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Rex Raptor is a playable Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. This is a video game depiction of Rex Raptor, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime.

He appears in-game after the player reaches Stage 20 of Duel World (DM) and can be unlocked as a playable character starting at Stage 21.

Yellow Gate Keys are required to Duel Rex Raptor at the Gate.

The special event Roaring Rex has Rex uses different Decks and drops different rewards than the one he drops at the Gate.


A skilled Duelist who finished second in the Regionals, Rex Raptor's strategy focuses on having his Dinosaurs stomp all over his foes with an aggressive offense. His prized possession is the rare "Red-Eyes B. Dragon," which he spent his lifetime to obtain.


After the player advances to Stage 20, they will encounter Rex for the first time, who will be taunting Josh in the middle of their Duel. Shortly afterwards, Rex defeats Josh with an attack from his "Two-Headed King Rex", before proceeding to tell the player that his "prehistoric pals are not to be messed with," and that his monsters will lead him to the top of the "kingdom."

Until the player defeats Rex for the first time, whenever they challenge Rex to a Duel, he will be mildly surprised and rhetorically ask the player if they want to Duel against his dinosaurs. He goes on to admit that he's impressed by the player's guts in challenging him, but also warns the player that his "prehistoric predators" are "ginormously powerful." Rex then prompts the player to Duel, before declaring, "My Duelin' dinos will tear you to shreds!"

Upon Rex's first defeat, he briefly expresses surprise, before attempting to save face by claiming that he only lost because he went easy on the player, despite admitting he had said that he wouldn't. After an awkward pause, Rex swears that he won't let the player win the next time, saying that his dinos won't go extinct again and that the player can't fossilize them forever.

After the player redeems their final unclaimed reward for Rex Raptor's Character Unlock Missions, they will encounter Rex again, who brags that he finished second place in the Regionals with his skills - specifically, skills that he'll now use to defeat the player. He then warns the player that if they think of him as a one-trick pony with his dinosaurs, they're making a big mistake, as Rex immediately reveals his "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" card to the player. He chuckles, and claims that he sees the player quaking in their boots. Rex then admits that although "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" isn't a dinosaur, it's as strong as any of them, and that it will stomp the player flat, before he bursts into laughter.


 Unlock Missions[]

Missions Reward
Win 1 Duel(s) against Rex Raptor at level 30 in Duel World. 8,000 Gold
Successfully perform 3 Tribute Summon(s) in one Duel. 8,000 Gold
Inflict 2000 points of effect damage. 8,000 Gold
Complete all Character Unlock Missions. 2 Stone of Earth




Level 10[]

Level 20[]

Triassic Burning Energy

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Roaring Rex[]

Level 30[]

Level 40[]

Set Sail for the Kingdom[]

Level 20[]

Skill: "Dueling Arena: Wastelands" (Begin Duel with the Field Spell "Wasteland" activated.)

Level 40[]

Skill: "Dueling Arena: Wastelands" (Begin Duel with the Field Spell "Wasteland" activated.)

Level-up rewards[]

The following lists are the rewards the player accumulates from having Rex Raptor reach a certain Level.

Level Reward
2 10 Gems
3 1 copy of "Megazowler"
4 Dinosaur Kingdom (Skill)
5 Deck Slot (Rex Raptor)
6 15 Gems
7 1 copy of "Ultra Evolution Pill"
8 Deck slot (Rex Raptor)
9 25 Gems
10 1 copy of "Sword Arm of Dragon"
11 1 copy of "Raise Body Heat"
12 35 Gems
13 Draw Sense: High-Level (Skill)
14 1 copy of "Two-Headed King Rex"
15 50 Gems
16 1 copy of "Wasteland"
17 60 Gems
18 1 copy of "Mad Sword Beast"
19 75 Gems
20 Dino Destruction (Skill)
21 1 copy of "Ultra Evolution Pill"
22 100 Gems
23 1 copy of "Cobra Jar"
24 120 Gems
25 1 copy of "Fossil Excavation"
Level Reward
26 150 Gems
27 Deck Slot (Rex Raptor)
28 200 Gems
29 250 Gems
30 300 Gems
31 100,000 Gold
32 200 Gems
33 1 copy of "Heat Wave"
34 250 Gems
35 1 copy of "Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane"
36 1 UR Jewel
37 200 Gems
38 1 copy of "Jurrac Tyrannus"
39 250 Gems
40 1 copy of "Fossil Dig"
41 Deck slot (Rex Raptor)
42 100 Gems
43 200 Gems
44 250 Gems
45 1 copy of "Overtex Qoatlus"

Duel rewards[]

When dueling against Level 40 Rex Raptor, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
SR "Serpent Night Dragon"
SR "Black Ptera"
SR "Big Evolution Pill"
SR "Hunting Instinct"
SR "Fossil Excavation"
SR "Collected Power"
R "Bracchio-raidus"
R "Two-Headed King Rex"
R "Crawling Dragon #2"
R "Wasteland"
R "Survival Instinct"
N "Pragtical"
N "Uraby"

When dueling against Level 40 Roaring Rex, these are the only cards that can drop; at lower levels, cards from the standard pool for Legendary Duelists may also drop.

