special Summons from your Extra Deck
- Banished categories
- Banishes from your field