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Speed Duel: Scars of Battle is the third Speed Duel Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG).



Each pack contains 4 cards. The set contains 45 cards and 5 Skill Cards:



Card numberNameRarityCategory
SBSC-ENS01"Heavy Metal Raiders"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Heavy Metal Raiders (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ENS02"Spell Proof Armor"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Spell Proof Armor available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ENS03"Bandit"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Bandit available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ENS04"Servants of the Fallen King"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Servants of the Fallen King available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ENS05"Double Evolution Pill"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Double Evolution Pill (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-EN001"Magical Plant Mandragola"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-EN002"Dark Red Enchanter"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-EN003"Crystal Seer"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-EN004"Spell Power Grasp"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-EN005"Spellbinding Circle"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBSC-EN006"Troop Dragon"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-EN007"Vampire Lord"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-EN008"Command Knight"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN009"Gearfried the Swordmaster"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-EN010"Release Restraint"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-EN011"Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN012"Fire Reaper"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN013"Book of Life"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-EN014"Skreech"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN015"Fortress Whale"CommonRitual Monster
SBSC-EN016"Fortress Whale's Oath"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBSC-EN017"Kabazauls"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN018"Jurrac Tyrannus"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN019"Empress Mantis"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN020"Danipon"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN021"Insect Armor with Laser Cannon"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-EN022"Gatekeeper"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN023"Pendulum Machine"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN024"Launcher Spider"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN025"Slot Machine"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN026"Barrel Dragon"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-EN027"Blast Sphere"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN028"Machine Conversion Factory"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-EN029"7 Completed"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-EN030"Metalmorph"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBSC-EN031"Bokoichi the Freightening Car"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-EN032"Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-EN033"Mask of Darkness"Ultra RareFlip monster
SBSC-EN034"Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-EN035"Infernity Dwarf"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN036"Ally of Justice Core Destroyer"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN037"Master Craftsman Gamil"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-EN038"Eternal Rest"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-EN039"Gravity Axe - Grarl"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-EN040"The Beginning of the End"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-EN041"Fighting Spirit"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-EN042"Break! Draw!"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-EN043"Night Beam"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-EN044"Security Orb"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBSC-EN045"A Major Upset"CommonNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameFrench nameRarityCategory
SBSC-FRS01"Heavy Metal Raiders""Heavy Metal Raiders"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Heavy Metal Raiders (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-FRS02"Spell Proof Armor""Armure Pare-Magie"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Spell Proof Armor available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-FRS03"Bandit""Bandit"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Bandit available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-FRS04"Servants of the Fallen King""Serviteurs du Roi Déchu"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Servants of the Fallen King available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-FRS05"Double Evolution Pill""Pilule d'Évolution Double"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Double Evolution Pill (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-FR001"Magical Plant Mandragola""Mandragore"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-FR002"Dark Red Enchanter""Enchanteur Écarlate"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-FR003"Crystal Seer""Voyante à la Boule de Cristal"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-FR004"Spell Power Grasp""Maîtrise de Puissance Magique"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-FR005"Spellbinding Circle""Cercle Envoûtant"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBSC-FR006"Troop Dragon""Troupe Draconique"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-FR007"Vampire Lord""Seigneur Vampire"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-FR008"Command Knight""Chevalier Commandeur"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR009"Gearfried the Swordmaster""Gearfried le Maître Escrimeur"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-FR010"Release Restraint""Déchaîné"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-FR011"Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie""Zombie Argenté aux Yeux Bleus"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR012"Fire Reaper""Faucheur de feu"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR013"Book of Life""Le Livre de la Vie"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-FR014"Skreech""Skreech"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR015"Fortress Whale""Baleine Forteresse"CommonRitual Monster
