This Property entry details every card that causes either player to skip their Draw Phase.
All OCG/TCG "Skips Draw Phase" cards[]
Japanese name | Primary type | Secondary type | Attribute | Type | Level/ Rank | ATK | DEF | |
Black Luster Soldier - Legendary Swordsman | 伝説の剣闘士 カオス・ソルジャー | Effect Monster Ritual Monster | EARTH | Warrior | 8 | 3000 | 2500 | |
Dr. Frankenderp | Dr.フランゲ | Effect Monster | DARK | Psychic | 3 | 300 | 300 | |
Fenrir | フェンリル | Effect Monster | WATER | Beast | 4 | 1400 | 1200 | |
Fire Cracker | ファイヤークラッカー | Effect Monster | FIRE | Fiend | 4 | 1700 | 200 | |
Flower Cardian Lightshower | 花札衛-雨四光- | Effect Monster Synchro Monster | DARK | Warrior | 8 | 3000 | 3000 | |
Flower Cardian Moonflowerviewing | 花札衛-月花見- | Effect Monster Synchro Monster | Tuner monster | DARK | Warrior | 6 | 2000 | 2000 |
Number 60: Dugares the Timeless | No.60 刻不知のデュガレス | Effect Monster Xyz Monster | FIRE | Fiend | 4 | 1200 | 1200 | |
Yata-Garasu | 八汰烏 | Effect Monster | Spirit monster | WIND | Fiend | 2 | 200 | 100 |
Yowie | ヨーウィー | Effect Monster | EARTH | Reptile | 3 | 500 | 500 |
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
Mischief of the Time Goddess | 時の女神の悪戯 | Spell Card Quick-Play Spell Card | Quick-Play Spell Card |
Offerings to the Doomed | 死者への供物 | Spell Card Quick-Play Spell Card | Quick-Play Spell Card |
Reckless Greed | 無謀な欲張り | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword | 魂を吸う竹光 | Spell Card Continuous Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Time Seal | 刻の封印 | Trap Card Normal Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
All Anime "Skips Draw Phase" cards[]
Japanese name | Primary type | Secondary type | Attribute | Type | Level/ Rank | ATK | DEF | |
Candelato, the Beast of Light | 光源獣 カンデラート | Effect Monster | LIGHT | Beast | 12 | ??? | 0 | |
Fenrir | フェンリル | Effect Monster | WATER | Beast | 4 | ??? | 1400 | |
Flower Cardian Lightshower | 花札衛-雨四光- | Synchro Monster | DARK | Warrior | 8 | ??? | 3000 | |
Orichalcos Gigas | オレイカルコス・ギガース | Effect Monster | ??? | ??? | 4 | ??? | 400 | |
Performapal Five-Rainbow Magician | EM五虹の魔術師 | Pendulum Monster | LIGHT | Spellcaster | 1 | ??? | 100 | |
Yata-Garasu | 八汰烏 | Effect Monster | Spirit monster | WIND | Fiend | 2 | ??? | 200 |
Yowie | ヨーウィー | Effect Monster | EARTH | Reptile | 3 | ??? | 500 |
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
D - Force | D-フォース | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Drain Time | ドレイン・タイム | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Excalibur | エクスカリバー | Spell Card | Equip Spell Card |
Fallout | フォール・アウト | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Mine Blast | 鉱山爆破 | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Offerings to the Doomed | 死者への供物 | Spell Card | Quick-Play Spell Card |
Pendulum Illusion | ペンデュラム・イリュージョン | Spell Card | Continuous Spell Card |
Restraining Sword of Impact | 衝撃の拘束剣 | Trap Card | Continuous Trap Card |
Speed Spell - Power Baton | Sp-パワー・バトン | Speed Spell Card | Normal Speed Spell Card |
Time Seal | 刻の封印 | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |