Main article: Sage's Stone
For earlier anime appearances of this card, see Sage's Stone (anime).
Sage's Stone
- Japanese: 賢者の宝石
- Romaji: Kenja no Hōseki
- Translated: Sage's Jewel
Card type | |
Property | |
You can only activate this card when there is a face-up "Dark Magician Girl" on your side of the field. Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand or Deck.
| |
Appearances |
Anime cards (Galleries: Pyramid of Light)
- Gallery
- Appearances
- Trivia
- Lores
- Artworks
- Names
Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Japanese | 賢者の宝石 | 自分フィールド上に「ブラック・マジシャン・ガール」が表側表示で存在する時に発動する事ができる。自分の手札またはデッキから、「ブラック・マジシャン」1体を特殊召喚する。 |
Kenja no Hōseki |
Search categories
- Related to archetypes and series
- Dark Magician
- Dark Magician Girl
- Miscellaneous
- Requires control of specific card