SBSC-FR016"Fortress Whale's Oath""Serment de la Baleine Forteresse"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBSC-FR017"Kabazauls""Kabazauls"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR018"Jurrac Tyrannus""Tyrannus Préhistorique"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR019"Empress Mantis""Mante Impératrice"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR020"Danipon""Danipon"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR021"Insect Armor with Laser Cannon""Armure d'Insecte avec Canon Laser"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-FR022"Gatekeeper""Garde-Barrière"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR023"Pendulum Machine""Machine Pendule"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR024"Launcher Spider""Araignée Lanceuse"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR025"Slot Machine""Machine à Sous"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR026"Barrel Dragon""Revolver Dragon"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-FR027"Blast Sphere""Sphère Explosive"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR028"Machine Conversion Factory""Usine de Convertisseurs"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-FR029"7 Completed""Brelan de 7"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-FR030"Metalmorph""Métalmorphe"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBSC-FR031"Bokoichi the Freightening Car""Bokoichi, le Wagon de Terreur"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-FR032"Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive""Dekoichi, la Locomotive de Guerre Enchantée"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-FR033"Mask of Darkness""Masque des Ténèbres"Ultra RareFlip monster
SBSC-FR034"Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu""Forgeron Kotetsu"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-FR035"Infernity Dwarf""Nain Enfernité"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR036"Ally of Justice Core Destroyer""Destructeur de Noyau, Allié de la Justice"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR037"Master Craftsman Gamil""Maitre artisan Gamil"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-FR038"Eternal Rest""Repos Éternel"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-FR039"Gravity Axe - Grarl""Grarl - Hache Gravitationnelle"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-FR040"The Beginning of the End""Le Début de la Fin"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-FR041"Fighting Spirit""Esprit de Combat"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-FR042"Break! Draw!""Destruction et Pioche"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-FR043"Night Beam""Rayon Nocturne"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-FR044"Security Orb""Orbe de Sécurité"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBSC-FR045"A Major Upset""Grosse Colère"CommonNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameGerman nameRarityCategory
SBSC-DES01"Heavy Metal Raiders""Schwermetall-Plünderer"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Heavy Metal Raiders (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-DES02"Spell Proof Armor""Zaubersichere Rüstung"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Spell Proof Armor available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-DES03"Bandit""Bandit"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Bandit available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-DES04"Servants of the Fallen King""Diener des gefallenen Königs"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Servants of the Fallen King available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-DES05"Double Evolution Pill""Doppelte Evolutionspille"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Double Evolution Pill (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-DE001"Magical Plant Mandragola""Magische Mandragola-Pflanze"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-DE002"Dark Red Enchanter""Finsterer roter Zauberer"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-DE003"Crystal Seer""Kristallseher"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-DE004"Spell Power Grasp""Gespür für Zauberkraft"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-DE005"Spellbinding Circle""Faszinierender Kreis"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBSC-DE006"Troop Dragon""Drachentruppen"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-DE007"Vampire Lord""Vampirlord"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-DE008"Command Knight""Gebieterischer Ritter"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE009"Gearfried the Swordmaster""Gerfried, der Schwertmeister"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-DE010"Release Restraint""Befreiung"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-DE011"Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie""Blauäugiger Silberzombie"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE012"Fire Reaper""Feuer Schnitter"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE013"Book of Life""Buch des Lebens"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-DE014"Skreech""Kreischen"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE015"Fortress Whale""Festungswal"CommonRitual Monster
