Rei, known as Reiji Hazama in the Japanese version, is a character appearing in the Tag Force series. He is a Slifer Red student.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4-6, his name is given to No Money Yayoi.
The player is able to give Rei sandwiches. The following tables detail how much he likes or dislikes the sandwiches.
Tag Force[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Tag Force 2[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
Tag Force 3[]
Strongly likes | Likes | Neutral | Dislikes | Strongly dislikes |
In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2, Rei uses Machine Decks focused on "Machine King", its other forms, and its servants.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3, Rei instead uses Decks based on the "Ally of Justice" and "Genex" archetypes.
Tag Force[]
Tag Force 2[]
Tag Force 3[]
In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3, Rei uses Decks titled "My New Justice" (新たな・俺の・ジャスティス, Aratana ore no jasutisu)