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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom is the fourth Speed Duel Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG).



Each pack contains 4 cards. The set contains 45 cards and 5 Skill Cards:



Card numberNameRarityCategory
SBTK-ENS01"Zombie Master"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Zombie Master (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ENS02"Terror from the Deep!"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Terror from the Deep! available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ENS03"Dino Destruction"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Dino Destruction (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ENS04"Cocoon of Ultra Evolution"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ENS05"Switcheroo"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Switcheroo (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-EN001"Magician of Black Chaos"Ultra RareRitual Monster
SBTK-EN002"Black Magic Ritual"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-EN003"Kairyu-Shin"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN004"Ancient Brain"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN005"Wetha"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN006"Change Slime"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN007"Giant Mech-Soldier"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN008"Crazy Fish"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN009"Girochin Kuwagata"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN010"Metal Armored Bug"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-EN011"Tainted Wisdom"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN012"Cyber Raider"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN013"Patrician of Darkness"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN014"Maryokutai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN015"Sasuke Samurai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN016"Don Zaloog"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-EN017"Helping Robo for Combat"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN018"Despair from the Dark"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN019"Blood Sucker"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN020"Black Ptera"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN021"Flint Lock"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN022"Golden Ladybug"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-EN023"Jurrac Spinos"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN024"Jurrac Stauriko"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-EN025"Jurrac Herra"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-EN026"Shore Knight"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-EN027"The Legendary Fisherman II"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-EN028"Parasite Paranoid"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-EN029"Skull Knight"CommonFusion Monster
SBTK-EN030"Super War-Lion"CommonRitual Monster
SBTK-EN031"War-Lion Ritual"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-EN032"Share the Pain"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-EN033"Flint"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBTK-EN034"Tail Swipe"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-EN035"Double Cyclone"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SBTK-EN036"Surface"Super RareNormal Spell Card
SBTK-EN037"Bashing Shield"Super RareEquip Spell Card
SBTK-EN038"Iron Draw"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-EN039"Time Machine"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-EN040"Tutan Mask"CommonCounter Trap Card
SBTK-EN041"Energy Drain"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-EN042"Assault on GHQ"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-EN043"Haunted Shrine"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-EN044"Sealing Ceremony of Suiton"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBTK-EN045"Waking the Dragon"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-EN046"Floodgate Trap Hole"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameFrench nameRarityCategory
SBTK-FRS01"Zombie Master"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Zombie Master (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-FRS02"Terror from the Deep!"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Terror from the Deep! available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-FRS03"Dino Destruction"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Dino Destruction (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-FRS04"Cocoon of Ultra Evolution"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-FRS05"Switcheroo"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Switcheroo (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-FR001"Magician of Black Chaos""Magicien du Chaos Sombre"Ultra RareRitual Monster
