The series 2 cards collection includes cards found in Tropica City.
These cards are marked with pentagons as their rarity icons: .
Series 2 List Breakdown:
- 597 - Booster Pack cards (from Tropica City Dark Forces to Blazing Wind)
- 22 - Fusion Monsters
- 30 - Community-created cards
- 8 - Winter 2013 Holiday cards
- 5 - Promo Event cards
- Contact with Gusto
- Gusto Codor
- Gusto Egul
- Gusto Falco
- Gusto Griffin
- Gusto Gulldo
- Gusto Squirro
- Gusto Thunbolt
- Whirlwind of Gusto
- Big Evolution Pill
- Evolsaur Darwino
- Evolsaur Terias
- Evoltile Casinerio
- Evoltile Elginero
- Evoltile Gephyro
- Evoltile Lagosucho
- Evoltile Najasho
- Ultra Evolution Pill
- Wattaildragon
- Wattberyx
- Wattbetta
- Wattcancel
- Wattcine
- Wattcobra
- Wattdragonfly
- Wattfox
- Wattgiraffe
- Watthopper
- Wattkiwi
- Wattlemur
- Wattsquirrel
- Wattwoodpecker
- Combination Attack
- Common Soul
- Dragunity Aklys
- Dragunity Angusticlavii
- Dragunity Arma Leyvaten
- Dragunity Arma Mystletainn
- Dragunity Brandistock
- Dragunity Corsesca
- Dragunity Darkspear
- Dragunity Dux
- Dragunity Javelin
- Dragunity Legionnaire
- Dragunity Militum
- Dragunity Partisan
- Dragunity Phalanx
- Dragunity Pilum
- Dragunity Primus Pilus
- Dragunity Tribus
- Felgrand Dragon
- Field Barrier
- Miniaturize
- United We Stand
- Barkion's Bark
- Exterio's Fang
- Landoise's Luminous Moss
- Leodrake's Mane
- Naturia Bamboo Shoot
- Naturia Beans
- Naturia Cherries
- Naturia Cosmobeet
- Naturia Eggplant
- Naturia Guardian
- Naturia Hydrangea
- Naturia Marron
- Naturia Pineapple
- Naturia Pumpkin
- Naturia Ragweed
- Naturia Rosewhip
- Naturia Strawberry
- Naturia Sunflower
- Naturia Tulip
- Naturia Vein
- Naturia White Oak
- Attack the Moon!
- Exxod, Master of The Guard
- Guardian Sphinx
- Guardian Statue
- Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru
- Koa'ki Meiru Boulder
- Koa'ki Meiru Guardian
- Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!
- Koa'ki Meiru Prototype
- Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
- Koa'ki Meiru Shield
- Koa'ki Meiru Wall
- Lost Guardian
- Megarock Dragon
- Release from Stone
- Rock Bombardment
- Smashing Ground
- Advanced Dark
- Crystal Abundance
- Crystal Beacon
- Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
- Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
- Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
- Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
- Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
- Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
- Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
- Crystal Blessing
- Crystal Pair
- Grandsoil the Elemental Lord
- Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord
- Pyrorex the Elemental Lord
- Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord
- Red-Eyes Black Dragon
- Gishki Chain
- Gishki Diviner
- Gishki Shadow
- Gishki Vision
- Mermail Abyssleed
- Mermail Abyssmegalo
- The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep
- Ancient Gear
- Ancient Gear Beast
- Ancient Gear Cannon
- Ancient Gear Engineer
- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera
- Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
- Ancient Gear Golem
- Ancient Gear Knight
- Ancient Gear Soldier
- Elemental HERO Avian
- Elemental HERO Bladedge
- Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
- Elemental HERO Clayman
- Elemental HERO Ice Edge
- Elemental HERO Ocean
- Elemental HERO Prisma
- Elemental HERO Woodsman
- Hero Barrier
- Hero Blast
- Hero Counterattack
- HERO's Bond
- Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
- Ceruli, Guru of Dark World
- Dark World Dealings
- Dark World Grimoire
- Dark World Lightning
- Gateway to Dark World
- Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
- Gren, Tactician of Dark World
- Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World
- Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World
- Scarr, Scout of Dark World
- Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
- Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
- Zure, Knight of Dark World
- Abyssal Designator
- Allure of Darkness
- Birthright
- Call of the Earthbound
- Cemetary Bomb
- Chaos Infinity
- Chewbone
- Coffin Seller
- Curse of Royal
