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The series 2 cards collection includes cards found in Tropica City.

These cards are marked with pentagons as their rarity icons: Common 2 Rare 2 Ultra Rare 2 BAM Legend 2.

Series 2 List Breakdown:


  1. Contact with Gusto
  2. Gusto Codor
  3. Gusto Egul
  4. Gusto Falco
  5. Gusto Griffin
  6. Gusto Gulldo
  7. Gusto Squirro
  8. Gusto Thunbolt
  9. Whirlwind of Gusto
  10. Big Evolution Pill
  11. Evolsaur Darwino
  12. Evolsaur Terias
  13. Evoltile Casinerio
  14. Evoltile Elginero
  15. Evoltile Gephyro
  16. Evoltile Lagosucho
  17. Evoltile Najasho
  18. Ultra Evolution Pill
  19. Wattaildragon
  20. Wattberyx
  21. Wattbetta
  22. Wattcancel
  23. Wattcine
  24. Wattcobra
  25. Wattdragonfly
  26. Wattfox
  27. Wattgiraffe
  28. Watthopper
  29. Wattkiwi
  30. Wattlemur
  31. Wattsquirrel
  32. Wattwoodpecker
  33. Combination Attack
  34. Common Soul
  35. Dragunity Aklys
  36. Dragunity Angusticlavii
  37. Dragunity Arma Leyvaten
  38. Dragunity Arma Mystletainn
  39. Dragunity Brandistock
  40. Dragunity Corsesca
  41. Dragunity Darkspear
  42. Dragunity Dux
  43. Dragunity Javelin
  44. Dragunity Legionnaire
  45. Dragunity Militum
  46. Dragunity Partisan
  47. Dragunity Phalanx
  48. Dragunity Pilum
  49. Dragunity Primus Pilus
  50. Dragunity Tribus
  51. Felgrand Dragon
  52. Field Barrier
  53. Miniaturize
  54. United We Stand
  55. Barkion's Bark
  56. Exterio's Fang
  57. Landoise's Luminous Moss
  58. Leodrake's Mane
  59. Naturia Bamboo Shoot
  60. Naturia Beans
  61. Naturia Cherries
  62. Naturia Cosmobeet
  63. Naturia Eggplant
  64. Naturia Guardian
  65. Naturia Hydrangea
  66. Naturia Marron
  67. Naturia Pineapple
  68. Naturia Pumpkin
  69. Naturia Ragweed
  70. Naturia Rosewhip
  71. Naturia Strawberry
  72. Naturia Sunflower
  73. Naturia Tulip
  74. Naturia Vein
  75. Naturia White Oak
  76. Attack the Moon!
  77. Exxod, Master of The Guard
  78. Guardian Sphinx
  79. Guardian Statue
  80. Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru
  81. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder
  82. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian
  83. Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!