SBTK-FR002"Black Magic Ritual""Rituel de Magie Noire"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-FR003"Kairyu-Shin""Kairyu-Shin"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR004"Ancient Brain""Cerveau Ancien"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR005"Wetha""Wetha"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR006"Change Slime""Bave Changeante"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR007"Giant Mech-Soldier""Méch-Soldat Géant"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR008"Crazy Fish""Poisson Fou"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR009"Girochin Kuwagata""Girochin Kuwagata"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR010"Metal Armored Bug""Insecte Blindé"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-FR011"Tainted Wisdom""Sagesse Salie"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR012"Cyber Raider""Cyber Maraudeur"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR013"Patrician of Darkness""Patricien des Ténèbres"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR014"Maryokutai""Maryokutai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR015"Sasuke Samurai""Samouraï Sasuke"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR016"Don Zaloog""Don Zaloog"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-FR017"Helping Robo for Combat""Robot d'Assistance au Combat"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR018"Despair from the Dark""Désespoir des Ténèbres"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR019"Blood Sucker""Sangsue"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR020"Black Ptera""Ptéra Noir"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR021"Flint Lock""Serrure Flint"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR022"Golden Ladybug""Coccinelle d'Or"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-FR023"Jurrac Spinos""Spinosaurus Préhistorique"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR024"Jurrac Stauriko""Staurikosaurus Préhistorique"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-FR025"Jurrac Herra""Herra Préhistorique"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-FR026"Shore Knight""Chevalier du Littoral"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-FR027"The Legendary Fisherman II""Le Pêcheur Legendaire II"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-FR028"Parasite Paranoid""Parasite Paranoïaque"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-FR029"Skull Knight""Crâne Chevalier"CommonFusion Monster
SBTK-FR030"Super War-Lion""Super Lion de Guerre"CommonRitual Monster
SBTK-FR031"War-Lion Ritual""Rituel du Lion de Guerre"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-FR032"Share the Pain""Partagez la Douleur"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-FR033"Flint""Flint"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBTK-FR034"Tail Swipe""Battement de Queue"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-FR035"Double Cyclone""Double Cyclone"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SBTK-FR036"Surface""Surface"Super RareNormal Spell Card
SBTK-FR037"Bashing Shield""Bouclier Violent"Super RareEquip Spell Card
SBTK-FR038"Iron Draw""Pioche de Fer"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-FR039"Time Machine""Machine à Voyager Dans le Temps"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-FR040"Tutan Mask""Masque de Tutan"CommonCounter Trap Card
SBTK-FR041"Energy Drain""Drain d'Energie"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-FR042"Assault on GHQ""Assaut sur le Quartier Général"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-FR043"Haunted Shrine""Sanctuaire Hanté"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-FR044"Sealing Ceremony of Suiton""Cérémonie de Sceau du Suiton"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBTK-FR045"Waking the Dragon""Réveil du Dragon"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-FR046"Floodgate Trap Hole""Trappe Vanne"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameGerman nameRarityCategory
SBTK-DES01"Zombie Master"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Zombie Master (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-DES02"Terror from the Deep!"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Terror from the Deep! available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-DES03"Dino Destruction"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Dino Destruction (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-DES04"Cocoon of Ultra Evolution"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-DES05"Switcheroo"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Switcheroo (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-DE001"Magician of Black Chaos""Magier des Schwarzen Chaos"Ultra RareRitual Monster
SBTK-DE002"Black Magic Ritual""Schwarzes magisches Ritual"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-DE003"Kairyu-Shin""Kairyu-Shin"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE004"Ancient Brain""Antiker Geist"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE005"Wetha""Wetha"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE006"Change Slime""Verwandlungsschleim"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE007"Giant Mech-Soldier""Mechanischer Riesensoldat"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE008"Crazy Fish""Verrückter Fisch"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE009"Girochin Kuwagata""Girochin Kuwagata"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE010"Metal Armored Bug""Metallpanzerkäfer"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-DE011"Tainted Wisdom""Verdorbene Weisheit"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE012"Cyber Raider""Cyber-Plünderer"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE013"Patrician of Darkness""Patrizier der Dunkelheit"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE014"Maryokutai""Maryokutai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE015"Sasuke Samurai""Sasuke-Samurai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE016"Don Zaloog""Don Zaloog"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-DE017"Helping Robo for Combat""Kämpfender Hilfsroboter"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE018"Despair from the Dark""Verzweiflung aus der