Sarina, known as Mizuchi Saiou in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series. This is a video game depiction of Sarina, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime.
Tag Force 2[]
Sarina is erroneously referred to as "Sartorius" during duels.
Two copies of Sarina Tag Duel against the player and Jaden Yuki in his sixth story event.
In the last event of Aster Phoenix's story, the player and Aster duel against Sarina and Sartorius.
Tag Force 3[]
Sarina partners with Atticus Rhodes to duel the player and Obelisk Blue Zane Truesdale during his last story event.
In the second event of Excited Bastion Misawa's story, Sarina and Sartorius duel against the player and Bastion.
Sarina uses Decks focused around "Lord of Darkness", featuring a number of other mirror-themed cards as well. Many of her Decks also feature Monarchs, referencing the anime's Light Brigade.
Tag Force 2[]
- Sarina uses this Deck during Jaden's sixth story event.
Tag Force 3[]
- Caius the Shadow Monarch
- Copycat
- Double Coston X2
- Granmarg the Rock Monarch
- Kuraz the Light Monarch
- Load of Darkness x3 (Favorite)
- Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers x2
- Mobius the Frost Monarch
- Morphing Jar
- Pyramid Turtle x2
- Raiza the Storm Monarch
- Reflect Bounder
- Spirit Reaper (D)
- Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
- Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Tag Force Special[]
- Anti-Magic Prism x2
- Call of the Haunted x2 (D)
- Dark Illusion x2
- Meteorain x2
- Mirror of Oaths x2