  84. Koa'ki Meiru Prototype
  85. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
  86. Koa'ki Meiru Shield
  87. Koa'ki Meiru Wall
  88. Lost Guardian
  89. Megarock Dragon
  90. Release from Stone
  91. Rock Bombardment
  92. Smashing Ground
  93. Advanced Dark
  94. Crystal Abundance
  95. Crystal Beacon
  96. Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
  97. Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
  98. Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
  99. Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
  100. Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
  101. Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
  102. Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
  103. Crystal Blessing
  104. Crystal Pair
  105. Grandsoil the Elemental Lord
  106. Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord
  107. Pyrorex the Elemental Lord
  108. Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord
  109. Red-Eyes Black Dragon
  110. Gishki Chain
  111. Gishki Diviner
  112. Gishki Shadow
  113. Gishki Vision
  114. Mermail Abyssleed
  115. Mermail Abyssmegalo
  116. The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep
  117. Ancient Gear
  118. Ancient Gear Beast
  119. Ancient Gear Cannon
  120. Ancient Gear Engineer
  121. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera
  122. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
  123. Ancient Gear Golem
  124. Ancient Gear Knight
  125. Ancient Gear Soldier
  126. Elemental HERO Avian
  127. Elemental HERO Bladedge
  128. Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
  129. Elemental HERO Clayman
  130. Elemental HERO Ice Edge
  131. Elemental HERO Ocean
  132. Elemental HERO Prisma
  133. Elemental HERO Woodsman
  134. Hero Barrier
  135. Hero Blast
  136. Hero Counterattack
  137. HERO's Bond
  138. Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
  139. Ceruli, Guru of Dark World
  140. Dark World Dealings
  141. Dark World Grimoire
  142. Dark World Lightning
  143. Gateway to Dark World
  144. Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
  145. Gren, Tactician of Dark World
  146. Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World
  147. Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World
  148. Scarr, Scout of Dark World
  149. Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
  150. Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
  151. Zure, Knight of Dark World
  152. Abyssal Designator
  153. Allure of Darkness
  154. Birthright
  155. Call of the Earthbound
  156. Cemetary Bomb
  157. Chaos Infinity
  158. Chewbone
  159. Coffin Seller
  160. Curse of Royal
  161. Dark Deal
  162. Decayed Commander
  163. Endless Decay
  164. Foolish Revival
  165. Goblin Zombie
  166. Immortal Ruler
  167. King of the Skull Servants
  168. Magic Drain
  169. Malice Ascendant
  170. Plaguespreader Zombie
  171. Reborn Zombie
  172. Return Zombie
  173. Spiritualism
  174. Zombie Master
  175. Zombie World
  176. Alien Hunter
  177. Amulet of Ambition
  178. Anti-Spell
  179. Big Burn
  180. Book of Life
  181. Collected Power
  182. Crystal Raigeki
  183. Dark Magician Girl
  184. Enlightenment
  185. Evil Blast
  186. Fenrir
  187. Frostosaurus
  188. Goka, the Pyre of Malice
  189. Lord Poison
  190. Tribe-Shocking Virus
  191. Evilswarm Azzathoth
  192. Evilswarm Castor
  193. Evilswarm Coppelia
  194. Evilswarm Golem
  195. Evilswarm Heliotrope
  196. Evilswarm Hraesvelg
  197. Evilswarm Kerykeion
  198. Evilswarm Ketos
  199. Evilswarm Mandragora
  200. Evilswarm O'lantern
  201. Evilswarm Obliviwisp
  202. Evilswarm Salamandra
  203. Evilswarm Zahak
  204. Evilswarm Thunderbird
  205. Infestation Infection
  206. Infestation Pandemic
  207. Infestation Terminus
  208. Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua
  209. Reptilianne Gorgon
  210. Reptilianne Medusa
  211. Reptilianne Naga
  212. Reptilianne Poison
  213. Reptilianne Rage
  214. Reptilianne Scylla
  215. Reptilianne Servant
  216. Reptilianne Spawn
  217. Reptilianne Vaskii
  218. Reptilianne Viper
  219. Crimson Fire
  220. Dustflame Blast
  221. Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith
  222. Laval Blaster
  223. Laval Burner
  224. Laval Cannon
  225. Laval Coatl
  226. Laval Forest Sprite
  227. Laval Judgment Lord
  228. Laval Lakeside Lady
  229. Laval Lancelord
  230. Laval Magma Cannoneer
  231. Laval Miller
  232. Laval Phlogis
  233. Laval Volcano Handmaiden
  234. Laval Warrior
  235. Molten Conduction Field
  236. Molten Destruction
  237. Molten Whirlwind Wall
  238. Prominence, Molten Swordsman
  239. Rekindling
  240. Searing Fire Wall