Finsternis"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE019"Blood Sucker""Blutsauger"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE020"Black Ptera""Schwarzer Ptera"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE021"Flint Lock""Flint-Schloss"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE022"Golden Ladybug""Goldener Marienkäfer"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-DE023"Jurrac Spinos""Jurassier-Spinos"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE024"Jurrac Stauriko""Jurassier-Stauriko"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-DE025"Jurrac Herra""Jurassier-Herra"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-DE026"Shore Knight""Küstenritter"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-DE027"The Legendary Fisherman II""Legendärer Fischer II"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-DE028"Parasite Paranoid""Parasiten-Paranoid"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-DE029"Skull Knight""Totenkopfritter"CommonFusion Monster
SBTK-DE030"Super War-Lion""Superkriegslöwe"CommonRitual Monster
SBTK-DE031"War-Lion Ritual""Kriegslöwenritual"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-DE032"Share the Pain""Schmerzen teilen"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-DE033"Flint""Flint"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBTK-DE034"Tail Swipe""Schwanzhieb"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-DE035"Double Cyclone""Doppelzyklon"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SBTK-DE036"Surface""Auftauchen"Super RareNormal Spell Card
SBTK-DE037"Bashing Shield""Angriffsschild"Super RareEquip Spell Card
SBTK-DE038"Iron Draw""Eisernes Ziehen"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-DE039"Time Machine""Zeitmaschine"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-DE040"Tutan Mask""Tutan-Maske"CommonCounter Trap Card
SBTK-DE041"Energy Drain""Energieverlust"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-DE042"Assault on GHQ""Angriff auf das Hauptquartier"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-DE043"Haunted Shrine""Spukschrein"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-DE044"Sealing Ceremony of Suiton""Versiegelungszeremonie von Suiton"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBTK-DE045"Waking the Dragon""Den Drachen wecken"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-DE046"Floodgate Trap Hole""Wasserloch-Fallgrube"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategory
SBTK-ITS01"Zombie Master"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Zombie Master (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ITS02"Terror from the Deep!"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Terror from the Deep! available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ITS03"Dino Destruction"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Dino Destruction (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ITS04"Cocoon of Ultra Evolution"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-ITS05"Switcheroo"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Switcheroo (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-IT001"Magician of Black Chaos""Mago del Chaos Oscuro"Ultra RareRitual Monster
SBTK-IT002"Black Magic Ritual""Rito Magia Oscura"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-IT003"Kairyu-Shin""Kairyu-Shin"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT004"Ancient Brain""Antico Cervello"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT005"Wetha""Wetha"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT006"Change Slime""Melma Cangiante"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT007"Giant Mech-Soldier""Mech-Soldato Gigante"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT008"Crazy Fish""Pesce Matto"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT009"Girochin Kuwagata""Girochin Kuwagata"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT010"Metal Armored Bug""Insetto-Metallo Corazzato"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-IT011"Tainted Wisdom""Saggezza Infetta"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT012"Cyber Raider""Predone Cibernetico"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT013"Patrician of Darkness""Nobile dell'Oscurità"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT014"Maryokutai""Maryokutai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT015"Sasuke Samurai""Samurai Sasuke"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT016"Don Zaloog""Don Zaloog"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-IT017"Helping Robo for Combat""Robot Soccorritore"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT018"Despair from the Dark""Disperazione dall'Oscurità"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT019"Blood Sucker""Succhiasangue"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT020"Black Ptera""Pterodattilo Nero"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT021"Flint Lock""Blocco Flint"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT022"Golden Ladybug""Coccinella Dorata"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-IT023"Jurrac Spinos""Jurrac Spinos"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT024"Jurrac Stauriko""Jurrac Stauriko"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-IT025"Jurrac Herra""Jurrac Herra"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-IT026"Shore Knight""Cavaliere della Costa"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-IT027"The Legendary Fisherman II""Pescatore Leggendario II"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-IT028"Parasite Paranoid""Paranoide Parassita"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-IT029"Skull Knight""Cavaliere Teschio"CommonFusion Monster
