Sophie Davison, known as Sophie Kirisaki in the Japanese version, is a character who appears in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL World Duel Carnival and Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special.
World Duel Carnival[]
Tag Force Special[]
- Wattcastle x2
- Wattcine x2
- Wattcube x2
- Wattjustment x2
- Wattkey x2
- Wattcancel x2
- Wattcannon x2
- Wattkeeper (D)
- Thunder Sea Horse
- Wattcobra x3 (D)
- Wattdragonfly x3 (D)
- Wattgiraffe x3
- Wattmole
- Wattpheasant x3
- Wattsquirrel x2
- Wattwoodpecker