This property stores the filename of an image used to represent an episode. This uses a Text.
150px-Z23-2.png +
5Dx065 Yusei vs Infinity.png +
5Dx070 Michel faces Rua.png +
5Dx075 Ushio VS Aki.jpg +
5Dx095 Soar Black-Feather Dragon.jpg +
5Dx113 Scar-Red Nova breaking through.jpg +
5Dx115 Accel Simulator.jpg +
5Dx117 Distorted dimension.png +
5Dx137 Ark Cradle descends.jpg +
5Dx149 Transformation work.jpg +
5Dx152 Jack watching.jpg +
5Dx153 Yusei faces Red Nova Dragon.jpg +
5Dx154 The ending scene.jpg +
AbyssSplashVisions.png +
Aftermath52.png +
Airshipblackhole97.png +
Alito return.png +
Alito'sNotChaosDraw.png +
AmazonessArena-JP-Anime-GX-NC-2.png +
Anna draw DL.png +