Activate by declaring 1 card name. Cards with that name, and their effects, cannot be used. Cards already on the field are not affected (including face-down cards).
Activable en déclarant 1 nom de carte. Les cartes de ce nom et leurs effets ne peuvent pas être utilisés. Les cartes déjà sur le Terrain ne sont pas affectées (cartes face verso incluses).
Aktiviere diese Karte, indem du 1 Kartennamen benennst. Karten mit dem Namen und ihre Effekte können nicht verwendet werden. Karten, die bereits auf dem Spielfeld liegen, sind nicht betroffen (einschließlich verdeckten Karten).
Attiva dichiarando il nome di 1 carta. Le carte con quel nome e i loro effetti non possono essere utilizzate. Le carte già presenti sul Terreno non sono influenzate (comprese le carte coperte).
Ative ao declarar o nome de 1 card. Cards com esse nome, e seus efeitos, não podem ser usados. Cards já existentes no campo não são afetados (incluindo cards com a face para baixo).
Activa esta carta declarando 1 nombre de carta. Las cartas con ese nombre, y sus efectos, no pueden ser utilizados. Las cartas que ya estaban en el Campo no son afectadas (incluyendo las cartas boca abajo).
Activate by declaring 1 card name. Apply the following effects to all cards whose original name is that declared name. Cards already on the field are not affected (including face-down cards). ● They cannot be placed on the field. ● They cannot be activated, also their effects cannot be activated or applied. ● They cannot be Summoned/Set. ● They cannot attack or change their battle positions. ● They cannot be used as material for a Special Summon that requires materials.