Cards Per Pack: 5
Price Per Pack: 150 DP
Number of Cards: 54
Unlocked: Available from the start
Ultra Rare[]
Super Rare[]
- Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
- Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster
- Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
- Man-Eater Bug
- Reinforcement of the Army
- Armed Ninja
- Bait Doll
- Dunames Dark Witch
- Embodiment of Apophis
- Enchanted Arrow
- Flame Cerebrus
- Foolish Burial
- Jar of Greed
- Machine King
- Maha Vailo
- Morphing Jar
- Skyscraper
- Blind Destruction
- Bracchio-Raidus
- Burst Return
- Clay Charge
- Collected Power
- Cyclon Laser
- Deal of Phantom
- Destruction Punch
- Dragonic Attack
- Elemental Hero Avian
- Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
- Elemental Hero Clayman
- Elemental Hero Sparkman
- Feather Shot
- Feather Wind
- Fusion Gate
- Graverobber's Retribution
- Hero Signal
- Jinzo #7
- Judgment of Anubis
- Lava Battleguard
- Meteor Dragon
- Meteor of Destruction
- Milus Radiant
- Offerings to the Doomed
- Parrot Dragon
- Rope of Life
- Skull Lair
- Spark Blaster
- Spiritualism
- Spring of Rebirth
- The Emperor's Holiday
- Toon Alligator