Rarity Card
SR "Destroyersaurus"
SR "Black Ptera"
SR "Big Evolution Pill"
R "Jurassic World"
R "Hunting Instinct"
R "Dark Driceratops"
N "Spacetime Transcendence"


Skill Effect Unlock
Dinosaur Kingdom Begin Duel with the Field Spell "Jurassic World" activated. Level 4
Draw Sense: High Level Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Level 5 or higher monster in your Deck. Level 13
Dino Destruction Can be used if a Level 6 Dinosaur-Type monster is on your field.
If that monster attacks a monster in Defense Position this turn, the opponent takes battle damage equal to the amount that ATK exceeds DEF.
This Skill can only be used once per turn.
Level 20
Dino Rampage Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800, and you have a Dinosaur-Type normal monster on your field. That monster can attack twice during the Battle Phase this turn.
This Skill can only be used once per turn.
Dinos Find a Way Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Dinosaur-Type monster in your Deck. Drop
Titan Showdown Whichever player has double or more Life Points than the other takes double battle damage. If you don't have a Dinosaur-Type monster on your field, your opponent will not take double damage. Drop
Draw Pass During your Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, recover 300 Life Points.

This Skill can only be used three times per Duel.

Draw Sense: EARTH Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random EARTH monster in your Deck. Drop
Draw Sense: FIRE Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random FIRE monster in your Deck. Drop
Draw Sense: Low-Level Can be used before your normal draw each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Level 4 or lower monster in your Deck. Drop
LP Boost α Increases starting Life Points by 1000. Drop
LP Boost β Increases starting Life Points by 1500, reduces hand by 1 card. Drop
LP Boost γ Increases starting Life Points by 2500, reduces hand by 2 cards. Drop



Joey Wheeler
  • When Rex loses a Duel against Joey Wheeler, he says "I can't believe I lost to this bozo!"
Weevil Underwood
  • When Rex wins a Duel against Weevil Underwood, he says "There! I took care of my pest problem!"


  • When Rex Raptor Summons "Red-Eyes Black Dragon", a cut-in frame of Rex briefly appears, and he announces "You've never seen a rare card like this before!" followed by "Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" If that player hasn't already Summoned "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" during that Duel, a cutscene of "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" being Summoned plays afterwards.
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" followed by "Inferno Fire Blast!"
  • When Rex Summons "Tyrant Dragon", a cut-in frame of Rex briefly appears, and he announces "I summon the mighty Tyrant Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Tyrant Dragon, attack!"
  • When Rex Summons "Black Tyranno", a cut-in frame of Rex's face briefly appears, and he announces "Stomp on out, Black Tyranno!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Black Tyranno, attack!"
  • When Rex Summons "Megazowler", a cut-in frame of Rex's face briefly appears, and he announces "This'll kick your butt back to the Stone Age!" followed by "Go, Megazowler!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Megazowler, Horn Ramming Charge!"
  • When Rex Summons "Sword Arm of Dragon", a cut-in frame of Rex's face briefly appears, and he announces "See how ya like this card! Sword Arm of Dragon!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Go, Sword Arm of Dragon!" followed by "Sword Tail Slash!"
  • When Rex Summons "Crawling Dragon #2", he announces "Go, Crawling Dragon #2!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Crawling Dragon #2!"
  • When Rex Summons "Gilasaurus", he announces "Let's go, Gilasaurus!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Gilasaurus, attack!"
  • When Rex Summons "Two-Headed King Rex", he announces "Go, Two-Headed King Rex!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "Two-Headed King Rex, attack!" followed by "Foot Stomp!"
  • When Rex Summons "Uraby", he announces "It's chow time, Uraby!"
    • Most of the time when Rex declares an attack with that monster, he announces "I attack with Uraby!"
  • When Rex activates "The Seal of Orichalcos", he announces "Time to get prehistoric on ya. I activate The Seal of Orichalcos, it gives me a Jurassic power boost!"
  • When Rex activates "Wasteland", he announces "The Field Card, Wasteland, activates!"


  • Though Rex's signature cards are centralized around Dinosaurs, his strongest monsters (that feature a cut-in frame of himself) tend to be Dragon-Types, such as the "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" and "Tyrant Dragon".
  • While Legendary Duelists have their own theme music when a player Duels against them, some share the same theme music: