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Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep
Speed Duel: Ataque desde las Profundidades
Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
SBAD-SPS01"The World’s Greatest Fisherman""El Mejor Pescador del Mundo"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for The World’s Greatest Fisherman available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBAD-SPS02"Mythic Depths""Profundidades Míticas"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Mythic Depths available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBAD-SPS03"Catch of the Day""Pescado del Día"Super RareUnknownNo card type for Catch of the Day available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBAD-SPS04"It's My Lucky Day!""¡Es Mi Día de Suerte!"Super RareUnknownNo card type for It's My Lucky Day! available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBAD-SPS05"Viral Infection""Infección Viral"Ultra RareUnknownNo card type for Viral Infection available. This could mean that no value exists in the indicated card page or that the page does not exist (or is a redirect to the expected page).
SBAD-SP001"Magician of Faith""Mago de la Fe"Ultra RareFlip monster
SBAD-SP002"Apprentice Magician""Aprendiz de Mago"Super RareEffect Monster
SBAD-SP003"Mystical Elf""Duende Místico"CommonNormal Monster
SBAD-SP004"Magical Undertaker""Enterrador Mágico"CommonFlip monster
SBAD-SP005"Arcane Barrier""Barrera Arcana"CommonContinuous Spell Card
SBAD-SP006"Blade Knight""Caballero de la Hoja"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBAD-SP007"Dweller in the Depths""El Morador de las Profundidades"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP008"Gilford the Lightning""Gilford el Relámpago"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBAD-SP009"Axe Raider""Incursor del Hacha"CommonNormal Monster
SBAD-SP010"Fusion Recovery""Recuperación de Fusión"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBAD-SP011"Sonic Bird""Pájaro Sónico"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBAD-SP012"Great Phantom Thief""Gran Ladrón Fantasma"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP013"Djinn Disserere of Rituals""Genio Escudo de Rituales"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP014"Fulfillment of the Contract""Completar el Contrato"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBAD-SP015"Amazoness Trainee""Aprendiza Amazoness"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP016"Robbin' Zombie""Zombi Robando"CommonContinuous Trap Card
SBAD-SP017"Zombina""Zombina"Super RareEffect Monster
SBAD-SP018"Goblin Zombie""Goblin Zombi"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP019"Sword of Dark Destruction""Espada de la Destrucción Oscura"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBAD-SP020"Pyramid of Wonders""Pirámide de Maravillas"CommonContinuous Spell Card
SBAD-SP021"Great White""Gran Blanco"CommonNormal Monster
SBAD-SP022"High Tide Gyojin""Gyojin de Marea Alta"CommonNormal Monster
SBAD-SP023"The Legendary Fisherman""El Pescador Legendario"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP024"Yomi Ship""Nave de Yomi"Super RareEffect Monster
SBAD-SP025"Levia-Dragon - Daedalus""Levia-Dragón - Dédalo"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SBAD-SP026"Lost Blue Breaker""Rompedor Azul Perdido"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP027"Fishborg Planter""Plantador Pezborg"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP028"Imairuka""Imairuka"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP029"Slushy""Slushy"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP030"Power of Kaishin""Poder de Kaishin"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBAD-SP031"Umi""Umi"CommonField Spell Card
SBAD-SP032"Big Wave Small Wave""Gran Ola Pequeña Ola"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBAD-SP033"Water Hazard""Riesgo Acuático"CommonContinuous Spell Card
SBAD-SP034"Moray of Greed""Anguila de la Avaricia"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBAD-SP035"Warrior Dai Grepher""Guerrero Dai Grepher"CommonNormal Monster
SBAD-SP036"Sonic Duck""Pato Sónico"CommonNormal Monster
SBAD-SP037"Sinister Serpent""Serpiente Siniestra"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP038"Theban Nightmare""Pesadilla de Tebas"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP039"Infernity Beast""Bestia Inférnica"CommonEffect Monster
SBAD-SP040"Ryu Senshi""Ryu Senshi"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
SBAD-SP041"Warrior Elimination""Eliminación de Guerreros"CommonNormal Spell Card
SBAD-SP042"Mask of the Accursed""Máscara de los Malditos"CommonEquip Spell Card
SBAD-SP043"Dust Tornado""Tornado de Polvo"Super RareNormal Trap Card
SBAD-SP044"Ready for Intercepting""Listo para Interceptar"CommonNormal Trap Card
SBAD-SP045"The Forceful Checkpoint""El Puesto de Control Enérgico"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card