Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

List of cards that return cards to the Deck that would be sent to the Graveyard.

All OCG/TCG "Returns to the Deck cards that would be sent to the Graveyard" cards[]

 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Amazoness Traineeアマゾネス訓練生Effect MonsterEARTHWarrior415001300
Archlord Kristya大天使クリスティアEffect MonsterLIGHTFairy828002300
Crystron Rion水晶機巧-リオンEffect MonsterTuner monsterWATERMachine3500500
Grave Protectorグレイヴ・キーパーEffect MonsterDARKFiend402000
Mystic Swordsman LV6ミスティック・ソードマン LV6Effect MonsterEARTHWarrior623001700
Storm Callerストーム・サモナーEffect MonsterWINDPsychic623002000
 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
Dracocension幻界突破Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Dream Mirror Recap夢魔鏡の夢語らいTrap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Flint Missileフリント・アタックSpell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card
KozmourningKozmo-エピローグTrap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Mathmech Superfactorial斬機超階乗Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Ritual of Destruction破滅の儀式Spell Card
Ritual Spell Card
Ritual Spell Card
Samsara輪廻転生Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card

All Anime "Returns to the Deck cards that would be sent to the Graveyard" cards[]

 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Mystic Swordsman LV6ミスティック・ソードマン LV6Effect MonsterEARTHWarrior000600000???00002300
Storm Callerストーム・サモナーEffect MonsterWINDPsychic000600000???00002300

All Manga "Returns to the Deck cards that would be sent to the Graveyard" cards[]