SBTK-IT030"Super War-Lion""Super Leone da Guerra"CommonRitual Monster
SBTK-IT031"War-Lion Ritual""Rituale del Leone da Guerra"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-IT032"Share the Pain""Dividi la Sofferenza"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-IT033"Flint""Flint"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBTK-IT034"Tail Swipe""Spazzata di Coda"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-IT035"Double Cyclone""Doppio Ciclone"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SBTK-IT036"Surface""Riemersione"Super RareNormal Spell Card
SBTK-IT037"Bashing Shield""Scudo Perforante"Super RareEquip Spell Card
SBTK-IT038"Iron Draw""Pescata di Ferro"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-IT039"Time Machine""Macchina del Tempo"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-IT040"Tutan Mask""Maschera di Tutan"CommonCounter Trap Card
SBTK-IT041"Energy Drain""Risucchio di Energia"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-IT042"Assault on GHQ""Assalto al Quartier Generale"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-IT043"Haunted Shrine""Reliquiario Infestato"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-IT044"Sealing Ceremony of Suiton""Cerimonia Sigillante di Suiton"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBTK-IT045"Waking the Dragon""Risvegliare il Drago"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-IT046"Floodgate Trap Hole""Buco Trappola Chiusa"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish namePortuguese nameRarityCategory
SBTK-PTS01"Zombie Master"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Zombie Master (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-PTS02"Terror from the Deep!"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Terror from the Deep! available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-PTS03"Dino Destruction"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Dino Destruction (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-PTS04"Cocoon of Ultra Evolution"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-PTS05"Switcheroo"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Switcheroo (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-PT001"Magician of Black Chaos""Mago do Caos das Trevas"Ultra RareRitual Monster
SBTK-PT002"Black Magic Ritual""Ritual de Magia Negra"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-PT003"Kairyu-Shin""Kairyu-Shin"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT004"Ancient Brain""Cérebro Antigo"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT005"Wetha""Wetha"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT006"Change Slime""Limo Mutante"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT007"Giant Mech-Soldier""Mecha-Soldado Gigante"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT008"Crazy Fish""Peixe Louco"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT009"Girochin Kuwagata""Girochin Kuwagata"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT010"Metal Armored Bug""Inseto com Armadura Metálica"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-PT011"Tainted Wisdom""Sabedoria Estragada"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT012"Cyber Raider""Raider Cibernético"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT013"Patrician of Darkness""Aristocrata da Escuridão"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT014"Maryokutai""Maryokutai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT015"Sasuke Samurai""Samurai Sasuke"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT016"Don Zaloog""Dom Zaloog"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-PT017"Helping Robo for Combat""Robô Ajudante de Combate"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT018"Despair from the Dark""Desespero do Escuro"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT019"Blood Sucker""Sugador de Sangue"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT020"Black Ptera""Ptera Negro"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT021"Flint Lock"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT022"Golden Ladybug""Joaninha Dourada"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-PT023"Jurrac Spinos""Jurrac Espino"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT024"Jurrac Stauriko""Jurrac Estaurico"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-PT025"Jurrac Herra""Jurrac Herra"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-PT026"Shore Knight""Cavaleiro do Litoral"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-PT027"The Legendary Fisherman II""O Pescador Lendário II"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-PT028"Parasite Paranoid""Parasita Paranoico"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-PT029"Skull Knight""Cavaleiro Caveira"CommonFusion Monster
SBTK-PT030"Super War-Lion""Super Leão-de-Guerra"CommonRitual Monster
SBTK-PT031"War-Lion Ritual""Ritual do Leão-de-Guerra"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-PT032"Share the Pain""Compartilhar a Dor"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-PT033"Flint""Flint"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBTK-PT034"Tail Swipe""Rasteira com a Cauda"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-PT035"Double Cyclone""Ciclone Duplo"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SBTK-PT036"Surface""Emergir"Super RareNormal Spell Card
SBTK-PT037"Bashing Shield""Escudo do Golpear"Super RareEquip Spell Card