  241. Soaring Eagle Above the Searing Land
  242. Wild Fire
  243. Vampire Dragon
  244. Vampire Genesis
  245. Vampire Koala
  246. Vampire Lady
  247. Vampire Orchis
  248. Vampire's Curse
  249. Constellar Acubens
  250. Constellar Aldebaran
  251. Constellar Algiedi
  252. Constellar Alrescha
  253. Constellar Antares
  254. Constellar Belt
  255. Constellar Kaus
  256. Constellar Leonis
  257. Constellar Virgo
  258. Constellar Meteor
  259. Constellar Pollux
  260. Constellar Rasalhague
  261. Constellar Sheratan
  262. Constellar Siat
  263. Constellar Sombre
  264. Constellar Star Chart
  265. Constellar Star Cradle
  266. Constellar Zubeneschamali
  267. Hieratic Dragon of Asar
  268. Hieratic Dragon of Eset
  269. Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb
  270. Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
  271. Hieratic Dragon of Nuit
  272. Hieratic Dragon of Su
  273. Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh
  274. Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
  275. Hieratic Seal From the Ashes
  276. Hieratic Seal of Banishment
  277. Hieratic Seal of Convocation
  278. Hieratic Seal of Reflection
  279. Hieratic Seal of Supremacy
  280. Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King
  281. Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord
  282. Bombardment Beetle
  283. Ceasefire
  284. Chivalry
  285. Dark Mirror Force
  286. Flashbang
  287. Galaxy Queen's Light
  288. Galaxy Storm
  289. Galaxy Wave
  290. Jinzo - Lord
  291. Light-Imprisoning Mirror
  292. Madolche Puddingcess
  293. Red Dragon Ninja
  294. Rhinotaurus
  295. Shadowknight Archfiend
  296. Souleater
  297. Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
  298. Kuriphoton
  299. Photon Booster
  300. Photon Caesar
  301. Photon Cerberus
  302. Photon Circle
  303. Photon Crusher
  304. Photon Current
  305. Photon Generator Unit
  306. Photon Lead
  307. Photon Leo
  308. Photon Lizard
  309. Photon Pirate
  310. Photon Sabre Tiger
  311. Photon Sanctuary
  312. Photon Satellite
  313. Photon Slasher
  314. Photon Thrasher
  315. Photon Trident
  316. Photon Wyvern
  317. Photon Veil
  318. Forbidden Arts of the Gishki
  319. Gishki Abyss
  320. Gishki Aquamirror
  321. Gishki Ariel
  322. Gishki Avance
  323. Gishki Beast
  324. Gishki Emilia
  325. Gishki Marker
  326. Gishki Mollusk
  327. Gishki Natalia
  328. Gishki Noellia
  329. Gishki Photomirror
  330. Gishki Reliever
  331. Gishki Vanity
  332. Against the Wind
  333. Black Whirlwind
  334. Blackback
  335. Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake
  336. Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights
  337. Blackwing - Backlash
  338. Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
  339. Blackwing - Bombardment
  340. Blackwing - Boobytrap
  341. Blackwing - Bora the Spear
  342. Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp
  343. Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr
  344. Blackwing - Brisote the Tailwind
  345. Blackwing - Calima the Haze
  346. Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night
  347. Blackwing - Elphin the Raven
  348. Blackwing - Etesian of Two Swords
  349. Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain
  350. Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
  351. Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind
  352. Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun
  353. Blackwing - Gust the Backblast
  354. Blackwing - Hillen the Tengu-wind
  355. Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky
  356. Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow
  357. Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
  358. Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak
  359. Blackwing - Kogarashi the Wanderer
  360. Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield
  361. Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
  362. Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
  363. Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
  364. Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
  365. Cards for Black Feathers
  366. Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
  367. Beckoning Light
  368. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
  369. Charge of the Light Brigade
  370. Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
  371. Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
  372. Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
  373. Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
  374. Jenis, Lightsworn Mender
  375. Light of Redemption
  376. Lightray Daedalus
  377. Lightray Diabolos
  378. Lightray Gearfried