SBSC-DE016"Fortress Whale's Oath""Eid des Festungswals"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBSC-DE017"Kabazauls""Kabazauls"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE018"Jurrac Tyrannus""Jurassier-Tyrannus"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE019"Empress Mantis""Mantis-Kaiserin"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE020"Danipon""Danipon"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE021"Insect Armor with Laser Cannon""Insektenpanzer mit Laserkanone"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-DE022"Gatekeeper""Torwärter"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE023"Pendulum Machine""Pendelmaschine"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE024"Launcher Spider""Raketenwerferspinne"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE025"Slot Machine""Spielautomat"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE026"Barrel Dragon""Pistolendrache"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-DE027"Blast Sphere""Sprengkugel"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE028"Machine Conversion Factory""Maschinenumwandlungsfabrik"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-DE029"7 Completed""7 vollendet"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-DE030"Metalmorph""Metallwandler"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBSC-DE031"Bokoichi the Freightening Car""Bokoichi, der Güterwagen"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-DE032"Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive""Dekoichi, die Kampfdampflok"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-DE033"Mask of Darkness""Maske der Finsternis"Ultra RareFlip monster
SBSC-DE034"Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu""Eisenschmied Kotetsu"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-DE035"Infernity Dwarf""Ewig infernaler Zwerg"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE036"Ally of Justice Core Destroyer""Verbündeter der Gerechtigkeit Kernzerstörer"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE037"Master Craftsman Gamil""Meisterschmied Gamil"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-DE038"Eternal Rest""Ewige Ruhe"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-DE039"Gravity Axe - Grarl""Grarl, Schwerkraftaxt"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-DE040"The Beginning of the End""Der Anfang vom Ende"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-DE041"Fighting Spirit""Kampfgeist"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-DE042"Break! Draw!""Zerbrechen! Ziehen!"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-DE043"Night Beam""Nächtlicher Strahl"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-DE044"Security Orb""Sicherheitskugel"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBSC-DE045"A Major Upset""Eine bedeutende Störung"CommonNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategory
SBSC-ITS01"Heavy Metal Raiders""Predoni Metallici Pesanti"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Heavy Metal Raiders (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ITS02"Spell Proof Armor""Armatura a Prova di Magia"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Spell Proof Armor available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ITS03"Bandit""Bandito"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Bandit available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ITS04"Servants of the Fallen King""Servitori del Re Caduto"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Servants of the Fallen King available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-ITS05"Double Evolution Pill""Pillola dell'Evoluzione Doppia"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Double Evolution Pill (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-IT001"Magical Plant Mandragola""Mandragola Pianta Magica"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-IT002"Dark Red Enchanter""Incantatore Rosso Oscuro"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-IT003"Crystal Seer""Profeta Cristallo"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-IT004"Spell Power Grasp""Padronanza del Potere Magico"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-IT005"Spellbinding Circle""Cerchio Incantatore"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBSC-IT006"Troop Dragon""Truppa-Drago"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-IT007"Vampire Lord""Signore dei Vampiri"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-IT008"Command Knight""Cavaliere Comandante"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT009"Gearfried the Swordmaster""Spadaccino Sacro - Gearfried il Cavaliere di Ferro"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-IT010"Release Restraint""Rimozione della Restrizione"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-IT011"Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie""Zombie Argenteo Occhi Blu"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT012"Fire Reaper""Mietitore di Fuoco"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT013"Book of Life""Libro della Vita"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-IT014"Skreech""Skreech"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT015"Fortress Whale""Balena Fortezza"CommonRitual Monster
SBSC-IT016"Fortress Whale's Oath""Giuramento della Balena Fortezza"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBSC-IT017"Kabazauls""Kabazauls"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT018"Jurrac Tyrannus""Jurrac Tyrannus"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT019"Empress Mantis""Mantide Imperatrice"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT020"Danipon""Danipon"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT021"Insect Armor with Laser Cannon""Armatura Insetto con Cannone Laser"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-IT022"Gatekeeper""Custode del Cancello"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT023"Pendulum Machine""Macchina Pendolo"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT024"Launcher Spider""Ragno Lancia-Missili"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT025"Slot Machine""Slot Machine"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT026"Barrel Dragon""Drago Revolver"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-IT027"Blast Sphere""Sfera di Distruzione"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT028"Machine Conversion Factory""Fabbrica di Macchine"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-IT029"7 Completed""7 Completati"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-IT030"Metalmorph""Metalmorph"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBSC-IT031"Bokoichi the Freightening Car""Bokoichi il Vagone Spaventoso"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-IT032"Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive""Dekoichi la Locomotiva da Battaglia Incantata"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-IT033"Mask of Darkness""Maschera dell'Oscurità"Ultra RareFlip monster