- Dark Deal
- Decayed Commander
- Endless Decay
- Foolish Revival
- Goblin Zombie
- Immortal Ruler
- King of the Skull Servants
- Magic Drain
- Malice Ascendant
- Plaguespreader Zombie
- Reborn Zombie
- Return Zombie
- Spiritualism
- Zombie Master
- Zombie World
- Alien Hunter
- Amulet of Ambition
- Anti-Spell
- Big Burn
- Book of Life
- Collected Power
- Crystal Raigeki
- Dark Magician Girl
- Enlightenment
- Evil Blast
- Fenrir
- Frostosaurus
- Goka, the Pyre of Malice
- Lord Poison
- Tribe-Shocking Virus
- Evilswarm Azzathoth
- Evilswarm Castor
- Evilswarm Coppelia
- Evilswarm Golem
- Evilswarm Heliotrope
- Evilswarm Hraesvelg
- Evilswarm Kerykeion
- Evilswarm Ketos
- Evilswarm Mandragora
- Evilswarm O'lantern
- Evilswarm Obliviwisp
- Evilswarm Salamandra
- Evilswarm Zahak
- Evilswarm Thunderbird
- Infestation Infection
- Infestation Pandemic
- Infestation Terminus
- Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua
- Reptilianne Gorgon
- Reptilianne Medusa
- Reptilianne Naga
- Reptilianne Poison
- Reptilianne Rage
- Reptilianne Scylla
- Reptilianne Servant
- Reptilianne Spawn
- Reptilianne Vaskii
- Reptilianne Viper
- Crimson Fire
- Dustflame Blast
- Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith
- Laval Blaster
- Laval Burner
- Laval Cannon
- Laval Coatl
- Laval Forest Sprite
- Laval Judgment Lord
- Laval Lakeside Lady
- Laval Lancelord
- Laval Magma Cannoneer
- Laval Miller
- Laval Phlogis
- Laval Volcano Handmaiden
- Laval Warrior
- Molten Conduction Field
- Molten Destruction
- Molten Whirlwind Wall
- Prominence, Molten Swordsman
- Rekindling
- Searing Fire Wall
- Soaring Eagle Above the Searing Land
- Wild Fire
- Vampire Dragon
- Vampire Genesis
- Vampire Koala
- Vampire Lady
- Vampire Orchis
- Vampire's Curse
- Constellar Acubens
- Constellar Aldebaran
- Constellar Algiedi
- Constellar Alrescha
- Constellar Antares
- Constellar Belt
- Constellar Kaus
- Constellar Leonis
- Constellar Virgo
- Constellar Meteor
- Constellar Pollux
- Constellar Rasalhague
- Constellar Sheratan
- Constellar Siat
- Constellar Sombre
- Constellar Star Chart
- Constellar Star Cradle
- Constellar Zubeneschamali
- Hieratic Dragon of Asar
- Hieratic Dragon of Eset
- Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb
- Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
- Hieratic Dragon of Nuit
- Hieratic Dragon of Su
- Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh
- Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
- Hieratic Seal From the Ashes
- Hieratic Seal of Banishment
- Hieratic Seal of Convocation
- Hieratic Seal of Reflection
- Hieratic Seal of Supremacy
- Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King
- Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord
- Bombardment Beetle
- Ceasefire
- Chivalry
- Dark Mirror Force
- Flashbang
- Galaxy Queen's Light
- Galaxy Storm
- Galaxy Wave
- Jinzo - Lord
- Light-Imprisoning Mirror
- Madolche Puddingcess
- Red Dragon Ninja
- Rhinotaurus
- Shadowknight Archfiend
- Souleater
- Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
- Kuriphoton
- Photon Booster
- Photon Caesar
- Photon Cerberus
- Photon Circle
- Photon Crusher
- Photon Current
- Photon Generator Unit
- Photon Lead
- Photon Leo
- Photon Lizard
- Photon Pirate
- Photon Sabre Tiger
- Photon Sanctuary
- Photon Satellite
- Photon Slasher
- Photon Thrasher
- Photon Trident
- Photon Wyvern
- Photon Veil
- Forbidden Arts of the Gishki
- Gishki Abyss
- Gishki Aquamirror
- Gishki Ariel
- Gishki Avance
- Gishki Beast
- Gishki Emilia
- Gishki Marker
- Gishki Mollusk
- Gishki Natalia
- Gishki Noellia
- Gishki Photomirror
- Gishki Reliever
- Gishki Vanity
- Against the Wind
- Black Whirlwind
- Blackback
- Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake
- Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights
- Blackwing - Backlash
- Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
- Blackwing - Bombardment
- Blackwing - Boobytrap
- Blackwing - Bora the Spear
- Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp
- Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr
- Blackwing - Brisote the Tailwind
- Blackwing - Calima the Haze
- Blackwing - Damascus the Polar Night
- Blackwing - Elphin the Raven
- Blackwing - Etesian of Two Swords
- Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain
- Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
- Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind
- Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun
- Blackwing - Gust the Backblast
- Blackwing - Hillen the Tengu-wind
- Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky
- Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow
- Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
- Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak
- Blackwing - Kogarashi the Wanderer
- Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield
- Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
- Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
- Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
- Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
- Cards for Black Feathers
- Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
- Beckoning Light
- Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
- Charge of the Light Brigade
- Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
- Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
- Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
- Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
- Jenis, Lightsworn Mender
- Light of Redemption
- Lightray Daedalus
- Lightray Diabolos
- Lightray Gearfried
- Lightray Grepher
- Lightray Madoor
- Lightray Sorcerer
- Lightsworn Barrier
- Lightsworn Sabre
- Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
- Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
- Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue
- Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
- Shire, Lightsworn Spirit
- Solar Recharge
- Spiritual Light Art - Hijiri
- Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
- Ascending Soul
- Berserker Crush
- Circle of the Fire Kings
- Detonate
- The Fabled Catsith
- The Fabled Cerburrel
- The Fabled Chawa
- The Fabled Ganashia
- The Fabled Kokkator
- The Fabled Nozoochee
- The Fabled Peggulsus
- The Fabled Rubyruda
- Naturia Antjaw
- Naturia Beetle
- Naturia Butterfly
- Naturia Dragonfly
- Naturia Fruitfly
- Naturia Horneedle
- Naturia Ladybug
- Naturia Mantis
- Naturia Mosquito
- Naturia Spiderfang
- Naturia Stag Beetle
- Naturia Stinkbug
- Naturia Beast
- Naturia Exterio
- A Legendary Ocean
- Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord
- Cyber Shark
- Different Dimension Deepsea Trench
- Double Shark
- Eagle Shark
- Hammer Shark
- Hyper-Ancient Shark Megalodon
- Metabo-Shark
- Panther Shark
- Scrap Shark
- Shark Cruiser
- Shark Stickers
- Sharkraken
- Spear Shark
- Water Hazard
- Wind-Up Shark
- Atlantean Attack Squad
- Atlantean Heavy Infantry
- Atlantean Marksman
- Atlantean Pikeman
- Forgotten Temple of the Deep
- Legendary Atlantean Tridon
- Lemuria, the Forgotten City
- Hunting Instinct
- Jurrac Aeolo
- Jurrac Dino
- Jurrac Guaiba
- Jurrac Herra
- Jurrac Ptera
- Jurrac Spinos
- Jurrac Stauriko
- Tail Swipe
- Jurrac Giganoto
- Jurrac Meteor
- Blessings for Gusto
- Caam, Serenity of Gusto
- Dust Storm of Gusto
- Kamui, Hope of Gusto
- Musto, Oracle of Gusto
- Psychic Overload
- Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto
- Winda, Priestess of Gusto
- Windaar, Sage of Gusto
- Psychic Nightmare
- Ultimate Axon Kicker
- Evigishki Gustkraken
- Evigishki Levianima
- Evigishki Mind Augus
- Evigishki Soul Ogre
- Evigishki Tetrogre
- Thousand-Eyes Idol
- Thousand-Eyes Restrict
- Blast Juggler
- Cyber Saurus
- Possessed Dark Soul
- Dark Balter the Terrible
- Cave Dragon
- Fiend Skull Dragon
- Cyber Summon Blaster
- Iron Call
- Limiter Removal
- Mecha Phantom Beast Aerosguin
- Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon
- Mecha Phantom Beast Blue Impala
- Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing
- Mecha Phantom Beast Concoruda
- Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat
- Mecha Phantom Beast Harrliard
- Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
- Mecha Phantom Beast Megaraptor
- Mecha Phantom Beast Sabre Hawk
- Mecha Phantom Beast Stealthray
- Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
- Mecha Phantom Beast Turtletracer
- Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran
- Scramble!! Scramble!!
