Sadie, known as Seiko in the Japanese version, is a character in the Tag Force games. This is a video game version of Sadie, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime.
Sadie can be found in the Shop, but she cannot be dueled until the player beats the game with at least 5 different Tier 1 characters. Once unlocked as an opponent, if the player can defeat Sadie, she will agree to being their partner.
In the first three games, Sadie uses Burn Decks that lock down the field and destroy her opponent's cards.
In Tag Force Special, Sadie uses Skill Drain Decks.
Tag Force[]
- Bowganian x2
- Des Lacooda x2
- Lava Golem x2
- Solar Flare Dragon x3
- Stealth Bird x3
- Swarm of Locusts x2
- Swarm of Scarabs x2
- UFO Turtle x3
Tag Force 2[]
Tag Force 3[]
- Bowganian x2
- Ebon Magician Curran x2
- Lava Golem x2 (Favorite)
- Marshmallon
- Solar Flare Dragon x2
- Spirit Reaper
- Stealth Bird x2
- Swarm of Locusts x2
- Swarm of Scarabs x2
- UFO Turtle x2
- King Pyron x2
- Giant Trunade
- Heavy Storm
- Level Limit - Area B (D)
- Mask of the Accursed x2
- Messenger of Peace x2 (D)
- Monster Reborn
- Mystical Space Typhoon
- Nightmare's Steelcage x2
- Premature Burial
- Swords of Revealing Light
- Wave-Motion Cannon (Favorite)
- Gravity Bind (D)
- Judgment of Anubis x2
- Nightmare Wheel x2 (Favorite)
- Wall of Revealing Light
Tag Force Special[]
- Book of Taiyou x2
- Chthonian Alliance x2
- Fissure (D)
- Heat Wave x2
- Pot of Duality x3
- Rush Recklessly
- Silent Graveyard x2
- Disappear x2
- Raigeki Break
- Skill Drain
- Waboku x2 (D)
- Wild Tornado x2