Seydina, known as Kōichi Shiraishi in the Japanese version, is a character appearing in the Tag Force series. He is an Obelisk Blue student.
Tag Force[]
Seydina is the leader of the Six Attribute Deck Masters, a group of Obelisk Blue students who each wield a Deck of one of the game's six Attributes. The rest of the group consists of Truly, Celia, Brown, Dante and Rock.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force, during the mornings, Seydina and his group can be found at the Duel Field, while after class they are outside the Blue boys' dorm.
The player is able to give Seydina sandwiches. The following tables detail how much he likes or dislikes the sandwiches.
Tag Force[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Tag Force 2[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Tag Force 3[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Seydina uses LIGHT Decks. He focuses on the "Batteryman" archetype in the first game, while his Decks in later installments revolve around "The Creator" and "Card of Safe Return".
Tag Force[]
Tag Force 2[]
Tag Force 3[]