- Ancient Flamvell Deity
- Flamvell Archer
- Flamvell Baby
- Flamvell Commando
- Flamvell Counter
- Flamvell Dragnov
- Flamvell Fiend
- Flamvell Firedog
- Flamvell Grunika
- Flamvell Guard
- Flamvell Magician
- Flamvell Uruquizas
- Neo Flamvell Garuda
- Neo Flamvell Hedgehog
- Neo Flamvell Origin
- Neo Flamvell Sabre
- Neo Flamvell Shaman
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Buffalo
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Caribou
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Coyote
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopard
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Wolf
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow
- Fire Formation - Gyokkou
- Fire Formation - Kaiyo
- Fire Formation - Tenken
- Fire Formation - Tenki
- Fire Formation - Tensen
- Fire Formation - Tensu
- Fire Formation - Yoko
- Ultimate Fire Formation - Seito
- Divine Wind of Mist Valley
- Mist Valley Apex Avian
- Mist Valley Baby Roc
- Mist Valley Executor
- Mist Valley Falcon
- Mist Valley Shaman
- Mist Valley Soldier
- Mist Valley Thunder Lord
- Mist Valley Thunderbird
- Mist Valley Watcher
- Mist Valley Windmaster
- Shrine of Mist Valley
- Windrose the Elemental Lord
- A Hero Emerges
- A Hero Lives
- Change of Hero - Reflector Ray
- Elemental HERO Bubbleman
- Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
- Elemental HERO Lady Heat
- Elemental HERO Nova Master
- Elemental HERO Stratos
- Elemental HERO Great Tornado
- Elemental HERO Wildheart
- Elemental HERO Gaia
- Elemental HERO Captain Gold
- Elemental HERO The Shining
- Elemental HERO Necroshade
- Elemental HERO Escuridao
- Mask Change
- Asceticism of the Six Samurai
- Chamberlain of the Six Samurai
- Cunning of the Six Samurai
- Elder of the Six Samurai
- Hand of the Six Samurai
- Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
- Return of the Six Samurai
- Six Samurai United
- Six Scrolls of the Samurai
- Spirit of the Six Samurai
- The Six Samurai - Kamon
- Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho
- The Six Samurai - Nisashi
- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
- The Six Samurai - Yaichi
- Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai
- The Six Samurai - Yariza
- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
- The Six Samurai - Zanji
- Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
- The Six Samurai - Irou
- Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
- Air Armor Ninja
- Aqua Armor Ninja
- Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy
- Armor Ninjitsu Art of Freezing
- Armor Ninjitsu Art of Rust Mist
- Earth Armor Ninja
- Flame Armor Ninja
- Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
- Belial - Marquis of Darkness
- Brron, Mad King of Dark World
- Dark Scheme
- Darkworld Shackles
- Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World
- Latinum, Exarch of Dark World
- Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
- Skull Conductor
- Skull Dice
- Skull Guardian
- Skull Invitation
- Skull Kraken
- Skull Lair
- Skull Mariner
- Skull Meister
- Skull-Mark Ladybug
- The Gates of Dark World
- Skull Knight 2
- Skull Knight
- Skull Archfiend of Lightning
- Archfiend Zombie-Skull
- Skull Flame
- Supersonic Skull Flame
- Ancient Leaf
- Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
- Evolsaur Cerato
- Master Hyperion
- Winged Kuriboh LV9
- Realm of Light
- Skilled White Magician
- Dark Magician of Chaos
- Chaos Command Magician
- Archlord Kristya
- Guardian of Order
- Helios - The Primordial Sun
- Destruction Cyclone
- Raging Earth
- Silent Abyss
- Firestorm Prominence
- Radiant Spirit
- Umbral Soul
- Sunlight Unicorn
- Black Luster Soldier
- Reinforcement of the Army
- Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
- Infinite Cards
- Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi
- Naturia Barkion
- Thunder King Rai-Oh
- Graverobber's Retribution
- Black Tyranno
- Morale Boost
- Jawsman
- Miracle's Wake
- Oh Tokenbaum!
- Snow Dragon
- Snowdust Dragon
- Snowman Creator
- Space Gift
- Stardust Shimmer
- The Emperor's Holiday
- Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode
- Star Drawing
- Hidden Spellbook
- Eradicator Epidemic Virus
- Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode