The Speed Field's starting field.
Speed Field (スピード・フィールド Supīdo Fīrudo) is an attraction in the Heartland Theme Park owned by Thunder Spark in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL manga. It is a speedway that contains several different fields, and the participants ride through them using a Speed Loader. Thunder Spark uses this attraction to find Numbers Holders, and then Duel them in the Speed Field, in a kind of Duel called "Speed Duel". By defeating them, Spark is able to hunt the "Numbers".
The map of the Mountain field. It contains a narrow rocked route (the irregular line), which is located next to a large and deep river (the large and straight line), followed by a waterfall (the dotted line). There is also a wooden bridge just after the waterfall (the stripped line).
Speed Loader[]
Main article: [[:Duel Runner]]
The Card Zones in the Speed Loader's panel.
The Speed Field attraction offers a helicopter for the people who won't participate on the ride to watch it. It has a window on the floor so that the watchers can see the ride from above.
See Also[]