Red Ghost Moon
- Japanese: 妖かしの紅月
- Kana: あやかしのレッドムーン
- Romaji: Ayakashi no Reddo Mūn
- Translated: Mystical Red Moon
Card type | |
Property | |
Activate only during your opponent's Battle Phase. Discard 1 Zombie-Type monster. Gain Life Points equal to the ATK of 1 Attack Position monster your opponent controls. Then, end the Battle Phase.
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Appearances | |
Links |
Anime cards (Galleries: GX)
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- Names
Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Japanese | 手札のアンデット族を1体捨てる。相手の攻撃モンスターの攻撃力分ライフポイントを回復しバトルフェイズそ終了となる。 | |
Ayakashi no Reddo Mūn |
Search categories
- Archetypes and series
- Red