SBSC-IT034"Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu""Kotetsu Fabbro del Ferro"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-IT035"Infernity Dwarf""Nano Demoneterno"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT036"Ally of Justice Core Destroyer""Nucleo Distruttore Alleato della Giustizia"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT037"Master Craftsman Gamil""Maestro Artigiano Gamil"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-IT038"Eternal Rest""Riposo Eterno"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-IT039"Gravity Axe - Grarl""Ascia Gravitazionale - Grarl"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-IT040"The Beginning of the End""L'Inizio della Fine"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-IT041"Fighting Spirit""Spirito Combattente"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-IT042"Break! Draw!""Rompi! Pesca!"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-IT043"Night Beam""Raggio Notturno"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-IT044"Security Orb""Sfera della Sicurezza"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBSC-IT045"A Major Upset""Una Grave Sconfitta"CommonNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish namePortuguese nameRarityCategory
SBSC-PTS01"Heavy Metal Raiders"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Heavy Metal Raiders (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-PTS02"Spell Proof Armor"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Spell Proof Armor available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-PTS03"Bandit"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Bandit available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-PTS04"Servants of the Fallen King"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Servants of the Fallen King available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-PTS05"Double Evolution Pill"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Double Evolution Pill (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-PT001"Magical Plant Mandragola""Planta Mágica Mandrágona"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-PT002"Dark Red Enchanter""Bruxo Vermelho Negro"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-PT003"Crystal Seer""Vidente de Cristal"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-PT004"Spell Power Grasp""Domínio do Poder Mágico"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-PT005"Spellbinding Circle""Círculo da Profecia"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBSC-PT006"Troop Dragon""Dragão de Infantaria"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-PT007"Vampire Lord""Senhor dos Vampiros"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-PT008"Command Knight""Cavaleiro Comando"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT009"Gearfried the Swordmaster""Gerfried, o Mestre da Espada"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-PT010"Release Restraint""Libertado"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-PT011"Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie""Zumbi Prateado de Olhos-Azuis"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT012"Fire Reaper""Estripador do fogo"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT013"Book of Life""Livro da Vida"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-PT014"Skreech""Skreech"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT015"Fortress Whale""Baleia Fortaleza"CommonRitual Monster
SBSC-PT016"Fortress Whale's Oath""Juramento da Baleia Fortaleza"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBSC-PT017"Kabazauls""Kabazauls"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT018"Jurrac Tyrannus""Jurrac Tyrannus"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT019"Empress Mantis""Louva-a-deus Imperadora"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT020"Danipon"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT021"Insect Armor with Laser Cannon""Armadura Inseto com Canhão Laser"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-PT022"Gatekeeper""Porteiro"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT023"Pendulum Machine""Máquina do Pêndulo"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT024"Launcher Spider""Aranha Lançadora"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT025"Slot Machine""Caça-Níquel"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT026"Barrel Dragon""Dragão Revólver"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-PT027"Blast Sphere""Esfera Explosiva"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT028"Machine Conversion Factory""Fábrica de Conversão de Máquina"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-PT029"7 Completed""7 Completados"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-PT030"Metalmorph""Metalmorfo"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBSC-PT031"Bokoichi the Freightening Car""Bokoichi, o Vagão Assustador"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-PT032"Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive""Dekoichi, a Locomotiva da Canção de Batalha"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-PT033"Mask of Darkness""Máscara das Trevas"Ultra RareFlip monster
