The Japanese (OCG) version of this card is not a member of the following archetypes:
"Warrior", because its Japanese name does not contain 「ウォリアー」
"Darkness", because its Japanese name does not contain 「ダークネス」
As its English name contains the aforementioned strings, it may be treated a member of the aforementioned archetypes at a TCG event, subject to local rulings.
The Croatian and Greek names given are not official.
A warrior who defends the world of the Sea of Darkness. He prides himself on his fighting prowess both on the ground and, of course, in the water.
Un guerrier qui défend le monde de la Mer des Ténèbres. Il s'enorgueillit de ses prouesses au combat, tant sur la terre que dans l'eau.
Ein Krieger welcher die Welt der See der Finsternis verteidigt. Er ist stolz auf seine Kampffähigkeiten, sowohl auf dem Festland als selbstverständlich auch im Wasser.
Un guerriero che difende il mondo del Mare dell'Oscurità. Si inorgoglisce delle sue capacità in combattimento sia sulla terra ferma quanto, ovviamente, in mare.
Um Guerreiro que defende o mundo do Mar das Trevas. Ele orgulha-se da sua capacidade de luta tanto em terra como, é claro, na água.
Un guerrero que defiende el mundo del Mar de la Oscuridad. Se enorgullece de su habilidad en batalla tanto en tierra como, por supuesto, en el agua.