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"Soul Drive" ( (たましい) ドライブ, Tamashī Doraibu) is the third Japanese opening theme of the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime, performed by the Pop Rock band Color Bottle. It debuted on April 9th, 2012, and aired during episodes 50 to 73. It was replaced in episode 74 by "Unbreakable Heart".


Recording Credits[]

  • Performed by: Color Bottle (カラーボトル)
  • Lyrics by: Masayuki Takemori (竹森マサユキ)
  • Composed by: Color Bottle (カラーボトル) and Masayuki Akahiro (赤堀真之)
  • Arranged by: Masayuki Akahiro (赤堀真之)
  • Record Label: Dolly Music/Marvelous AQL (ドリーミュージック/マーベラスAQL)


TV Version[]


Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Japanese Opening Theme Season 2, Version 1 - Soul Drive by Color Bottle

Lyrics (TV Size)[]

進め 進め 力の限り
共にゆこう 命燃やして

なあ友よ この坂の向こうには
なあ友よ 乗り越えてゆけるさ
甦れ 今こそ力合わせ
解き放て 魂ドライブ

進め 進め 力の限り
共にゆこう 命燃やして

走れ 走れ たどり着くまで
何度も 何度も 挑み続けて
友よ 今を生きてゆこう


すすめ すすめ ちからのかぎり
ともにゆこう いのちもやして

なあともよ このさかのむこうには
なあともよ のりこえてゆけるさ
よみがえれ いまこそちからあわせ
ときはなて たましいドライブ

すすめ すすめ ちからのかぎり
ともにゆこう いのちもやして

はしれ はしれ たどりつくまで
なんども なんども いどみつずけて
ともよ いまをいきてゆこう


Susume susume chikara no kagiri
tomoni yukō inochi moyashite

Naa tomoyo kono saka no mukō niwa
donna keshiki ga matteirundarō
Naa tomoyo norikoeteyukerusa
furikaeruniwa bokura hayai
Yomigaere imakoso chikara awase
tokihanate tamashī doraibu

Susume susume chikara no kagiri
tomoni yukō inochi moyashite

Hashire hashire tadoritsuku made
nandomo nandomo idomi tsuzukete
Tomoyo ima o ikiteyukō

donna tokimo tomoni susumō

Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together

Hey, my friends, on the other side of the hill
What kind of scenery possibly awaits us
Hey, my friends, let's climb it together
It's too soon to look back
Let's get back up, and with our powers combined
Let's release this Soul Drive

Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together

Keep on running, keep on running, until you finally get there
Keep on challenging, again and again
My friends, let's live the "now"

Let's keep going together, no matter what

Lyrics (Full version)[]

進め進め 力の限り
共にゆこう 命燃やして

なあ友よ この坂の向こうには
なあ友よ 乗り越えてゆけるさ

甦れ 今こそ力合わせ
解き放て 魂ドライブ

進め進め 力の限り
共にゆこう 命燃やして
走れ走れ たどり着くまで
何度も何度も 挑み続けて

なあ友よ その涙はいつか

呼び覚ませ 眠れる力全て
加速して 魂ドライブ

進め進め 力の限り
共にゆこう 命燃やして
叫べ叫べ 本当の君を
熱き声を 張り上げてゆけ

甦れ 今こそ力合わせ
解き放て 魂ドライブ

進め進め 力の限り
共にゆこう 命燃やして
走れ走れ たどり着くまで
何度も何度も 挑み続けて

友よ 今を生きてゆこう

どんなときも 共に進もう

すすめ すすめ ちからのかぎり
ともにゆこう いのちもやして

なあともよ このさかのむこうには
なあともよ のりこえてゆけるさ
よみがえれ いまこそちからあわせ
ときはなて たましいドライブ

すすめ すすめ ちからのかぎり
ともにゆこう いのちもやして
はしれ はしれ たどりつくまで
なんども なんども いどみつづけて

なあともよ その涙はいつか
かそくして たましいドライブ

すすめ すすめ ちからのかぎり
ともにゆこう いのちもやして
さけべ さけべ ほんとうのきみを

よみがえれ いまこそちからあわせ
ときはなて たましいドライブ
すすめ すすめ ちからのかぎり
ともにゆこう いのちもやして

はしれ はしれ たどりつくまで
なんども なんども いどみつづけて

ともよ いまをいきてゆこう


Susume susume chikara no kagiri
tomoni yukō inochi moyashite

Naa tomoyo kono saka no mukō niwa
donna keshiki ga matteirundarō
Naa tomoyo norikoeteyukerusa
furikaeruniwa bokura hayai
Yomigaere imakoso chikara awase
tokihanate tamashī doraibu

Susume susume chikara no kagiri
tomoni yukō inochi moyashite
Hashire hashire tadoritsuku made
nandomo nandomo idomi tsuzukete

Naa tomoyo sono namida wa itsuka
dareka no yūki ni naru hazudakara

Yobisamase nemureru chikara subete
Kasokushite tamashī doraibu

Susume susume chikara no kagiri
tomoni yukō inochi moyashite
Sakebe sakebe hontō no kimi o
Atsuki koe wo hariagete yuke

Yomigaere imakoso chikara awase
tokihanate tamashī doraibu

Susume susume chikara no kagiri
tomoni yukō inochi moyashite
Hashire hashire tadoritsuku made
nandomo nandomo idomi tsuzukete

Tomo yo ima o ikite yukō

donna toki mo tomoni susumō

Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together

Hey, my friends, on the other side of the hill
What kind of scenery possibly awaits us
Hey, my friends, let's climb it together
It's too soon to look back
Let's get back up, and with our powers combined
Let's release this Soul Drive

Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together

Keep on running, keep on running, until you finally get there
Keep on challenging, again and again

Hey, my friends, those tears someday
Will become someone's courage

Call awake all of your sleeping power
Accelerate, this Soul Drive

Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together
Shout, shout, your true "you"
Raise your burning voice

Let's get back up, and with our powers combined
Let's release this Soul Drive

Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together

Keep on running, keep on running, until you finally get there
Keep on challenging, again and again

My friends, let's live the "now"

Let's keep going together, no matter what

Character appearances[]

Duel Monsters[]

Monster appearances[]

Card appearances[]


The single containing and named after "Soul Drive" was released June 6, 2012, and contains the following tracks:

  • Soul Drive (魂ドライブ, Tamashī Doraibu)
  • Ami-Amiko! Ami-Amuji! (アーミ・アミーコ!アーミ・アムージ!)
  • Swallowtail Butterfly (アゲハ蝶 Ageha Chō)
  • Soul Drive vocal-less ver.



  • Color Bottle, the Japanese band who performs this song, declared that while working in the production of the song, they started watching Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL and were very interested. The song was made in order to fit the series.
  • This OP theme has one of the highest amount of monsters shown, if not the highest (including those only in card form).
  • At the beginning of the chorus, Yuma is shown drawing a card in the form of ZEXAL in the Magma Field field, although he never Dueled, nor performed an ZEXAL Morph there.
  • Also, at 1:07, Yuma (in ZEXAL form) and Kite are seen Dueling in the Sphere Field, which also did not happen, as Yuma Dueled Vetrix in the Sphere Field instead.