This Property entry details every card that prevents the activation of your Spell Cards.
All OCG/TCG "Prevents activation of your Spell Cards" cards[]
All Anime "Prevents activation of your Spell Cards" cards[]
Japanese name | Primary type | Secondary type | Attribute | Type | Level/ Rank | ATK | DEF | |
Cyber Valley | サイバー・ヴァリー | Effect Monster | LIGHT | Machine | 1 | ??? | 0 | |
D/D Savant Nikola | DD魔導賢者ニコラ | Pendulum Monster | DARK | Fiend | 6 | ??? | 2000 | |
Dododo Witch | ドドドウィッチ | Effect Monster | EARTH | Spellcaster | 4 | ??? | 1200 | |
Vulcan the Divine | 獣神ヴァルカン | Synchro Monster | FIRE | Beast-Warrior | 6 | ??? | 2000 |
Japanese name | Card type | Property | |
Ancient Gear Drill | 古代の採掘機 | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Card of Spell Containment | 魔封印の宝札 | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Chaos Tempest Draw | カオス・テンペスト・ドロー | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Fairy of the Spring | 泉の精霊 | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Final Countdown | ファイナル・カウントダウン | Trap Card | Continuous Trap Card |
High Speed Aria | 高速詠唱 | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |
Linear Accelerator Cannon | リニアキャノン | Spell Card | Normal Spell Card |
Synchro Monument | シンクロ・モンュメント | Spell Card | Field Spell Card |
Violent Salvage | ヴァイオレント・サルベージ | Trap Card | Normal Trap Card |