Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

This property entry details every card with an effect that restricts the player to Special Summons of monsters of a given Attribute.

All OCG/TCG cards that restrict the player's Special Summons to Attribute specific monsters[]

 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Abyss Sharkアビス・シャークEffect MonsterWATERFish51200700
Abyssrhine, the Atlantean Spirit海皇精 アビスラインEffect MonsterWATERAqua316001600
Ally of Justice QuarantineA・O・J D.D.チェッカーEffect MonsterDARKMachine417001200
Barrier Statue of the Abyss深淵の結界像Effect MonsterDARKFiend410001000
Barrier Statue of the Drought干ばつの結界像Effect MonsterEARTHRock410001000
Barrier Statue of the Heavens閃光の結界像Effect MonsterLIGHTFairy410001000
Barrier Statue of the Inferno業火の結界像Effect MonsterFIREPyro410001000
Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds烈風の結界像Effect MonsterWINDWinged Beast410001000
Barrier Statue of the Torrent豪雨の結界像Effect MonsterWATERAqua410001000
Blackwing - Simoon the Poison WindBF-毒風のシムーンEffect MonsterDARKWinged Beast616002000
Bone Archfiendボーン・デーモンEffect MonsterDARKFiend418000
Butterfly FishEffect MonsterWATERFish3700400
Crimson Resonatorクリムゾン・リゾネーターEffect MonsterTuner monsterDARKFiend2800300
Daigusto Laplampilicaダイガスタ・ラプラムピリカEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Deep Sea Repetiteur深海のコレペティEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Tuner monsterWATERSea Serpent518001500
Double Fin Sharkダブルフィン・シャークEffect MonsterWATERFish410001200
Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord影王デュークシェードEffect MonsterDARKFiend45002000
Electrode Beast Cation電極獣カチオンEffect MonsterLIGHTThunder2300100
Galaxy War Drake銀河戦竜Effect MonsterLIGHTDragon415001000
Ghostrick Mummyゴーストリック・マミーEffect MonsterDARKZombie315000
Graydle Slime Jr.グレイドル・スライムJr.Effect MonsterTuner monsterWATERAqua202000
Hazy Flame Hydra陽炎獣 ヒュドラーEffect MonsterFIREDinosaur62300200
Hi-Speedroid Cork ShooterHSRコルク-10Effect Monster
Synchro Monster
Tuner monsterWINDMachine35001000
Hi-Speedroid HagoitaHSRマッハゴー・イータEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Ice Knight氷騎士Effect MonsterWATERAqua413001200
Icejade Ran Aegirine氷水帝エジル・ラーンEffect MonsterTuner monsterWATERAqua715002500
Infinitrack Brutal Dozer無限起動ブルータルドーザーEffect MonsterEARTHMachine519002100
Karakuri Bonze mdl 9763 "Kunamzan"カラクリ法師 九七六参Effect MonsterEARTHMachine520001500
Koa'ki Meiru Dragoコアキメイル・ドラゴEffect MonsterWINDDragon419001600
Laval Archerラヴァル・アーチャーEffect MonsterFIREPyro41000200
Marincess Blue Slug海晶乙女ブルースラッグEffect Monster
Link Monster
Marincess Coral Anemone海晶乙女コーラルアネモネEffect Monster
Link Monster
Marincess Coral Triangle海晶乙女コーラルトライアングルEffect Monster
Link Monster
Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran幻獣機ウォーブレンEffect MonsterTuner monsterWINDMachine1300300
Mermail Shadow Squad水精鱗の深影隊Effect MonsterWATERSea Serpent301900
Mirror Mage of the Ice Barrier氷結界の鏡魔師Effect MonsterTuner monsterWATERAqua21000400
Mozarta the Melodious Maestra幻奏の音姫プロディジー・モーツァルトEffect MonsterLIGHTFairy826002000
Nebula Dragon星雲龍ネビュラEffect MonsterLIGHTDragon820000
Orcust Brass Bombardオルフェゴール・カノーネEffect MonsterTuner monsterDARKMachine15001900
Orcust Cymbal Skeletonオルフェゴール・スケルツォンEffect MonsterDARKMachine312001500
Orcust Harp Horrorオルフェゴール・ディヴェルEffect MonsterDARKMachine417001400
Orcust Knightmareオルフェゴール・トロイメアEffect MonsterDARKMachine71002000
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword幻影騎士団ブレイクソードEffect Monster
Xyz Monster
Photon Delta Wingフォトン・デルタ・ウィングEffect MonsterLIGHTMachine41800900
Pilica, Descendant of Gustoガスタの神裔 ピリカEffect MonsterWINDPsychic310001500
Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames賜炎の咎姫Effect Monster
Link Monster
Raidraptor - Bloom VultureRR-ブルーム・ヴァルチャーEffect MonsterDARKWinged Beast43001900
Raidraptor - Strangle LaniusRR-ストラングル・レイニアスEffect MonsterDARKWinged Beast416001100
Red Rising Dragonレッド・ライジング・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Revealer of the Ice Barrier氷結界の照魔師Effect MonsterWATERSpellcaster417001000
... further results (20 more)
 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
Abyss-teamアビスチームTrap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
The First Monarch始源の帝王Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Fusion Destinyフュージョン・デステニーSpell Card
Normal Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Harpie Lady Elegance華麗なるハーピィ・レディTrap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Harpie's Feather Restハーピィの羽根休めSpell Card
Normal Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Ice Barrier氷結界Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Ignister A.I.LandイグニスターAiランドSpell Card
Field Spell Card
Field Spell Card
Joker's Straightジョーカーズ・ストレートSpell Card
Normal Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef暗岩の海竜神Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Normal Trap Card
Link Turretリンク・デス・ターレットTrap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Marincess Dive海晶乙女の潜逅Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Orcust Crescendoオルフェゴール・クリマクスTrap Card
Counter Trap Card
Counter Trap Card
Outrigger Extension超接地展開Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Windwitch ChimesWWの鈴音Spell Card
Normal Spell Card
Normal Spell Card

All anime cards that restrict the player's Special Summons to Attribute specific monsters[]

 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
Burning Draw逆巻く炎の宝札Spell CardNormal Spell Card

All manga cards that restrict the player's Special Summons to Attribute specific monsters[]