SBTK-PT038"Iron Draw""Saque de Ferro"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-PT039"Time Machine""Máquina do Tempo"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-PT040"Tutan Mask""Máscara de Tutan"CommonCounter Trap Card
SBTK-PT041"Energy Drain""Drenagem de Energia"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-PT042"Assault on GHQ""Um Assalto ao Quartel"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-PT043"Haunted Shrine""Santuário Assombrado"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-PT044"Sealing Ceremony of Suiton"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBTK-PT045"Waking the Dragon""Despertar o Dragão"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-PT046"Floodgate Trap Hole""Comporta Buraco Armadilha"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
SBTK-SPS01"Zombie Master""Amo de Zombis"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Zombie Master (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-SPS02"Terror from the Deep!""¡Terror desde las Profundidades!"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Terror from the Deep! available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-SPS03"Dino Destruction""Destrucción Dinosáurica"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Dino Destruction available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-SPS04"Cocoon of Ultra Evolution""Capullo Ultra Evolutivo"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-SPS05"Switcheroo""Cambios"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Switcheroo available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBTK-SP001"Magician of Black Chaos""Mago del Caos Negro"Ultra RareRitual Monster
SBTK-SP002"Black Magic Ritual""Ritual de Magia Negra"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-SP003"Kairyu-Shin""Kairyu - Shin"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP004"Ancient Brain""Cerebro Antiguo"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP005"Wetha""Wetha"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP006"Change Slime""Limo de Cambio"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP007"Giant Mech-Soldier""Mech - Soldado Gigante"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP008"Crazy Fish""Peces Disparatados"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP009"Girochin Kuwagata""Girochin Kuwagata"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP010"Metal Armored Bug""Insecto Acorazado de Metal"CommonNormal Monster
SBTK-SP011"Tainted Wisdom""Sabiduría Manchada"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP012"Cyber Raider""Cyber Predador"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP013"Patrician of Darkness""Patricio de la Oscuridad"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP014"Maryokutai""Maryokutai"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP015"Sasuke Samurai""Samurai Sasuke"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP016"Don Zaloog""Don Zaloog"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-SP017"Helping Robo for Combat""Robot de Ayuda para el Combate"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP018"Despair from the Dark""Desesperación de la Oscuridad"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP019"Blood Sucker""Chupasangre"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP020"Black Ptera""Ptera Oscuro"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP021"Flint Lock""AtrapaFlints"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP022"Golden Ladybug""Vaca de San Antonio Dorada"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-SP023"Jurrac Spinos""Jurrac Spinos"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP024"Jurrac Stauriko""Jurrac Stauriko"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-SP025"Jurrac Herra""Jurrac Herra"Super RareEffect Monster
SBTK-SP026"Shore Knight""Caballero de la Costa"CommonEffect Monster
SBTK-SP027"The Legendary Fisherman II""El Pescador Legendario II"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-SP028"Parasite Paranoid""Parásito Paranoico"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBTK-SP029"Skull Knight""Caballero del Cráneo"CommonFusion Monster
SBTK-SP030"Super War-Lion""Súper León de Guerra"CommonRitual Monster
SBTK-SP031"War-Lion Ritual""Ritual del León de Guerra"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBTK-SP032"Share the Pain""Compartir el Dolor"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-SP033"Flint""Flint"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBTK-SP034"Tail Swipe""Barrido de Cola"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-SP035"Double Cyclone""Ciclón Doble"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
SBTK-SP036"Surface""Superficie"Super RareNormal Spell Card
SBTK-SP037"Bashing Shield""Escudo Golpeador"Super RareEquip Spell Card
SBTK-SP038"Iron Draw""Robo de Hierro"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBTK-SP039"Time Machine""Máquina del Tiempo"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-SP040"Tutan Mask""Máscara Tutan"CommonCounter Trap Card
SBTK-SP041"Energy Drain""Drenaje de Energía"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-SP042"Assault on GHQ""Asalto a GHQ"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-SP043"Haunted Shrine""Santuario Maldito"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBTK-SP044"Sealing Ceremony of Suiton""Ceremonia de Sellado de Suiton"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBTK-SP045"Waking the Dragon""Despertando al Dragón"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBTK-SP046"Floodgate Trap Hole""Agujero Trampa Esclusa"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card

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