  379. Lightray Grepher
  380. Lightray Madoor
  381. Lightray Sorcerer
  382. Lightsworn Barrier
  383. Lightsworn Sabre
  384. Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
  385. Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
  386. Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue
  387. Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
  388. Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
  389. Solar Recharge
  390. Spiritual Light Art - Hijiri
  391. Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
  392. Ascending Soul
  393. Berserker Crush
  394. Circle of the Fire Kings
  395. Detonate
  396. The Fabled Catsith
  397. The Fabled Cerburrel
  398. The Fabled Chawa
  399. The Fabled Ganashia
  400. The Fabled Kokkator
  401. The Fabled Nozoochee
  402. The Fabled Peggulsus
  403. The Fabled Rubyruda
  404. Naturia Antjaw
  405. Naturia Beetle
  406. Naturia Butterfly
  407. Naturia Dragonfly
  408. Naturia Fruitfly
  409. Naturia Horneedle
  410. Naturia Ladybug
  411. Naturia Mantis
  412. Naturia Mosquito
  413. Naturia Spiderfang
  414. Naturia Stag Beetle
  415. Naturia Stinkbug
  416. Naturia Beast
  417. Naturia Exterio
  418. A Legendary Ocean
  419. Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord
  420. Cyber Shark
  421. Different Dimension Deepsea Trench
  422. Double Shark
  423. Eagle Shark
  424. Hammer Shark
  425. Hyper-Ancient Shark Megalodon
  426. Metabo-Shark
  427. Panther Shark
  428. Scrap Shark
  429. Shark Cruiser
  430. Shark Stickers
  431. Sharkraken
  432. Spear Shark
  433. Water Hazard
  434. Wind-Up Shark
  435. Atlantean Attack Squad
  436. Atlantean Heavy Infantry
  437. Atlantean Marksman
  438. Atlantean Pikeman
  439. Forgotten Temple of the Deep
  440. Legendary Atlantean Tridon
  441. Lemuria, the Forgotten City
  442. Hunting Instinct
  443. Jurrac Aeolo
  444. Jurrac Dino
  445. Jurrac Guaiba
  446. Jurrac Herra
  447. Jurrac Ptera
  448. Jurrac Spinos
  449. Jurrac Stauriko
  450. Tail Swipe
  451. Jurrac Giganoto
  452. Jurrac Meteor
  453. Blessings for Gusto
  454. Caam, Serenity of Gusto
  455. Dust Storm of Gusto
  456. Kamui, Hope of Gusto
  457. Musto, Oracle of Gusto
  458. Psychic Overload
  459. Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto
  460. Winda, Priestess of Gusto
  461. Windaar, Sage of Gusto
  462. Psychic Nightmare
  463. Ultimate Axon Kicker
  464. Evigishki Gustkraken
  465. Evigishki Levianima
  466. Evigishki Mind Augus
  467. Evigishki Soul Ogre
  468. Evigishki Tetrogre
  469. Thousand-Eyes Idol
  470. Thousand-Eyes Restrict
  471. Blast Juggler
  472. Cyber Saurus
  473. Possessed Dark Soul
  474. Dark Balter the Terrible
  475. Cave Dragon
  476. Fiend Skull Dragon
  477. Cyber Summon Blaster
  478. Iron Call
  479. Limiter Removal
  480. Mecha Phantom Beast Aerosguin
  481. Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon
  482. Mecha Phantom Beast Blue Impala
  483. Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing
  484. Mecha Phantom Beast Concoruda
  485. Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat
  486. Mecha Phantom Beast Harrliard
  487. Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
  488. Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor
  489. Mecha Phantom Beast Sabre Hawk
  490. Mecha Phantom Beast Stealthray
  491. Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
  492. Mecha Phantom Beast Turtletracer
  493. Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran
  494. Scramble!! Scramble!!
  495. Ancient Flamvell Deity
  496. Flamvell Archer
  497. Flamvell Baby
  498. Flamvell Commando
  499. Flamvell Counter
  500. Flamvell Dragnov
  501. Flamvell Fiend
  502. Flamvell Firedog
  503. Flamvell Grunika
  504. Flamvell Guard
  505. Flamvell Magician
  506. Flamvell Uruquizas
  507. Neo Flamvell Garuda
  508. Neo Flamvell Hedgehog
  509. Neo Flamvell Origin
  510. Neo Flamvell Sabre
  511. Neo Flamvell Shaman
  512. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear
  513. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar
  514. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Buffalo
  515. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Caribou
  516. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Coyote
  517. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon
  518. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla
  519. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk
  520. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince
  521. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin
  522. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopard
