Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Runick Freezing Curses
懍 (い) ăŠă€ăć‘Ș (ぼろ) た焞繑 (ăƒ«ăƒŒăƒł)
English Runick Freezing Curses
French Malédictions Glaciales Runick
German Runische frostige FlĂŒche
Italian Maledizioni Congelanti Runick
Korean 얌얎붙은 ì €ìŁŒì˜ 룹닉
Portuguese MaldiçÔes Congelantes RĂșnikas
Spanish Maldiciones Congelantes RĂșnicas
Japanese (kana) ă„ăŠă€ăăźă‚ăźăƒ«ăƒŒăƒł
Japanese (base) ć‡ăŠă€ăć‘Șた焞繑
Japanese (rƍmaji) Itetsuku Noro no RĆ«n
Japanese (translated) Rune of the Freezing Curse
Card type Spell SPELL
Property Quick-Play Quick-Play
Passcode 30430448
Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