SBSC-PT034"Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu""Ferreiro Kotetsu"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-PT035"Infernity Dwarf""Anão Inférnico"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT036"Ally of Justice Core Destroyer""Aliado da Justiça Destruidor de Núcleo"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT037"Master Craftsman Gamil""Mestre Ferreiro Gamil"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-PT038"Eternal Rest""Repouso Eterno"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-PT039"Gravity Axe - Grarl""Machado Gravitacional - Grarl"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-PT040"The Beginning of the End""O Começo do Fim"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-PT041"Fighting Spirit""Espírito Lutador"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-PT042"Break! Draw!""Destrua! Compre!"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-PT043"Night Beam""Feixe Noturno"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-PT044"Security Orb""Orbe de Segurança"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBSC-PT045"A Major Upset""Um Grande Distúrbio"CommonNormal Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
SBSC-SPS01"Heavy Metal Raiders""Predadores Métalicos Pesados"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Heavy Metal Raiders (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-SPS02"Spell Proof Armor""Armadura a Prueba de Magia"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Spell Proof Armor available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-SPS03"Bandit""Bandido"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Bandit available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-SPS04"Servants of the Fallen King""Sirvientes del Rey Caído"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Servants of the Fallen King available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-SPS05"Double Evolution Pill""Doble Píldora de Evolución"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Double Evolution Pill (Skill Card) available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBSC-SP001"Magical Plant Mandragola""Mandragola la Planta Mágica"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-SP002"Dark Red Enchanter""Encantador Oscuro Rojo"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-SP003"Crystal Seer""Vidente"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-SP004"Spell Power Grasp""Captura de Poder Mágico"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-SP005"Spellbinding Circle""Círculo Atahechizos"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBSC-SP006"Troop Dragon""Tropa Dragón"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-SP007"Vampire Lord""Señor de los Vampiros"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-SP008"Command Knight""Caballero Comandante"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP009"Gearfried the Swordmaster""Gearfried el Maestro de la Espada"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBSC-SP010"Release Restraint""Desatado"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-SP011"Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie""Zombi de plata de ojos azules"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP012"Fire Reaper""Segadora de Fuego"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP013"Book of Life""Libro de la Vida"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-SP014"Skreech""Skreech"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP015"Fortress Whale""Ballena Fortaleza"CommonRitual Monster
SBSC-SP016"Fortress Whale's Oath""Juramento de la Ballena Fortaleza"CommonRitual Spell Card
SBSC-SP017"Kabazauls""Kabazauls"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP018"Jurrac Tyrannus""Jurrac Tyrannus"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP019"Empress Mantis""Emperatriz Mantis"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP020"Danipon""Danipon"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP021"Insect Armor with Laser Cannon""Armadura Insecto con Cañón Láser"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-SP022"Gatekeeper""Custodio"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP023"Pendulum Machine""Máquina del Péndulo"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP024"Launcher Spider""Araña Lanzadora"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP025"Slot Machine""Máquina Tragaperras"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP026"Barrel Dragon""Dragón Cañón"Super RareEffect Monster
SBSC-SP027"Blast Sphere""Esfera Explosiva"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP028"Machine Conversion Factory""Fábrica de Conversión de Máquinas"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-SP029"7 Completed""7 Completado"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-SP030"Metalmorph""Metalmorph"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
SBSC-SP031"Bokoichi the Freightening Car""Bokoichi el Coche Que Asusta"CommonNormal Monster
SBSC-SP032"Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive""Dekoichi la Locomotora Encantada"Super RareFlip monster
SBSC-SP033"Mask of Darkness""Máscara de la Oscuridad"Ultra RareFlip monster
SBSC-SP034"Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu""Herrero Kotetsu"CommonFlip monster
SBSC-SP035"Infernity Dwarf""Enano Inférnico"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP036"Ally of Justice Core Destroyer""Aliado de la Justicia Destructor del Núcleo"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP037"Master Craftsman Gamil""Maestro Artesano Gamil"CommonEffect Monster
SBSC-SP038"Eternal Rest""Descanso Eterno"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-SP039"Gravity Axe - Grarl""Hacha de Gravedad - Grarl"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-SP040"The Beginning of the End""El Principio del Fin"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBSC-SP041"Fighting Spirit""Espíritu de Pelea"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-SP042"Break! Draw!""¡Sepárense! ¡Roben!"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBSC-SP043"Night Beam""Rayo Nocturno"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
SBSC-SP044"Security Orb""Orbe de Seguridad"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBSC-SP045"A Major Upset""Un Trastorno Mayor"CommonNormal Trap Card