  523. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven
  524. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino
  525. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster
  526. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Wolf
  527. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake
  528. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit
  529. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow
  530. Fire Formation - Gyokkou
  531. Fire Formation - Kaiyo
  532. Fire Formation - Tenken
  533. Fire Formation - Tenki
  534. Fire Formation - Tensen
  535. Fire Formation - Tensu
  536. Fire Formation - Yoko
  537. Ultimate Fire Formation - Seito
  538. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
  539. Mist Valley Apex Avian
  540. Mist Valley Baby Roc
  541. Mist Valley Executor
  542. Mist Valley Falcon
  543. Mist Valley Shaman
  544. Mist Valley Soldier
  545. Mist Valley Thunder Lord
  546. Mist Valley Thunderbird
  547. Mist Valley Watcher
  548. Mist Valley Windmaster
  549. Shrine of Mist Valley
  550. Windrose the Elemental Lord
  551. A Hero Emerges
  552. A Hero Lives
  553. Change of Hero - Reflector Ray
  554. Elemental HERO Bubbleman
  555. Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
  556. Elemental HERO Lady Heat
  557. Elemental HERO Nova Master
  558. Elemental HERO Stratos
  559. Elemental HERO Great Tornado
  560. Elemental HERO Wildheart
  561. Elemental HERO Gaia
  562. Elemental HERO Captain Gold
  563. Elemental HERO The Shining
  564. Elemental HERO Necroshade
  565. Elemental HERO Escuridao
  566. Mask Change
  567. Asceticism of the Six Samurai
  568. Chamberlain of the Six Samurai
  569. Cunning of the Six Samurai
  570. Elder of the Six Samurai
  571. Hand of the Six Samurai
  572. Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
  573. Return of the Six Samurai
  574. Six Samurai United
  575. Six Scrolls of the Samurai
  576. Spirit of the Six Samurai
  577. The Six Samurai - Kamon
  578. Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho
  579. The Six Samurai - Nisashi
  580. Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
  581. The Six Samurai - Yaichi
  582. Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai
  583. The Six Samurai - Yariza
  584. Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
  585. The Six Samurai - Zanji
  586. Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
  587. The Six Samurai - Irou
  588. Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
  589. Air Armor Ninja
  590. Aqua Armor Ninja
  591. Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy
  592. Armor Ninjitsu Art of Freezing
  593. Armor Ninjitsu Art of Rust Mist
  594. Earth Armor Ninja
  595. Flame Armor Ninja
  596. Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
  597. Belial - Marquis of Darkness
  598. Brron, Mad King of Dark World
  599. Dark Scheme
  600. Darkworld Shackles
  601. Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World
  602. Latinum, Exarch of Dark World
  603. Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
  604. Skull Conductor
  605. Skull Dice
  606. Skull Guardian
  607. Skull Invitation
  608. Skull Kraken
  609. Skull Lair
  610. Skull Mariner
  611. Skull Meister
  612. Skull-Mark Ladybug
  613. The Gates of Dark World
  614. Skull Knight 2
  615. Skull Knight
  616. Skull Archfiend of Lightning
  617. Archfiend Zombie-Skull
  618. Skull Flame
  619. Supersonic Skull Flame
  620. Ancient Leaf
  621. Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
  622. Evolsaur Cerato
  623. Master Hyperion
  624. Winged Kuriboh LV9
  625. Realm of Light
  626. Skilled White Magician
  627. Dark Magician of Chaos
  628. Chaos Command Magician
  629. Archlord Kristya
  630. Guardian of Order
  631. Helios - The Primordial Sun
  632. Destruction Cyclone
  633. Raging Earth
  634. Silent Abyss
  635. Firestorm Prominence
  636. Radiant Spirit
  637. Umbral Soul
  638. Sunlight Unicorn
  639. Black Luster Soldier
  640. Reinforcement of the Army
  641. Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
  642. Infinite Cards
  643. Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi
  644. Naturia Barkion
  645. Thunder King Rai-Oh
  646. Graverobber's Retribution
  647. Black Tyranno
  648. Morale Boost
  649. Jawsman
  650. Miracle's Wake
  651. Oh Tokenbaum!
  652. Snow Dragon
  653. Snowdust Dragon
  654. Snowman Creator
  655. Space Gift
  656. Stardust Shimmer
  657. The Emperor's Holiday
  658. Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode
  659. Star Drawing
  660. Hidden Spellbook
  661. Eradicator Epidemic Virus
  662. Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode